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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Difficult Peace

What is the privilege, with the current relationship between the two, Banxia will never tell the sixteenth prince, because this extension will be his very absurd identity problem. Originally, with the temperament of the sixteenth prince, Banxia would not find the bottom of his life if he didn't talk about it, although he was still a little curious in his heart. It's just that Banxia's triumphant look is too bad, making him feel that he is really a little too careless if he doesn't cooperate, plus he really has a strange feeling about the teenager in front of him, looking at that beautiful little face with such a smug look, making him feel extremely cute no matter how he looks at it.

The ginseng doll felt that his younger age was seriously threatened, because there was a person in front of him who was even more naïve than him, so that he suddenly agreed with Banxia's statement that he had grown up. Of course, people will grow up, but will there be people in this world who grow longer and smaller?

Looking at the picture of the sixteenth prince and Banxia getting along more and more harmoniously, the ginseng doll was a little melancholy. He felt that he was the extra one between the two, Xia Xia's eyes were less and less of his existence, and the great god who had been greatly worshiped by himself became less and less familiar to him, so this made his mood very low.

"Why didn't you ask?" Seeing that the sixteenth prince no longer cooperated with his performance, Banxia was unwilling, and turned around and chased people to let him continue to pretend to be stupid, but he didn't expect that he was really stupid like this.

"Will you tell me?" Sixteen Gongzi asked lazily.

"Nope." Banxia replied categorically.

The sixteenth prince turned around and continued on his own path.

The ginseng doll felt that his little face was seriously twitching to stiffen, and his low mood was even more bleak, and he thought about why he identified this person in the first place, and established a symbiotic model without saying a word, can he regret this?

How could the interaction between these two people make him feel so wrong? Or is it not only Banxia who is young, but also the sixteenth son of the Great God? This idea makes the ginseng doll a little scary.

The parties did not detect the strange feelings and changes when they got along with each other, and as the only witness who felt that something was wrong, he was a small intelligent life form that was ignorant and like a baby, so the strange development trend of the matter The three people did not know anything, and this was just the beginning of the matter.

Although time passed quickly under the stumbling relationship between the two, Banxia felt that his limit had arrived. He stopped, ignored the thick layer of snow, sat down on his butt, and said weakly: "I really have no strength, can you tell me how far there is still to go?" I seriously need a break. Sixteen

Gongzi originally wanted to pull him up, although he was playing the game in Heavenly Punishment mode, and all kinds of human touch in the game would be reduced to a minimum, but sitting on the snow like this would still feel cold. It's just that Banxia is really tired, no matter how he pulls people, he can't get up, and finally he gives up helplessly. Looking at his somewhat pale little face, he suddenly felt that he was a little excessive this time, and he was a little hesitant about what he was going to say next.

"Physical strength needs to be strengthened." Finally, such a sentence came out.

Banxia glared at him angrily, slowly took out his nest head, and gnawed again. This is his own medicinal food to replenish physical strength and energy, the appearance and taste are actually not very good, but the efficacy is first-class, but so far, he has not shared it with others, even the sixteenth prince has not given it.

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