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Chapter 99: A Late Meeting

Banxia wanted to take advantage of the fact that Sixteen was busy with the affairs of the Moon Fall City to solve the matter on his side, but for several days in a row, he tried his best, but he still did not break this game, which really stumped him.

He also thought that he might be under the cliff, but after looking for so long, he couldn't find the way down the cliff, not to mention that he always felt that things were not so simple, which made him very discouraged. Originally, this cliff stream made people feel a little mysterious because of the clouds and mist, and coupled with his useless efforts, everything here made him feel very strange.

Banxia didn't think about using spiritual power to inquire, but unfortunately, the clouds and mist of this cliff seemed to have the function of isolating spiritual power, making his spiritual power disappear without a trace as soon as he entered, and there was no trace at all, which was also an important reason why he felt strange.

In the end, he gave up helplessly, thinking that he had to let Sixteen help, in fact, it was not a big deal to let him help, but I don't know why Banxia just didn't want Sixteen to participate in this matter, and didn't want him to be involved with the future self. This is not only a matter of whether he is vinegared or not, in short, this inexplicable feeling makes Banxia, who was not in a good mood, now even more irritated.

Half a summer listless back to the laboratory, because of this blow, he was not interested in his experiment, anyway, now the experiment has also entered the bottleneck stage, not to mention the so-called medical school students who came to participate in the research are actually very good.

Half Xia was in a state of dying, lying on the table in a daze. Sixteen said to persuade Yue Yicheng to come to the game and let herself help her produce, but after such a long time and still no letter, would she really rather put herself and her child in danger than let herself use the knife for her, in fact, the two have no hatred? He thought helplessly.

And Banxia is actually very skeptical about the current alliance's medical level, the production of Yueying City is indeed a little difficult, but it is not really difficult to the point that no one dares to use the knife, she is much better than the situation of the original Rhino BOSS Mrs. , the only reason can only be said that their current medical level is problematic. However, he thought that sixteen and others had mentioned to him that there was a fault in civilization, so he was relieved, two thousand years, who said that all civilizations will progress?

In fact, Banxia is still very curious about the world two thousand years later, but it is a pity that no matter what he asks, as the only sixteenth prince who knows his origin, he will not tell him anything, say what is good for him, and let him not participate too much in future affairs. Banxia knew what Sixteen was worried about, wasn't he afraid that he would really cause the butterfly effect? He felt that sixteen was worrisome, but because of the insistence of the parties, even if he was dissatisfied, he could only accept it helplessly, because he could not ask others, so he was still full of reverie about the current situation in two thousand years.

Just when Banxia was thinking about it, the door of the laboratory was pushed open, who was so rude, and came in directly without knocking, Banxia thought displeased. But because now he is really a little depressed, and he can't find a way to vent, this unlucky ghost who hit the muzzle of the gun, let him vent his previous depression, he secretly said.

Lazily looking up, he looked at the people who came to see that it was eighteen who had not been seen for a while. After the reopening of "The End of the World", the time that Eighteen was online was much shorter than before. Even if it goes online, it goes directly to the treasure of Chulia Damel Vosimok, and Banxia is also busy, so although the two are in the same apocalyptic city, they really haven't seen each other for a while.

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