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Chapter Thirty-Six: Wrong Passing

Banxia finally did not resist the confusion brought by this game, and escaped inexplicably, of course, the only way he could escape was to go offline. He felt that his nerves were on the verge of a strong collapse, and he didn't know if he would really become crazy if he stayed any longer.

In fact, Banxia also knows why he feels this way, and the only explanation is that he really takes the game as reality, or believes in the reality derived from this game, and his unintentional intervention will not be at all for no reason at all. So he thought that if this was the reality, the reality of the future for him, then what should he do? That's why he's been struggling with it.

Banxia knows that he has never been a strong person, and if he is strong, maybe he will not encounter this game. If he were really strong, he would not run away now but choose to face it fearlessly. Why he is afraid but also a little indifferently can't tell, but now this game just gives him a strong sense of suffocation.

His identity is obscure, but it does not mean that no one knows, on the contrary, the identity of Chulia Damel Vosimok is probably known by many people. In any case, this man left him with countless problems, and if he guessed correctly, her death should have been an accident.

If the so-called NPCs he encounters in the game are true, then as the only person who has been infected with the apocalyptic virus but has been cured, the Galactic Alliance government will not take her life no matter how much they hate her, because she is the hope of all of them.

But she died, killed by Mo Sixteen, the sixteenth prince who had been circling around her. This had to make Banxia think more, and she couldn't help but doubt it. When he enters the game as this person, will the conspiracy that he once missed unfold again, but this time it will come against him?

Knowing that she is not the real Chulia Damor Wosimok, only ginseng dolls. He never thought of doubting ginseng dolls, although he always felt that ginseng dolls had changed a lot since they came out of the valley, but in this way, he always had a feeling that something would happen.

Thinking about these and not, so Banxia was scared and timid, so he forced to go offline, because this game copy seems to be unable to go offline halfway, so Banxia doesn't know what the consequences of his forced offline this time will be, but he still took his place and fled like this.

Seeing the familiar scenery, he breathed a sigh of relief, I don't know when the game put a lot of pressure on him, every time he entered, he was afraid that he would never come out in the next moment, but he kept restraining the fear in his heart to let himself enter calmly, because there was something he wanted to look for.

Although the argument of the end of the world is a bit unreliable for him in reality, he can't give up even if there is a one percent possibility. And now the rumors about the end times are actually getting stronger in reality, although it is still a joke, most people are just funny to listen to, but the destruction of the earth by humans is obvious to all, although no expert has yet clearly indicated whether the end of the world will really come.

Banxia suddenly jumped up when he thought of this, maybe he should check the rumors about these aspects on the Internet first.

After taking a shower to sober himself up, his health has improved a lot since he last went to the countryside to recuperate. In the end, I was forcibly recalled by the old man, and I thought of re-enrolling in the second half of the year, and it was better to come back and familiarize myself with the course.

"Why did you get up so early?" When I came downstairs in the middle of the summer, I saw Old Master Xia and Xia Curly Bai who were sitting on the breakfast table preparing to eat breakfast.

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