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Chapter 90: New Changes in the Game

The "Apocalypse" game, which was originally closed on the grounds that the poorly run game company declared bankruptcy, suddenly took on a new change. Naturally, in the name of being acquired, the game will continue to be open. Of course, there are new gimmicks, players who died during the apocalyptic outbreak will no longer be able to enter the game, but now not only can they continue to play the game, but the game also has new side benefits for old players, which naturally makes "The End of the World" popular again.

When the entire game was readjusted to reopen, it had been almost a month since the last game was closed.

Sixteen has the ability to regain his ability to enter and exit the game with his own abilities, but this period of time is delayed because of the tracking down of the legendary doomsday virus. In addition, he is already very famous, if he really enters and exits Hel in front of everyone, it will definitely make those people in the Galactic Alliance turn into tigers and leopards and rich wolves, and they will try their best to pry their heads open, or turn themselves into experiments, and now because of Hull's loss of control, there are people staring continuously twenty-four hours a day.

In this way, although Banxia is alone in the game, he lives under human surveillance twenty-four hours a day, and Tenjin also made an agreement with Sixteen to keep an eye on Banxia in the game for him, in case he was in danger, and as for what price he paid, everyone did not know.

The "End of the World" game reopened, the whole game naturally fired, sixteen was online the first time to look for half summer, but look at the gray avatar in the list, the person is not online, which makes him can't help but frown.

"It's changed a lot." Eighteen looked through the light brain to find out what new changes there were after the game changes, but this look couldn't help but marvel.

I didn't find Banxia, Sixteen's mood was not too good, so he ignored him and walked into the apocalyptic city with a cold face, he naturally knew that there were many changes, so all the bad mood was vented on those zombies.

The whole game has really changed dramatically. The original seven cities have all become ruins, and the places where they can now live are the post-apocalyptic cities that players have built. However, because there is an additional monster that can appear at any time, the apocalyptic zombie, the danger of the game has increased by 100%.

After the player re-enters the game, the system issues an announcement that the apocalyptic city built by the player is also occupied by zombies, and the players in each city can only clear the monster first to keep the city safe. Of course, there is a time limit, if all the zombies in the city are eliminated in twenty-four hours, then this post-apocalyptic survival base will be systematically recognized as a safe place to live. But the zombies in the city are not eliminated in twenty-four hours, then the players of this survival base will be subject to the assault of zombies at any time, and the zombies killed after twenty-four hours will be constantly refreshed.

So now almost all the players who enter the game are killing zombies, at the beginning everyone is very interested, but continue to kill for four or five hours, the nerves are still in a high state of tension, then no one can stand it, even if the experience points and social contribution values brought by killing zombies are rising, but still can not appease the player's scolding.

What's more, if the player is accidentally injured by a zombie and infected with a virus, he will also become a zombie within an hour, and will slowly die in twenty-four hours. During the period of becoming a zombie, it will attack other players uncontrollably, which will naturally attract players to chase and kill, but if it is killed, the experience points dropped can make people cry.

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