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Chapter 52: Plan ahead

Banxia was not a stupid person, so the moment the dragon gate changed his face, he detected the awe-inspiring killing intent, and this time he really annoyed him. With this understanding, Banxia can't care about teasing people anymore, his sixth sense is still relatively accurate, so when the time comes, he slipped away, so he didn't fight and fled in a hurry.

After the people reached the Forest of Miracles, they wiped their heads, only feeling that this moment of effort, cold sweat wet their clothes. The cognition of the dragon gate has gone to another level, and it seems that this woman-like young man is by no means a fuel-saving lamp. It's just that even at this moment, he still has to say that this person's heart is too small. Say that he is like a woman, but after telling the truth, is it necessary to be so angry? Banxia thought very angrily.

Before he could return his mind to its original position, the ginseng doll appeared in front of him again with a flash of silver light: "Xia Xia, where have you been?" Why can't everyone contact you.

At this time, the appearance of the ginseng doll made people completely unable to shout the word doll, and Banxia looked at the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy in front of him, with black lines all over his head.

"Doll, are you growing too fast." Banxia stroked his forehead and said, "Think about my nerves."

The ginseng doll grinned: "It's a lot of credit, Xia Xia, you should pray that I grow up quickly, so that I can help you."

"You don't stay home all day long, and you can't help me if you grow up." Banxia said with jealousy: "Let that Duoduo take the dowry, and the dowry that does not satisfy me wants to marry you." He added viciously.

"Then ask Mr. to open a list." An unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared behind Banxia.

Banxia only felt that his temples jumped suddenly, and he didn't need to look back to know which one was robbed of attention by the ginseng doll, which actually made him ignore more people in the valley, and this began to be inseparable?

"Doesn't it mean that outsiders can't enter the Forest of Miracles?" Banxia said with a smile on his face.

"I am an insider of the doll, so I am not an outsider for Mr. and can naturally teleport with Xia Xia." Duoduo smiled very brightly.

It's a pity that in Banxia's eyes, it was a bloody provocative act, which made the green tendons on his forehead bulge and bulge, and finally reason prevailed.

"Hmph." With a cold snort, he walked towards his thatched hut without looking back.

"Xia Xia, Duoduo is a good person, don't you like him?" The ginseng doll raised its small face and looked pitifully at Banxia Dao.

Banxia only felt more and more powerless, and couldn't help but turn around and yelled at Duoduo: "You are pulling seedlings to help grow." "It means that ginseng dolls only grow tall and do not grow heads.

It's a pity that he didn't see that as soon as he turned around, the ginseng doll made a big grimace at Duoduo, which provoked Duoduo to cry and laugh.

"Where did you just go? None of us can contact you, and it is really not easy to block your contact with me. The ginseng doll said positively.

"Captured by those who have fallen into heaven." Banxia didn't care.

"Dragon Gate?" Duoduo frowned. He was by Sixteen's side for a long time, and he was naturally very clear about the grudge between Sixteen and the Dragon Gate, but he didn't expect to be really guessed by them.

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