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Chapter XXIII: Treatment

"The doctor wonders if he can unban the intelligent lifeform on my wrist?" There was no ginseng doll around, and I was really a little unaccustomed to it, Banxia frowned and asked the old rhinoceros doctor: "I don't think he can pose any threat to you with a doll, not to mention that he has been coming for my assistant, and I really feel a little constrained without him." The

old doctor nodded: "In fact, it is not to disable all intelligent lifeforms, but the human beings who enter us for the first time must take precautions." If it is sir, it should be possible, you wait a moment, I will go and ask the old patriarch. Banxia

smiled in his heart, it seems that he gambled correctly, even the doll can't contact it, it's a little out of common sense, it seems that his guess is not wrong, this is a man-made prohibition, but this ability is too against the sky. However, he didn't tell a lie when he arrived, and the doll did help him a lot when he was in the Miracle Forest, and the two had a clear division of labor, and the cooperation was always relatively pleasant. Now that he is not there, although the old doctor can also help, it is not as fast as doing it himself.

But if the ginseng doll is there, it will not be so difficult, as long as he thinks about it in his mind, the doll will understand, or help him find information related to it, or record some data files for him, etc., he suspects that this is related to the symbiotic model that the ginseng doll said earlier with him. It's just that it's still a little hard to believe in my heart, because that is equal to the life span of eternal life sounds a bit ridiculous.

The medicinal liquid of people participating in Ganoderma lucidum has been refined, and its medicinal properties have not changed much since they did not mutate, but the medicinal properties have been many times stronger. However, Banxia did not dare to be so sure that these two medicinal materials were really fine, and the next step should be to start dispensing medicines.

When he was about to make a move, his heart suddenly moved, a colorful streamer flashed again, and the ginseng doll with a small face suddenly appeared in front of Banxia's eyes: "Xia Xia." Very aggrieved, he suddenly threw himself into Banxia's arms.

So fast? Banxia smiled bitterly, if he knew it was so simple, why didn't he make this request earlier.

"Finally see you again." Banxia also said with some mixed feelings: "You are obviously on my wrist, why can't we contact?"

"The old patriarch of the Fire Rhino clan is a spiritual cultivator of the Holy Order, and shielding our connection is as simple as a pediatric to him. What's more, their clan is very exclusive, and if it were not for the crisis in their survival, they would not cooperate with the Galactic Alliance and move into the "End of the World" as a habitat. The ginseng doll said with some dissatisfaction: "You don't know anything about the game, but you have such a big courage to run with someone casually." Banxia

smiled bitterly: "Isn't I too tired, thinking that there is no danger with you anyway, but I didn't expect to be brought here." The

ginseng doll choked, and a trace of shame appeared on its face.

"You know something is wrong, why didn't you notify me?" Although the two are making a fuss, Banxia does not believe that he is in danger and the ginseng doll will turn a blind eye.

"Wasn't I there then?" The ginseng doll said with some weakness.

"Not there?" Banxia was stunned: "Aren't you on my wrist?" The

ginseng doll smiled bitterly: "Xia Xia, have you not figured out what is going on with our intelligent life forms so far?" Banxia

was silent, he really didn't understand.

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