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Chapter 85: The Last Dilemma

Chapter 85 Doomsday Dilemma

The protective shield of the

Doomsday City was supported until the twenty-first hour, and finally burst apart, and disappeared with thousands of points of light. The flood seemed to have been overwhelmed for twenty-one hours, and when the barrier was broken, it was like a thousand horses galloping, roaring and swallowing the entire apocalyptic city in an instant. In an instant, the buildings in the city were broken by half, so that the more than ten people in the dungeons of the apocalyptic city involuntarily showed deep bitterness on their faces. Such a long period of hard work seems to have been wasted in vain.

"I'm afraid it won't last long." Yi Qian did not say lightly: "Even if the water can't penetrate the dungeon, the bottom floor of the dungeon has begun to crack due to the continuous earthquake of the snowy plateau. When this underground city was first built, we had already discovered an extinct volcano underground, and it was tested that this volcano would never be revived, but now this situation is really unexpected. With a double impact up and down, the earth's crust changes instantly, and the dead also become alive.

"Still can't contact those who have evacuated to the paradise?" Eighteen asked in silence.

"They're all offline, and Feng Ji has sent me a message in reality." Wind and Wind is the name of the person who was deceived by me in reality.

Going offline means that the paradise has been destroyed, which makes Banxia's brows can't help but wrinkle, he now deeply regrets why he didn't take the notes in the secret room in the first place, and now it's really too late to regret. Not to mention the question of whether he can still go online after these chaos, that is, come up, will there still exist in Xanadu?

"Can I still come up?" Banxia suddenly turned around and asked Sixteen, and the astringency on his face could be understood by everyone. If he couldn't get on the line, what would the two of them do? As soon as this feeling became clear, reality caught them off guard.

"And go online within the time they specified to take a look, just can't come up, don't give up, at the latest it won't take more than a month, believe me." Sixteen caressed Banxia's face. Saying that, he suddenly seemed to lower his head and kiss him, but whispered in his ear: "Put all the information about the doomsday virus in the laboratory into that space ring, see if you can take it out, and you can't give up research." Banxia

replied: "I'll go clean up first." "In fact, Sixteen didn't say that he would definitely do this, those materials were originally thinking about how to bring them out, and now that I have this opportunity, I naturally have to give it a try." What's more, when the space ring arrived, he hadn't had time to look at it.

Sixteen nodded for him to leave.

"What to do?" Eighteen looked at Sixteen.

A trace of expression flashed across Sixteen Ruyu's face, which made Eighteen couldn't help but shiver.

"Nobody informed you?" The question was sudden, but Eighteen knew what he really wanted to ask.

"Nope." Eighteen smiled bitterly. With his identity, he didn't even receive a notice of changes to the game, it seems that the development of the situation is really a little out of control, and it is no wonder that Sixteen will be angry.

"It seems that the dog really jumped off the wall." Sixteen sneered: "I just don't know what stimulated the brain abnormal, so obedient and really not afraid of being sold." Eighteen

knew that Sixteen was really angry this time, and such a cold person as he had learned to sneer, and if it weren't for the wrong situation, he really wanted to say a few words of ridicule. But his heart also sank, and others did not know how terrible he was to know the angry sixteen.

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