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Chapter 73: Advanced (1)

Banxia wanted to find Sixteen, but he didn't have time, because the siege battle had begun, and now going to find someone would undoubtedly add to the chaos.

Banxia has played online games, although they are not very popular, and the so-called siege and defense battle has not participated, but it does not matter that so many young people in his family have popularized it to him before he went to the game, but he never dreamed that the siege battle that made him obsessed would be like this.

As a man, although it is still a little early to call a man, it does not hinder his enthusiasm. So the heroic dream in every man's heart is also half-summer. He yearns for the moment of violent confrontation that can swell the blood of countless people, which is the biggest reason why he is standing here at this time, he wants to try the moment when he also holds various cold weapons to face people head-on, even if he really dies because of this, he is willing to try. Of course, the biggest reason is that this is a game after all, he can't really die, if there is really this kind of war in reality, he may not necessarily be able to pluck up the courage to participate.

But what is reality, it is reality that makes people disappointed to despair.

"What are we doing now?" Banxia looked at the bearded man stunned.


"Wait?" Banxia wondered, for the first time he found that the generation gap between himself and these future humans was insurmountable, the siege battle began, and they were still waiting here as defenders?

"What are we waiting for?"

"Of course, the moment the defenses of the Apocalypse City are breached."

Banxia felt that he was really old, but in fact he was really their ancestor. The defenses are broken, what else do they want them to do? Want them to surrender?

"This is the siege battle I tried so hard to participate in?" Banxia Wangtian burst into tears.

"So what kind of siege battle do you want?" The bearded man seemed to look at him in surprise.

Banxia couldn't say a word, if he knew that this was the so-called siege battle, then he might as well stay in the paradise, and now his ears are still shocked to the pain of staying here.

The sword he wanted, the confrontation he wanted, the killing moment when the knife went in and the red knife came out, and now all of them are gone with the wind.

All of them stayed quietly on the city wall, and an incomparably huge light curtain appeared above the city of the end of the world after the siege battle began, not to mention what this thing was, but Banxia knew that it was really solid, because countless thermal weapons that he knew or did not know had been shot at it, and it was still standing there intact to protect the city and the people in it. It turns out that the siege battles in the last game have also been upgraded with the changes of the times, directly evolving from the era of cold weapons to the era of hot weapons, and they are purely for decoration here.

"We just held out until the end and won?" Banxia muttered desperately.

"It's going to be that simple there." The bearded man finally said something that made Banxia happy.

He turned his head and looked at the beard, and saw that the beard was called a creepy, this kid was really strange, what kind of expression he had, from the beginning his every move was full of strangeness.

"Six hours, not to mention that this guardian shield can't hold on at all, even the siege side doesn't have so much financial resources to maintain this attack, this laser, my month's salary is gone." The bearded man said very painfully: "This is really consuming money, who is using such a defeated way to defend and siege the city?"

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