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Chapter 55: Xanadu

But it's not just the sea and the beach. Not far from the coastline is a lush shelter forest that separates the land from the sea along the shape of the entire coastline. The outer end of the forest is the blue sea and blue sky, but the inner end is a spring and summer long willow green flowers, dark fragrance and shadows blooming, it is simply stunning, not what is the paradise in Banxia's mind.

"Where is this, now you know?" Half a ring, half a summer before he came back to his senses and asked Duoduo.

Duoduo shook his head: "There are not many places where the whole game has been developed, there are many so-called hidden maps, and I really haven't heard of it here." Banxia

remembered that Sixteen and Ginseng Doll had mentioned to him about the fifth space before, and he remembered that they had all said that the entire game was based on the fifth space of Hel as the playing field. Remembering the portable streaming online novels I read before, maybe this fifth space is actually similar to those very good portable spaces? It seems that I have to find time to understand the theoretical knowledge about the fifth space in detail, at least the scene in front of this game is definitely not something that humans can create.

When Banxia was thinking of finding more ways to take himself down, a system prompt sound for task completion suddenly sounded in his ears: "Hidden mission to find the fifth ring of the treasure of Chulia Danel Vosimok, crack eight mission items, and find the paradise where the treasure is located to complete."

"The 100-day countdown to the end of the world has officially begun. The first stage of the large-scale hidden mission to find the treasure of Churia Damor Vosimok is officially completed by the player for half a summer, and rewards several times. If you successfully open the treasure within 100 days and obtain the genetic code to crack the apocalyptic virus, the 100-day countdown to the apocalypse will be rewarded with temporary closure. The

first system message was only heard and seen by Banxia himself, but the second was a system announcement, ringing three times in a row, Banxia's face was black again, the system was afraid that there were not many enemies of him.

At this moment, Duoduo's gaze towards Banxia was no longer ridicule, but a little more curious and weird, and he really didn't expect that this kid's luck was really good.

"Xia Xia, don't be angry, although it will attract the jealousy of many people, but anyway, now our Moonlight Lanting and them have become enemies, and it is not worse than this time. Let's go, let's go down, treasure hunt-" The ginseng doll shouted excitedly.

The matter has come to this, Banxia is no matter how angry he is, he can't change the facts, not to mention that the ginseng doll is not wrong, and now it is still the first priority to hunt for treasure.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think, but let's go down and take a look." Duoduo also nodded.

The ginseng doll did not forget that Banxia is an ordinary person without any special abilities, so when jumping down from the mouth of the cave, he did not forget to pull Banxia's hand, and Duoduo was no matter how unwilling, but at this time he could only roll his eyes and accept it.

"Xia Xia, you are now in the second place in the rank list, but the sixteenth prince has actually fallen to the sixth place." The ginseng doll flipped through the list.

"This level is not even as good as chicken ribs for me." Banxia sighed.

"If you don't have a level, you can't even take the task." Duoduo also reminded him that he couldn't start the task because he didn't have enough level.

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