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Chapter 81: Legendary Existence

Sixteen smiled faintly: "You haven't read the spiritual cultivation secret book I handed you even the slightest?" Banxia

scratched his head in embarrassment: "Isn't I out of time?" After looking at Sixteen's expression, it didn't look like he was angry, and then he let go of his heart: "I'll watch it now."

"You don't need to read it, the spiritual power practice method in the book is the one you learned through ginseng dolls when you advanced before, and it doesn't matter if you see it or not." However, if you are idle, run a few more times according to the trajectory of the previous spiritual power running in the body, although you advance, the qualitative transformation of the sea of knowledge is not stable, so you have to consolidate it for a while" "

Haha." Banxia stuck out his tongue: "Actually, the teaching effect like yours seems to be better." A little bit of a slap on the horse: "If I want to see it myself, I don't know when I will be able to understand it, but through your simulation teaching, have I mastered it in a short time?" But what does this have to do with the question I asked earlier? Sixteen

was defeated by Banxia's cheekiness, and glared at him angrily: "The price is too big, the risk factor is too high, who will use this method to teach apprentices if it is not a last resort, you better honestly learn by yourself." Banxia

grinned, and did not speak, in fact, he just said so, now he has learned, but the book still has to be read.

Sixteen also ignored him, but replied to his previous question: "I know that you have doubts, in fact, what you guessed is not wrong, although the two are slightly related, but they can also be said to be two completely different systems. Sixteen sighed: "What I taught you is a primary spiritual cultivation method in the realm of cultivation, although it is elementary, it is definitely not comparable to ordinary spiritual cultivation methods, and now you can't detect the effect in the first practice, and you will feel it after a while." Of course, it is completely different from the spiritual energy system in Zuo Zongxuan's mouth.

"Xiu Zhen? Chengxian? Banxia opened her mouth wide and looked at him blankly, as if looking at someone she had never seen before.

"I think you should be prepared." Sixteen chuckled: "What you are thinking in your heart now is correct, I am the legendary Truth Cultivator. Banxia

looked at him stunned, and only after half a sound muttered, "Your Mo family is a family of cultivators? It

turns out that in the world two thousand years later, Xiu Zhen is no longer just a legend!

"You're wrong." Sixteen shook his head: "It has nothing to do with the Mo family.

"Then you ——。" Banxia looked at him with some doubt, but suddenly thought of something, people were inexplicably excited, and the eyes that looked at Sixteen could blind others' eyes: "A legendary adventure? I seem to have heard the doll say about your past, you were originally the unfavored young master of the Mo family, but then suddenly had a soaring strength, is it because of chance to worship the seniors of the True Cultivation World, you quickly say, what kind of fantasy story is it? Sixteen

froze, looking at Banxia's bright gaze and really crying and laughing: "I really disappoint you, in fact, I myself am a cultivator who has reached the Mahayana stage, and the reason why I will reincarnate and recultivate is that I took over the heavy task of the master and was reborn on the earth to find people."

"Huh?" This story made Banxia's eyes brighter, although it was not quite in line with his expectations, but it seemed to be more mysterious: "You quickly say what is going on, I didn't expect that such a bizarre thing could let me meet, it turns out that the opportunity is from me!" He looked up to the sky with infinite emotion, and couldn't help but say that Banxia was also quite able to play treasure sometimes.

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