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Chapter XXIX: Anti-Government Coalition

And at this time, Banxia was naturally teleported back to the Miracle Forest, but the real reason for the transmission was not because of the joke of the sixteenth prince, in fact, Banxia was really not so angry about being deceived. The main reason for coming back is, of course, to solve the drawbacks of not being upgradeable caused by social contribution value, and this matter cannot be handled by him in front of Sixteen Gongzi and others. Although those people don't look like bad people, after all, the time of intersection is too short, and Banxia can't hand over his bottom so quickly.

It just so happened that the eighteenth prince's unranked words about the copy and the accompanying teleportation made him even less worried, even without the scene of the sixteenth prince, he would definitely have to come back before this. Originally, the sixteenth prince brought him over for two main purposes, one was to plant snow lotus, which was a very valuable medicinal herb, and it was understandable to invest in his favor. Another is definitely to upgrade in order to start his next saving mission. But with his current situation, the level will definitely not be promoted, so he still has to solve this problem before this.

Just enough to be angry, thinking about the wonderful expression that would appear after he saw him disappear, he was relieved in half a summer. Although the fact that he is carrying a teleportation array after this incident will definitely be well-known again, but this is fine, hum! Just let them worry about themselves later.

But he was still a little reluctant to think of trading privileges for being able to advance by ignoring the contribution value, but when he thought about it, he didn't really want to do something that he needed to exchange for privileges, and he changed it. What's more, the higher the level in the future, the more social contribution value will definitely be required, maybe you will take advantage of yourself, and I don't know if there will be new privileges after the level is high.

"Xia Xia, why did you come back?" Just as he was thinking about how to contact the system to redeem the privilege, the ginseng doll suddenly appeared in front of him again.

"Didn't you go looking for that much? How did it come back? Banxia didn't answer but asked him.

"As soon as I found Duoduo, the sixteenth prince contacted him and said that you used the teleportation array to pass away because you were angry, are you really so angry?" The ginseng doll looked at him with an expression that didn't seem to be very similar.

"Am I that petty?" Banxia knocked on his little head angrily: "Then now am I going to settle accounts with you?"

"Hee-hee, I know that Prime Minister Xia Xia can hold the boat in his stomach." The ginseng doll dogleg quickly soothed: "Then what are you doing back?" "Naturally,

come back and fix the problem of not being able to upgrade." You just came back, how can I contact the GM? Banxia finally caught someone who could help him solve the problem.

"Have you figured it out?" The ginseng doll flashed a pair of big eyes and asked very reluctantly, Banxia didn't know the preciousness of his two privileges, but he knew, but if he didn't exchange them, the level couldn't be upgraded, so it was really useless to keep this privilege.

"No way, but it's okay, so wouldn't I be able to better hide my identity as a pit daddy." Banxia said very satisfied.

"It's a bit of a pity to say that." The ginseng doll sighed, but is it because of this that the system will compensate for the two privileges of Banxia. If Xia Xia really uses these two privileges at the intersection of games and reality, it must not cause chaos in the world. Thinking of this, the ginseng doll did not persuade again, and immediately helped Banxia contact the GM of the "End of the World" game system.

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