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The sky outside the window is still black, the moonlight has moved west and can no longer touch the gentleness, half a summer stunned lying on the bed for half a day did not come to his senses, yes, he was forced offline by the game, so now it is back to reality. After making up my mind, I finally determined one thing, it turned out that I was really playing a game instead of crossing over.

At this point, Banxia just doesn't want to believe it, but the authenticity and strangeness of this game still have to be accepted, and a fantasy-like adventure makes his originally gloomy face finally smile. When he quit the game, the silver glasses were put on the bridge of his nose again, and he put the glasses in front of his eyes for a long time, and did not see any difference between him and ordinary glasses, except that the material looked a little better.

A slightly mocking smile slowly bloomed on his lips, maybe he finally found something to pass the time, and with this reason, he could always convince himself whether he could also make up his mind to leave, after all, it had been a year since that happened.

A year, the time is really fast, he thought to himself with self-deprecation. I got up and walked to the window, looked out for a long time, but in fact, the narrow window could not see much scenery at all, let alone late at night, who would have thought that he who was called a peerless genius by the Chinese medicine community would be locked up in such a cold place.

Maybe it's time to leave, he can't stay here forever, no matter how stubborn he is, it won't actually do him any good, it will only show that he is a more failure. It is not easy for the old man to have patience to wait for him for so long, but he wantonly hurts them through the favor of his relatives. In fact, the only ones who can be easily hurt by himself are those who unconditionally truly love him, so he should learn to grow up and can no longer be willful.

Besides, hasn't he now found the goal of going on again? How did this relationship, which once made him feel that he couldn't live, suddenly make him feel so funny and ridiculous? So it's really time.

The smile on his face deepened, and once he made up his mind, his heart uncontrollably began to get excited. Although the air outside was terrible, he missed it now, because there was the freedom he wanted, the home he loved, and the loved ones who truly loved him. He believed that if he wanted to, the old man would personally come to pick him up and leave.

Thinking of this, he forgot that it was the middle of the night, and hurriedly pushed the door out. The hospital corridor late at night is empty and silent, and walking on it gives a feeling of scalp numbness. Usually, he would never walk here alone at this time, and although he was a man, he did not deny that he was as timid as a mouse. Before he came here, he had to turn on the light every night to fall asleep, because the night always made him inexplicably afraid, it seemed that the darkness would always spawn a monster that could swallow him in one bite, but today's excitement made him unexpectedly forget his fear, and ran to the duty room with a puff of smoke.

If memory serves, today happens to be the time when Cassia is on duty, and the big doctor who was sent here with his bad luck had no choice but to be aggrieved and became a small doctor in this mental hospital, of course, no one knows his true identity just as no one knows his true identity.

Now that I think about it, the old man is really angry with himself, not only throwing him into a mental hospital as a mental disorder, but also this loss is a year. If he couldn't think about it all the time, wouldn't he be locked up here for the rest of his life, at that time, he was not crazy and had to be crazy, but he didn't believe that the old man could really ruthless this heart.

Cassia was closing his eyes and not sleeping, thinking about how he could get out of this depressing and suffocating place. He is a doctor, and he is also a psychiatrist, so it is actually right to stay in this mental hospital to use his expertise, but the truth is wrong, if given a choice, he would never choose this place where birds do not lay eggs.

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