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Chapter 67: Temperament

The old man still refused Banxia and Xia Curly Bai's request to go with them, so in the end, the two could only watch the old man and Du Zhong go in the car, Xia Curly Bai was a little better, but Banxia was depressed to death.

"I'll go to the lab for a while." Now there are only two idle people left in the family, so let's find something to do.

"No, I remember you said that in the game you stay in the lab 24 hours a day, and you have to stay in the lab when you go offline, don't you feel bored?" Xia Qiubai said angrily.

"I want to do something else, who asked grandpa not to take me, I said what are you making trouble with, if it wasn't for you to intervene, grandpa might have taken me there." Banxia glared at him.

Xia Zhubai listened to it for a long time speechless, this followed the old man, isn't it still in the laboratory? However, seeing that he is quite resentful now, it seems that he must first let his anger dissipate. As soon as the eyes turned, the rhetoric came.

The man grinned: "You are wrong, I just knew that the old man would definitely not agree, so I rushed to go."

Looking at Banxia's somewhat puzzled look, he quickly explained to him: "The performance is to be contested, or it seems that I have no face." When

Banxia heard this, he almost died of anger, and this person's face was really thick enough, and he was embarrassed to say it brightly.

However, Xia Zhuobai was unaware and continued his high-pitched remarks: "The old man has always been unwilling to have anything to do with the military or the government, so he will not agree to our request at first glance. Didn't the old man lose his temper with Du Zhong's affairs back then? But at that time, he was also deceived, those people had tried in every possible way to find an opportunity to give our Xia family a set, he just happened to meet it, and the old man forgave him because of this, but for so many years, he was still not salty, and even more unwelcome to those people. This time is a little dangerous, and the old man is even less likely to let us go. Banxia

listened to his words, and he didn't get angry anymore, thinking of Xia Duzhong, but he couldn't help sighing: "With my cousin's nature, how can I avoid those conspiracies?"

"Said so, but he didn't come back to ask the family about such a big thing, and he decided on his own, and the old man was afraid of this." Xia Zhuobai said disapprovingly, he has always been at odds with Xia Duzhong, so it is nothing to think so.

Banxia shook his head: "I think you misunderstood him, you also said, those people are trying in every possible way to design our Xia family, with our position, sooner or later someone will stand up, maybe it is because of this that the cousin automatically stopped the matter." As for grandpa, he must also understand the real purpose of his cousin's choice, what you said is not salty or light, but it is just a reflection of outsiders. In fact, you see that whenever my cousin comes home to ask for advice, most of them are handled by my grandfather himself. Although there is also my grandfather's feelings of being a healer, it is more of a guilt for my cousin. Maybe there is a kind of warning to those people, although this grandson is not welcome to me, but after all, it is still my grandson, and no one can bully. Grandpa has always been short-sighted, don't you know, this is supporting your cousin.

Xia Qiubai looked at Banxia a little dumbfounded, oh my God, is this still the Banxia he knows?

"You won't give people a body, will you." He was stunned and a little whimsical.

Banxia glared at him, turned and walked towards the laboratory, the whitest thing in the family was whether he was good or not, because he always thought he was the smartest person in the world.

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