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"I really didn't expect that the Medicine King Valley was originally obtained by you?" The ginseng doll exclaimed a little.

"Doll, is that Medicine King Valley amazing?" Banxia couldn't help but ask.

"It's a good place indeed." The ginseng doll nodded: "It's a cheat to build the city there!" Seeing

Banxia's ignorant look, he had to explain in detail: "The snowy plateau is a place that players cannot reach at present, where the snow does not melt all year round, and it is a place where there are hundreds of mutant beasts, it can be said that it is not suitable for human habitation." However, there is a very strange place in the snowy plateau, not only is it not affected by the cold of the snowy plateau, but it is like spring all year round, and all kinds of products are very rich, which is the location of the medicine king valley.

"How can there be a valley like spring in the land of ice and snow?" Banxia feels very unreasonable.

"It's very common." The eighteenth prince took over the topic: "I heard that there is an extinct volcano under the Medicine King Valley, although the volcano is dead, but the flame veins under the ground still exist, and the ice veins under the snowy plateau collide, and the intersection has become such a strange place as the Medicine King Valley, and it is precisely because of this that various products are particularly rich, but if you want to reach the Medicine King Valley through the snowy plateau, I heard that players need to reach level 100." "Speaking of this, the eighteenth prince is a little proud.

"That's what I'm very curious about." The ginseng doll opened her eyes and asked, "I didn't expect it to become a player's station, how did you get this reward?" After a pause, he said to Banxia: "I originally thought of taking Xia Xia there for a trip, maybe there would be more discoveries, but I didn't expect to become someone else's."

"There is such a strange place, then you must visit it." Banxia was also very curious.

The ginseng doll looked at the eighteenth prince, and the eighteenth prince did not hide it: "It is to establish the teleportation array between the Medicine King Valley and the major main cities."

Although it was just a simple explanation, the ginseng doll understood it, and her heart couldn't help but be surprised. Establish the teleportation array between the Medicine King Valley and the major main cities, that is to say, that person has to personally reach the Medicine King Valley, the current highest-level player is less than fifty levels, isn't this to send death? But now the Medicine King Valley has become the station, which means that the person is successful, and he is surprised and sighed in his heart, and he can't help but glance at the eighteenth prince, but this time the eighteenth prince just smiled, and the ginseng doll had to give up sullenly.

But his heart was still itchy, and he glanced at Banxia: "Xia Xia, do you want to join them?"

"What do you mean?" Banxia asked rhetorically.

"I don't care, but the Medicine King Valley has become the residence of the people's guild, if you don't join, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter." The ginseng doll pouted, potentially meaning that Banxia promised the eighteenth prince to them?

Banxia glanced at the ginseng doll with a slight stunned, and thought to himself what happened to the doll, this is very much agreed that he joined the Moonlight Lanting?

Not only Banxia doubted, but even the eighteenth prince was also puzzled in his heart, the origin of the name Medicine King Valley was actually a bit untrue. The reason why it is called the Valley of the Medicine King is not that there are really a large number of rare herbs in the valley, but because the temperature and soil conditions there are very suitable for the cultivation of medicinal herbs. So why do ginseng dolls value it so much? What's more, Banxia is a doctor and pharmacist, not a planter. There are too many mysteries in this little guy, and his understanding of the game seems to be too thorough.

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