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The antique market in S City may not be the largest in the country, but it is definitely the most famous, and it can definitely be called a big city symbol of S City, which adds a little cultural touch to this impetuous city.

Xia Qiubai had visited here with Banxia before, and also followed the trend of the scholar to gamble stones, but unfortunately not only did not earn the pocket money he wanted, but also invested all the pocket money he had saved since childhood, and since then, he has never accompanied Banxia here, which is his sadness.

"My first gambling fight!" Xia Zhubai sighed with emotion.

"I still think you won't be able to get out of that shadow in your life." Banxia glanced at him with a smile.

"I haven't asked you to settle the score." Xia Zhuobai said angrily, "I will never forget the fact that you lured me to gamble back then." Speaking of this, Xia Shubai was angry, and he was a whole victim of that incident.

Banxia smiled embarrassedly, things have passed so long, this person still remembers so clearly, it's really a small belly.

"No one has believed me until now, and I will give you a black pot." He gritted his teeth.

In fact, this is really a misunderstanding, the jade rough stone back then was indeed fancy by Banxia, but unfortunately his money bought something else at that time, so although the rough stone was very cheap, he still had no money to buy it. In fact, Banxia didn't have to buy it, but the owner of the jade shop at that time was a snob, and he offended Banxia in a few words, so he gambled this breath in anger, and he couldn't get the money to buy it, so he encouraged Xia Curly to buy it.

It's a pity that in the end it was still a piece of waste stone, and they wasted some money on this matter. This amount of money may be a bit much for others, but it is still affordable for him and Xia Curly Bai. It's just that when he came out that day, Xia Zhubai took his father's wallet casually, and after returning home, before the two of them could pay the bill, they were arrested. In front of everyone's eyes, Banxia fled very weakly, leaving Xia Curly Cypress alone for re-education, and almost killed Xia Curly Cypress at that time, and had to cut off his robe with Banxia.

"I've compensated you for how many years, isn't it?" Banxia sighed and said, "You still remember."

"I'll never forget it." Xia Qiubai gritted his teeth and glared at him.

Banxia wanted to pretend to be aggrieved, but he didn't hold back but laughed out loud: "Forget it, today I will pay you a piece of priceless jade." Banxia shook his head and said very arrogantly.

"Don't." Xia Qiubai was stunned: "You won't really come to gamble on stones, right?"

"I don't believe my level so much, and now the old man is very convinced of my vision." Banxia said confidently.

"I said you took the wrong medicine, how did you remember to come to the gambling stone today." Xia Zhubai's brows furrowed, if it was really for this, he should really persuade him from the beginning, he was a typical snake bite for ten years and was afraid of the well rope.

Seeing his concern, Banxia smiled: "Just kidding, but today is also here to hunt for treasures, let's go, take a look and talk about it."

"Look at the line, as for the gambling stone, I still don't want it."

Banxia burst out laughing: "We can still waste hundreds of yuan of rough stones, I don't gamble on it." Xia

Uzumaki breathed a sigh of relief, but the feeling that Banxia gave him was still a little strange. Looking at him, there was a deep doubt, I don't know when it started, the younger brother he was familiar with seemed to become a little unrecognizable. Now his words, always make him a little confused to see the direction of the feeling, I don't know which of his sentences is true and which is false, in short, it is difficult to guess. But if it really changes, it seems that nothing has changed.

Banxia stopped speaking, secretly releasing his spiritual power slowly, he still does not know the limit of his spiritual power, and today he also wants to test what the limit will be maintained. He didn't avoid the crowds, which was a big reason why he chose to come here. The old man had said to himself a long time ago that there were several hidden masters hidden here in the antique market. He had curiously asked the definition of a high person, but unfortunately the old man crossed the topic.

Soon, Banxia found that spiritual power seemed to be much more useful than he thought. The perspective of the human body seems to be a simple thing, looking at the essence of a person through the human body is the real ability, and this essence is truly reflected in the color of the qi displayed by each person, of course, this sense of qi is invisible.

Everyone's performance is different, just like the summer curly cypress around them, but the feeling of half summer is a faint gold, giving people a very warm feeling. Some people are white, some people are black, varied, different shades, which makes Banxia feel very surprised, but unfortunately he doesn't know what the true meaning of these colors represents, it seems that he can only wait to ask sixteen online.

When the gaze touches those so-called curios, this feeling is more obvious, most of them are gray, nothing distinctive, but some flow with thick or light fog, the color is naturally different, is this the legendary aura?

Banxia stood down in front of a stall, his eyes swept over the boss and the large pile of things on the ground, and his expression was a little startled. Because the stall in front of me is a little different, from the boss to the things on the ground.

The boss was gray in his eyes, and the grayness was much more remarkable than the featureless curios he had seen just now, but he gave Banxia a very dangerous feeling. As for the scattered things on the ground, none of them were fakes, so there was a faint milky white mist flowing above his stall, which made Banxia feel very comfortable.

"You really want to pick up the leak?" Xia Curly Bai looked at Banxia Dao a little weakly.

Although it cannot be said that the things on these stalls are fakes, everyone here knows that the small street of the antique market is 99% fake, and the remaining one percent depends on your vision, whether you can pick up the leakage depends on luck.

However, it is very popular here, and now this social high imitation is also worth ah, not to mention the high imitation products from here are famous in the country, so the source of customers here is not much higher than those long-established antique shops.

