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Chapter 43: Confession and Rejection

The sixteenth prince suddenly thought of a very serious problem in a trance, Banxia's hidden identity in "The End of the World" is Chulia Danel Vosimok, he not only changed his appearance but also changed his gender with privilege, although this should be a very smart choice, but this further blurred his true identity. Now only he and the ginseng doll know that Banxia is just a vest, so in fact, no one in the game knows the true face of Banxia, and even whether he is really a boy cannot be determined.

Although there should be no problem with guessing gender, what he looks like and whether he is also such a beautiful eyebrow in reality. After changing it to another face in his mind, Sixteen Gongzi felt that he had shocked himself.

Maybe they inadvertently staggered over on the home planet, but no one recognized anyone, and when they thought of this possibility, the sixteenth prince immediately became more and more uncalm, and the idea of meeting him became stronger and stronger.

Banxia waited for a long time, why this person still didn't react, thinking about whether to remind him again, but suddenly felt a tightness on his waist. Slightly startled, I couldn't help but feel sorry, only then did I see an extra arm and a hand on my waist. The waist was wrapped around it, the person was tied in his arms, and such an obvious misleading picture was actually caused by himself, and Banxia's face was brushed red like a fire, and even his ears began to smoke.

"What are you doing?" He was a little angry and asked angrily.

Sixteen Gongzi looked at the little face that was red like a monkey's butt, of course he had to hold back when he wanted to laugh, and his heart unconsciously felt a different feeling, this feeling was very strange, so strange that he felt that his hands and feet were a little soft. This was really unreasonable and dangerous for a martial practitioner, but he still liked this feeling.

"I wonder if you're that short in reality?" Sixteen Gongzi said playfully.

Banxia was stunned, this look and this tone should appear on Eighteen instead of him, but he did it as a matter of course, and people didn't feel anything wrong.

Just after reacting, he had some black lines: "Who said that I am also so short in reality, although in fact, it is not that I am short now, but that your height is seriously over the standard." He said it righteously, but for some reason he felt that his tone was a little problematic, could this be the legendary coquetry? Half summer truth, but his face was red again like a monkey's butt.

The sixteenth prince looked at the fried Banxia and smiled even more, and suddenly hugged the half-summer who had just broken away, lowered his head and blew in his ear, and looked at the ear immediately red again, and secretly chuckled in his heart. However, he also thoughtfully

guessed in his heart about Banxia, he should not be old in reality, and he is not familiar with the world, and thinking of this makes his heart

itch even more.

It's just that this time, the sixteenth prince who feels good about himself is really wrong. He guessed that Banxia was not old, but as for being young or something, it was debatable, and he was afraid that he would never dream that the younger Banxia had been assigned to a mental hospital for a man.

"If you want to talk to me without being known, tell me in advance, and only the two of us will hear it after I set up the enchantment." He lowered his head and whispered in his ear, deliberately blowing a few more breaths.

Banxia was dyed red by the breath blowing in his ears, and fiercely pushed Sixteen Gongzi away, Sixteen Gongzi just looked at him and smiled, and didn't care, there were tight and loose, he was chasing lovers instead of prey, so small means would still use some. In fact, those guys who think that he has zero emotional intelligence are very wrong, he is not ignorant, but he has never met the person who let him shoot.

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