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Chapter XVIII

"Xia Xia, why did you stop for so long to play the game? We know that this upgrade is important to us. The ginseng doll said very unhappily after seeing Banxia.

It's just that the Banxia people at this time seem a little strange, not only the reaction is obviously half a beat slower than usual, but also the complaints about the ginseng doll seem to be not taken seriously, which makes the ginseng doll even more unhappy: "Xia Xia, what's wrong with you?" Why did you just come up and look unenergetic? Are you still blaming me? Thinking of what he had done before, the ginseng doll misunderstood that Banxia was still worried about revealing his identity without his consent, so his expression immediately eased a lot.

"Doll." Banxia shouted that his voice was a little hoarse, and the ginseng doll's heart shook, this voice -

"Xia Xia, is it really uncomfortable? Then you hurry up and get off the game and come up and play when you're ready. Determined that Banxia was really uncomfortable, the dissatisfaction in his heart immediately dissipated, and quickly said anxiously, it seems that he really likes Banxia.

Banxia shook his head and said to him with a solemn expression: "Doll, I have something I want to ask you." Looking

at Banxia's strange look, the ginseng doll's heart also shook, having known Banxia for so long, he had never seen Banxia's solemn appearance. The heart felt a little but did not come out, but the person couldn't help but fall silent: "What do you want to ask?"

"Remember when I told you that I was also a doctor in reality?"

"Remember, what's wrong with this?" Ginseng dolls puzzled.

Yes, what's wrong with this, Banxia smiled bitterly: "Do you know why I took so long to come up?" I wrote down several recipes in the game, and these days are spent verifying their efficacy, although they have not been used clinically, but after testing, their efficacy is indeed not wrong. This means that the prescriptions recorded in the game can be used in reality. Banxia

looked at the ginseng doll, as if he wanted to ask the ginseng doll to give him a sure word, no one knew how shocked Banxia's heart was when he learned the verification results. Although the ginseng doll has always emphasized the authenticity of the game in front of him, and he has said words of acceptance, but his heart is only coping, so this result brings him too much impulse, which indicates that the sci-fi things he thinks may be as real as this prescription.

"I think Xia Xia should have understood it a long time ago." The ginseng doll was silent for a long time before silently saying, "For so long, does Xia Xia still think that everything he sees and hears is fake?" Banxia

was speechless, he wanted to believe, but how could this make him believe, or what did he believe? Do you believe he really came to the future through a game, or is this also a kind of crossover? He thought with a wry smile.

"It's the game." Banxia and half-day said such a sentence: "A holographic online game, isn't it?" The

ginseng doll looked at him stunned, he didn't understand why Banxia was so unwilling to believe it, and the doubt in his heart for Banxia rose again.

"It should be said that the end of the world is just a game in the name." It was not a ginseng doll that answered Banxia, but a very cold voice, with a magnetic voice slightly low, but listening to people's ears there is an indescribable sense of charm, yes, it is charm.

Half a summer stunned, there are still outsiders? Looking up, I saw that the door of the room was open, and a strange and cold man stood there quietly against the light.

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