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Chapter XVII

"What are you thinking, so concentrated." Old man Xia slapped the half-summer who was pondering awake.

"Grandpa?" Banxia was still sinking in his thoughts, and the person seemed a little dazed, but it was only a blink of an eye, and soon the person sobered up: "Why are you here?" He was a little surprised, looking at the sky, it was early in the morning, but he was definitely not dreaming.

"I'll see what good things are here that make my grandson happy." The old man joked, but his expression was still a little latently sharp.

Banxia stuck out his tongue and smiled at Old Master Xia a little embarrassed, he has indeed been here for a long time, no wonder the old man is suspicious. It's not that he doesn't worry that he will contact that person again, the most worried is whether he really wants to open the question, afraid that he will be hard-mouthed, and it will be sad to hide alone.

Thinking of this, Banxia's heart couldn't help but sour. When his parents died early, he was brought up by the old man, and the relationship between the two grandchildren was really deeper than anyone else. But he once turned against his closest relatives for a man, and he couldn't help but say that he was really faint and lost his heart at that time, and it is no wonder that the old man was so angry at that time, he loved himself more than anyone else, and punished himself he may be more painful than himself.

Looking at the white hair of the old man's sideburns, Banxia's heart was full of endless regret and apologies, Fu Yuelai may be really sorry for himself, but there is a sentence he is not wrong, he is indeed a child who has not grown up: "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Dao Qian, who was nearly two years late, finally said in tears in his eyes on this early morning, looking at his obviously old grandfather Banxia.

And at this moment, sentimentality is not only half summer, old man Xia Jingtian is also mixed feelings for a while, the little grandson really figured it out this time, is really let go, and he can finally let go of the burden in his heart, which makes the old man's eyes a little wet. Does anyone know the torment in his heart in the past two years? The baby on the tip of his heart has been bullied by others, and not only can he not ask for justice for him, but also sprinkle salt on his wounds, who can understand this feeling? It's not that he doesn't love, it's not that he doesn't hurt, he hates his indisputable heart, he tasted it this time.

"Say what? I'm your grandfather. The old man hugged Banxia tightly and closed his eyes, he didn't want people to be so old, and let his children and grandchildren see him crying old age. Now he can finally let go of his hand to ask for justice for his grandson, and he has not done anything, not because he is not angry, but because he has not been able to do it. Now Banxia has finally come out of the dead end, so when it comes to him to make a move, the people of their Xia family are not so easy to bully, if his children were not under his high pressure, they would have already made a move, let that man get away for so long and when he should pay it back, the old man hid his dark gaze in his closed eyes.

This time, Banxia left for nearly two months, and the old man was not worried that it was impossible, so he rushed over, afraid that something would happen to him again. But now that people saw it, it was beyond his expectation.

After two months of recuperation, the person finally stopped looking like he was about to fall when the wind blew before, he was a little fatter, and more importantly, his spirit looked completely recovered, so the excitement in Xia Jingtian's heart was much better than what appeared on the surface.

"Half summer and half summer, my lovely and hateful brother, you can hurt me." Banxia's cousin couldn't help but scream when he saw his younger brother, whom he hadn't seen for nearly two years. There is excitement, but more like resentment.

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