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Chapter 53: Eternal Life

Until the last half of the summer, he did not define his paradoxical relationship, in fact, he felt that whether he forgave Sixteen or not, it was actually nothing important, if something really happened between the two of them, it was doomed to a tragic end from the beginning. With this understanding, Banxia is not so entangled with Sixteen, and it is nothing to think of a spiritual love with him, even if this relationship is destined to not go into reality, then he is still entangled in what those flowers and plants in Sixteen's reality do, which is too boring.

Even if you can't control your feelings, it's better to let go of your self-restraints and go with the flow. The end is set, no matter how sad it is, what can it be. He is a big man, and he still talks about homosexuality, so he has less scruples.

Thinking of this, because he has been entangled in this relationship and looks a little gray-faced, straight like a butterfly that comes out of a cocoon, he became refreshed and light in a moment, making Duoduo and the ginseng doll look stunned.

Because of the wanted order issued by the Fallen Heaven, Banxia was not required to stay in the Miracle Forest for a few days first, and when the sixteenth and eighteenth went online, their Moonlight Lanting was now also low-key and fully dormant, so that Banxia also helped to inquire about the whereabouts of the city building order.

With free time, Banxia returned to the life when he was assigned to the Miracle Forest when he first entered the game, looking for medicinal herbs to plant fields, and his level also surged up. And how many of these intelligent lifeforms are higher than ginseng dolls, I don't know how many levels higher, Banxia did learn more things, refining medicine This is a new profession he has learned.

It can't be said that it is a new profession, in fact, it is much the same as the real pharmaceutical, but there is a more mysterious furnace, and this furnace makes Banxia feel that it is the only place like a game that he has seen so far.

Put all kinds of dispensing into the furnace according to the prescription, and then choose the refining one, he just waited for the finished product to come out, and Banxia thought with emotion how good it would be if in reality he also had such a medicine ding like the legend, and it was still a medicine ding that could be automatically refined. It's just that when he asked Duoduo if reality also had this kind of medicine, Duoduo smiled and did not answer, saying that when Sixteen went online, let him ask Sixteen. Banxia had a slight doubt, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't understand it, and finally gave up, thinking of waiting for Sixteen to come up and ask again.

Duoduo provides prescriptions, and Banxia is responsible for refining medicines, but the variety and quantity of herbs in his hands are too small, so there are not many medicines refined. Banxia also wanted to refine the medicine according to his own prescription, but without exception, all of them turned into ashes, which made him even more curious about the medicine furnace that was transferred from Duoduo to Sixteen, and waited wholeheartedly for Sixteen to ask clearly.

Duoduo and Banxia tried their best to open a road from here to the Apocalyptic City, but so far they have been in a state of failure. There is a problem with the Miracle Forest, that's for sure, the direction of two intelligent lifeforms will not be mistaken, but even if you can't go to the Apocalyptic City, it seems that you have to find another way.

Banxia asked Duoduo if there was any news in reality, Duoduo just shook his head and said no, but Banxia knew that this was definitely not the case, because he saw Duoduo's brows furrowed tighter and tighter, but he didn't say that he couldn't help it, thinking about the pulse he had taken that day, his heart sank again.

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