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Chapter 61: The So-Called Father and Mother

For a long time to follow, Banxia seemed silent, because the siege battle was approaching, and none of the people in the entire guild of Moonlight Lanting were not busy, let alone sixteen and eighteen. Therefore, the sleepless laboratory in the middle of the summer, and no one to persuade, people look even more haggard.

It's just that he didn't expect that the person who came out to persuade him in the end would be Yueying City.

Yueying City came to do the examination, but I was really surprised to see Banxia's appearance: "I don't feel much now, I have determined that the child is infected with the apocalyptic virus, so I am not in the hours when you rest, if you are tired because of this, then my original intention to enter the game has been completely erased." Even if she was very cold to Banxia, her pride did not allow her to be the kind of woman who fell into the well, although she said it very implicitly, but it was also a tactful suggestion that Banxia should come to rest properly.

Banxia smiled at her, now it seems that Sixteen's eyes are not bad, knowing that Yueying City has misunderstood, but Banxia did not explain.

"It's okay, it's just been a little busy lately, and it's getting better soon." What he said was specious, Yueying City didn't understand a little but didn't ask in detail.

It's really a bit awkward for the two to meet now. If they were all women or all men, it would be better, but now they can only scold sixteen in their hearts, and let them become love rivals one man and one woman, which is really ironic.

"What will happen to the child?" This is the first time that Yueying City directly asked Banxia.

Banxia sighed, to be honest, Yueying City was not a qualified mother. Compared to the profession of being a mother, she seems to prefer the big boss of the moonlight city, fortunately, she is now living in the moonlight Lanting, and the siege battle has determined that the moonlight city has joined the enemy, so she knows how to avoid suspicion, so she has always lived in seclusion.

"You will be healthy, but I can't be sure what will happen to the child." Banxia rubbed his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, recently he has had more and more frequent headaches, it seems that after this busy time, he really wants to go offline to check his body properly.

"If there is no hope, it is better to completely despair us all now." Yue Yicheng said indifferently, "I want to know if what I am doing now is a waste of time." Banxia

was shocked that Yue Yicheng, as a mother, could say such words: "You are so not looking forward to the arrival of your children, why are you pregnant with them?" Banxia was a little angry, she really didn't deserve to be a mother.

"Why should I expect it?" She said lightly: "The child is just a condition negotiated with the alliance, this is just a job, and it is not a job I like." Banxia

forgave Sixteen in an instant, not angry moon, but finally believed Sixteen's definition of feelings. Now he began to wonder if Sixteen really liked himself? He thinks that these people in the future will suffer from emotional deficit disorder, even mothers can be regarded as a profession, will they still have feelings?

Why is it so hard for them to have a child? Heavenly Dao, this is the noun in the sixteen mouths. God is fair, the emergence of the symbiotic model, the infinite growth of human life, on the contrary, the reproduction of human beings will become more and more difficult. In fact, this is also good, one regards the profession of the father as his own way of repaying the favor, and the other regards the profession of the mother as a mutually beneficial exchange, will the child born in this way be happy?

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