"How do you sell this dagger?" Banxia asked, pointing to a rusty dagger sandwiched between a pile of old goods.

The boss is a middle-aged man who looks very oily, unremarkable, without any characteristics, and Banxia can't see the danger in him, but the feeling of danger still exists. The boss glanced at Banxia and Xia Curly Bai, and a hint of cunning flashed on his face, as if to say that the rich lord was coming.

"Mr. Xiao is a master of goods at a glance, this is the rumored fish intestine dagger, it is the one used by Jing Ke's assassination of King Qin back then, but it is a pity that it was poisoned and buried for too long, so it became like this, and I don't lie to you, this number." Five fingers outstretched.

"Fish gut dagger?" Xia Zhubai only felt that the green tendons on his forehead let this person say it. Not to mention when a fish intestine dagger came out in history, if it was really Jing Ke's stabbing Qin, and thanks to Jing Ke's stabbing King Qin, he was captured first, if when he stabbed the fish intestine into King Qin, he found that this dagger was blunt and could not kill people at all, then it was called a.

It's a pity that Banxia seems to be a ghost, and he really began to negotiate the price with the boss.

"Fifty?" Fortunately, he knew that this thing was only worth fifty yuan, and in fact, let Xia Zhuobai see it, even five dollars was too much.

"Fifty?" The middle-aged man made a fuss and shouted: "Master, young master, do you call this buying antiques?" Fifty, you have this dagger to send me and I will receive it. "This man also seems to be a difficult master.

"Five hundred?" Banxia multiplied by ten.

The middle-aged man's face was still green, and he simply shouted his bid: "Fifty thousand, not a penny less." "

Gone." Xia Qiubai was reluctant to even give a look.

Banxia smiled and got up: "The two of me really look like a big head?"

"I see you look alike." Xia Qiubai said angrily.

"Oh, little gentleman, don't go, the price is good, let's talk about it." As soon as the stall owner saw that he had lost his eyes, he immediately took his attitude and stopped Banxia with a smile.

"Aren't you selling a penny less?" Banxia asked amusedly.

"Well, we didn't bargain." As soon as the words fell, he saw that Banxia turned around and was about to leave, and quickly stopped again: "Don't worry, sir, I'm still finished saying this." Recently, the world has become worse and it is difficult to do business, so we will give you in line with the principle of small profits and quick turnover-" Just about to ink again, he was glared at by Xia Zhuobai, and the words immediately directly became: "How much do you see you can give?"

"Five bucks." Xia Qiubai said lightly.

"Five bucks?" The stall owner's face turned green.

Banxia glanced at the two people funny: "I won't tell you more, if you sell five hundred yuan, I will take it, if you don't sell it, we will go by ourselves."

"Sir, you are so ruthless, this is too much worse, there are five hundred dollars of antiques there." The stall owner said with a troubled face: "How about you add more?"

"You're crazy, it's only eighteen hundred to buy a new one, and you spend five hundred to buy such a rusty one?" Xia Uzumaki hated his indisputable Dao.

"Maybe it will be a little more profitable to buy it back and grind it, didn't you also say that it costs 1800 to buy a new one?"

When did you get this thousand eight hundred dollars? Xia Zhubai muttered secretly in his heart. But now seeing that Banxia wanted to buy such a dagger so much, he couldn't help but look at it a few more times, but if he looked at it again or a rusty dagger, he couldn't see that Nari could be worth five hundred yuan?

"One hundred, he sells you and takes it." Xia Uzumaki said lightly.

The middle-aged man looked at the bargaining of these two in amazement, and only felt that crows were flying all over the sky.

"Five hundred dollars, want, take, don't, you go." Gritted his teeth and made a decision, hmph, these five hundred yuan grandpa didn't look at it, don't just save such a good dagger for the grandfather, stupid who doesn't recognize the goods, if not——

Banxia smiled, paid for the dagger and pulled Xia Curly Bai away. Just now, he seemed to feel the boss's dark mental activity, which made him think that it might be an illusion, and that his mental power would never really be able to become like this, and even the mental activity of others could be felt.

"How do you feel so weird today?" Xia Qiubai asked with a frown.

Banxia smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Count you lucky today, and you really ran into something good, that boss is not an ordinary person."

Xia Qiubai sneered: "Yo, this is all out of the hidden world?" This rusty dagger is the treasure you scooped for me? Banxia

shook his head and ignored him, pulling him straight away, but in his heart he was guessing why the boss was gray and angry? Although it is the same color as those antique fakes, it is fundamentally different. There is no such obscurity and bluntness, but it gives people a simple, atmospheric, faintly flowing feeling of surrender.

The scoffing Xia Curly Cypress, or even the half-tone Half-Xia, didn't know how rare his opportunity was this time.

After they turned to leave, a look flashed on the middle-aged boss's plain face, and if anyone could hear it, they would hear him muttering secretly: "A destiny person has met, the baby has also been given, heavenly way, heavenly way, I can also be regarded as obedient to your wishes, the rest of the time I will find a place to hide." It's really unlucky, how can I be born to encounter this apocalyptic calamity? But that boy doesn't seem to be simple? Do you want to follow and see, if you can point him up, it can be regarded as a merit.

Muttering, his hands and feet quickly packed the things, it seemed to be a large bag on his shoulder, but in fact there was no weight, the real thing had long been put by him, and then chased the direction they left and disappeared without a trace.

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