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Chapter 106: Old Things

Since the labyrinth quest for the Treasure of Churia Damor Vosimok began, Banxia is definitely coming for the first time. And he doesn't have the habit of going to the forum to check the information, even if he wants to check, he can't check it, so he is naturally very unfamiliar with the maze task of the ten levels.

Originally, the best attitude of the people of Fallen Heaven towards Banxia should be Shangguan, but unfortunately, since the last meeting, Banxia didn't know how he offended him, so that he not only didn't have the gentleness and sincerity he had before, but also had more extremely unwelcome cynicism. As for Longmen, his attitude has not been good since he saw him from the beginning, so now only the Ouyang who has always been very enthusiastic is still the same as before.

Ouyang's attitude towards people is of course much more enthusiastic than Shangguan, but in Banxia's eyes, his enthusiasm is not as warm as Shangguan's gentle and courteous kindness, to be honest, Ouyang seems to be very enthusiastic about anyone, but Banxia can see the coldness hidden under his enthusiastic true face, as if his two kidnappings were the hands of this person. Therefore, compared with him, Shangguan is much more humane, at least like is like, indifference is indifference, never hide his true temperament.

Because he was unfamiliar with the entire task of the maze, the dragon gate asked Ouyang and them to solve the confusion for Banxia. Now the maze has broken through to the eighth level, and the ninth level can't be broken through, not only the people of the fallen heaven are blocked here, but also the moonlight Lanting and others are stuck here, so the people in the game are more or less anxious.

It's just that with Ouyang's explanation, Banxia suddenly became in a trance, why was the maze task that came out of Ouyang's mouth so familiar to his ears? Did he mishear and think wrong, or is it all true, in a game in a different dimension two thousand years later, there will be his old childhood dreams.

Banxia is the old man's favorite little grandson, but in fact, he is not surnamed Xia, if the surname is Xia, his name will not become Xia Banxia, how awkward this name sounds, so Banxia has been thinking for a long time whether this name is deliberately done by his father, of course, there is only one purpose, that is, so that he will never change back to the clan surname.

This is not to say that his father does not like him, nor does it mean that he is not the biological grandson of Old Master Xia, he actually takes his mother's surname and surname Liu, while his father, the youngest sister-in-law of the Xia family, is in the Liu family.

When my parents passed away, I was still very young, and although I remember those relatives who remember them very clearly, I didn't know much about the past, but I occasionally heard Gu Baizhi say that my father was a relative, but when I went abroad to study, I met my mother. Despite the opposition of the family, he had to marry his mother. The old man was also a stubborn temper, despite the fact that his mother was pregnant at that time, saying that he could marry, but since then he has nothing to do with the Xia family. In order not to make it difficult for her father and the family to leave secretly, my mother did not think that she would have a miscarriage under several mistakes. Therefore, his father really broke away from the family in a fit of anger, and officially entered the Liu family, and actually followed his grandfather's surname Liu.

My grandfather's family was also a scholarly family, but he was thin and had only two daughters. The youngest daughter is the mother, originally wanted to recruit, originally thought that the Xia family is also a famous family, will definitely not agree to the daughter to join, but for the sake of their daughter's happiness, the old couple also gave up the original idea, but this change made the grandfather angry at the same time, more in line with the family's wishes, happily drove the old man out of the door of the father into the house.

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