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Jingzhiji, one of the seven main cities of "The Last Days", its style layout completely follows the style of classical Chinese architecture, and it is rumored that the entire Jingzhiji itself is borrowed from a long-circulated ancient text "A Fang Palace Fu" in China. This city is designed by Mr. Tianhu, who is most interested in Chinese civilization, if you only look at its exquisite and ingenious degree, the other six main cities can not catch up, of course, this is not to say that the other six main cities are too second, can only say that the pole of Beijing is too beautiful.

The northern suburbs of Kyōnoku are a small forest, but this forest is really a little different, because from a distance, it looks like a fire pouring down from the sky, as if it is going to burn the entire Kyōnoku, which is shocking.

At this time, Banxia appeared in this fire maple forest holding a ginseng doll. Banxia is not that I have not seen maple trees, but the old man likes maple trees very much, various varieties of maple trees are planted a lot, their Xia family also built a maple garden for this purpose, picturesque all year round, in autumn it is more beautiful not like the scenery that there will be in the world, the invitation to the maple banquet held by the old man is something that many people want to ask for.

But such a magnificent red maple, such a thrilling red maple in the summer, it is really the first time to see it.

"This is Fire Maple." The ginseng doll looked at Banxia and her eyes straightened, so she couldn't help but explain: "It is a mutant tree species of ordinary autumn maple in the last days, and it is also a special grade precious species." Banxia

listened to the special level to be stunned, for so long he still has a certain understanding of the level of various plants in the mouth of the ginseng doll, the special level is the first-class protected plant he knows, of course, it is very precious.

"Why is it so precious?" Half summer stunned, maple should be an ornamental plant, other value is not very large, is it a species that is on the verge of extinction here?

"It's worth a lot." The words of the ginseng doll immediately interrupted the doubts in his heart, but what value it had, Banxia was a little puzzled.

However, the ginseng doll shook his head and solved his confusion, just——: "Although its medicinal value is not great, the stem of the fire maple is very hard, and it can emit a unique fragrance, if used to make cold weapons, it is the only nemesis of some mutant animals, the most typical example is the red beetle." "Another heavenly book!

"Red beetle?"

"The red beetle is a mutant insect with a very high protein content, which is considered the mortal enemy of mankind, but it has also made great contributions to the survival of human beings in the last days. All kinds of thermal weapons have no effect on it, and even laser weapons can promote their evolution and mutation, and only various cold weapons refined with fire maple trees can kill them. And now the value of the red beetle is even higher in the Galactic Alliance, so it is not unusual for the fire maple to become a super-level species. What's more, it is a mutant plant in itself, with a very low survival rate, and it is simply impossible to cultivate a large area. After

such a long time, Banxia has learned not to know the ability to pretend to understand, and the look on his face is that the ginseng doll can't see the truth or fake, so he just nodded at the moment, although he didn't understand, but in fact he almost understood, just some more professional terms or write it down, and check it slowly later.

"If it is so precious, why is it planted here so unprotected? Didn't you say that all kinds of plants in the game can be brought to life? Banxia wondered, for the ginseng doll said that some things here can be brought into reality, Banxia has been able to accept it, although so far he can't bring anything, including ginseng dolls. In the past month or so, the two have tried more than a hundred times, but unfortunately they have not succeeded.

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