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Chapter XXIV: Two-Year-Old Babies

In front of everyone's eyes, Banxia began his first surgery in his life, in fact, it cannot be said that he has no medical ethics. Saying that it is the first operation does not mean that he has not done experiments before, not to mention that this first time is only for people, and what he is facing now is not a human or an animal, although the life of this animal now seems to be no different from the importance of people.

In fact, he has been doing animal anatomy since he was three years old, and the reason why he has not performed surgery in formal settings is not that his medical skills cannot be on the table. On the contrary, because his medical skills are too good, the old man has always been worried about the reason that he is too late, so he has been detained at home on the grounds that he is still young.

What's more, Banxia has always learned Chinese medicine as a supplement to Western medicine, and the old man has even more reason to say that his level of Chinese medicine is not allowed to use Western medicine to save people before he is recognized, saving him from finally giving up his life. But I didn't expect that the old man really did something right this time, in fact, the half-summer of the hour did have a greater interest in Western medicine than Chinese medicine, if it were not for the old man's suppression, he would not have worked hard to study Chinese medicine later, of course, in this process, he was finally impressed by the breadth and depth of Chinese medicine, and finally made up his mind that the future is still based on Chinese medicine, supplemented by Western medicine.

However, the old man is not the kind of old-fashioned person, and he also turns a blind eye to the elders in the family teaching Western medicine for half a summer, as long as he does not pull him down to lay down his homework. And Banxia really has a good understanding of medicine, which is the biggest reason why the old man has cultivated him so dedicatedly, so although he has never operated on people with his own hands, I don't know how many major operations he has observed on the spot in the operating room.

This is also the credit of the old man, the Xia family not only trains their own children to practice medicine, but also adopts some orphans every year, the same cultivation into talents, like the previous Xia Cassia and Xia Shiso are the orphans adopted by the Xia family that year, and there are more doctors from the Xia family, which is also a major reason why the Xia family is praised. There are many brothers and sisters who practice medicine, if anyone encounters any incurable diseases, they will return to the main house to ask for advice, not that all incurable diseases have a way to solve them, but there are many people practicing medicine in the Xia family, among which there are countless extraordinary achievements, and it will be much easier for everyone to discuss together. At this time, it is the most lively time of the Xia family, there is no distinction between elders and children, only academic discussions.

At the beginning, the old man only let Banxia sit in, and later he would slowly let him talk about his treatment plan. And when he was fifteen years old, most of the people who went back to the main mansion to ask him would directly ask him first, and only when Banxia was uncertain, he would ask the old man to discuss together, so now Banxia's prestige in the Xia family's old mansion is not inferior to the old man.

And later, Banxia directly transferred to the major operating rooms, some were just purely observing, and some were to do on-site guidance, and it was because of this that his fame spread, just because he had never been an adult, and the old man still did not let him take the lead.

So this is his first operation, which is really a bit of a misnomer, very skilled, skilled and did not cause anyone's misunderstanding. At least the orangutan and the sixteenth prince standing outside the enchantment could not help but secretly nod when they saw the half-summer knife flying.

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