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Chapter 46: Zhao'an

The people in the Moonlight Lanting Guild were not much shocked to see Banxia again, it may be that Eighteen had been vaccinated, but the fact that he refused the Sixteenth Prince would be spread so much that everyone's eyes on him were much weird. Although the sixteenth prince is not their god, he is definitely a very high-end existence for the Galactic Alliance, and Banxia actually rejected such a person, so now he has everything to think about.

Banxia was a little annoyed to let himself ignore those strange eyes, which was much more uncomfortable than the disguised gazes of his relatives in reality, and seemed to cause public anger, he thought with some self-deprecation. Just thinking about the difficult task on my own body, but I have to bite the bullet and deal with it.

Without seeing the sixteenth prince, Banxia's heart was still a little lost, but he was also relieved. It will definitely not be seen again in the future, but it is better to be separated for a while, or it will definitely be embarrassing.

"Go and see the apocalyptic city we are building?" Eighteen asked with a smile as if nothing had happened.

Banxia glanced at him and didn't hold back: "What about the sixteenth prince?" Eighteen's

eyes flashed, and then smiled and said jokingly: "Why do you regret rejecting my brother?" In fact, we all admire you a lot, my brother is the most popular nobleman in the Galactic Alliance government, not only the family lineage but also he himself makes people can't pick out any flaws, I don't believe you don't know, but you can still refuse him, it really makes me admire. Eighteen's

mood is somewhat complicated, and it is certain that he does not agree that Sixteen and Banxia are together, but Banxia's refusal also makes him feel a little more inexplicable anger in his heart, this ordinary teenager who can no longer be ordinary would refuse his god-like brother, which is really unforgivable.

Banxia saw the smile on his face, and sighed a little stunned, this person seemed to be smiling happily, but the smile did not actually reach the bottom of his eyes. Banxia was silent for a while, who exactly reported the fact that he rejected Sixteen Gongzi so badly, what happened at that time was not in the enchantment, Sixteen said that no one could hear it?

For a moment, he suddenly became interested: "Forget it, you guys are free, I'll go out for a stroll."

This time, the eighteenth prince did not stop him, but watched him leave lightly. Banxia only felt that he really had some problems, he mistakenly thought that they were going to imprison him, and he was so disgusted that he couldn't wait to slap them two on the spot. But now that I let myself wander around, but my heart is so empty, do I have the potential to do M, and I left without looking back.

The holy capital is lively and can be called overcrowded, but unfortunately now Banxia is not in any mood now, and he thinks about how he can get what he wants. People don't need to ask, ask ginseng dolls, but now I don't want to contact him in the slightest, or let him follow that to learn more skills.

And what he is going to do next, Banxia is also a little confused. In fact, what he wanted to do most was to study the information of the apocalyptic virus, but now he was confused, and he really didn't know who to cooperate with to get what he wanted. He was a little frustrated, could the cooperation with the Moonlight Lanting end here, this was really not his intention.

I found a tea house at random, found a seat by the window in the middle of the summer, asked for a pot of tea and two plates of small snacks, and people lay on the table and looked out the window in a daze, I don't know why people are lazy and not interested.

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