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Chapter 65: Prelude

When he went offline in the middle of summer, in reality, it was about ten o'clock in the evening, because he had been online for the past two days, which made everyone in his family a little uneasy, so he arranged for someone to wait in his room. So as soon as he woke up from the line, the rotating summer curly cypress found out.

"You can finally get down, if you don't go down, the old man will come to make you compulsorily offline." Xia Zhubai suddenly jumped in front of him and said, his expression was a little solemn, Xia seemed to have fallen asleep for the past two and a half days and never woke up, but there was a problem with his body.

After Banxia revealed this secret to his family, the old man was afraid that he would encounter danger after going online, so he installed a newly developed physical examination instrument in his room that was still in the experimental stage. This precision instrument with a point all-round nature reflects the problems that the body may encounter through the pulse rate of the human body, of course, this is only one of its functions.

However, this function is just right for Banxia at this stage, the instrument itself was invented by the Xia family, there will be no danger, and it is even more amazing to let Banxia, the little master of the Xia family, personally do the experiment. Of course, although it is still in the experimental stage, the Xia family is still confident in their own research and development, and it is precisely because of this that they dare to use it on Banxia, so before Banxia goes online, the instrument will be attached to their wrists, if there is a problem with the body, the instrument will deepen the examination of various organs according to the frequency of the human pulse, and the alarm will be immediately issued after adverse reactions are found, so that real relatives can come to first aid.

Last time it sounded the alarm, Banxia hurriedly let them pull off the line, but he said that there was something in the game, and after checking that there was no big problem, he hurriedly went online, it was not checked for problems, but Banxia's spirit was much weaker than before to be true, and because his unusual look made the family more worried, but finally pressed the idea of asking and put him online. However, I have never seen Banxia's face so bad, so the old man instinctively thinks that Banxia must have encountered something in the game, which is why he has the rotation of these days.

But to strange, has always had some adverse reactions of Banxia since yesterday strangely stabilized, today the condition of the instrument inspection is even better, just like his previous physical discomfort is just their illusion, so that the family is strange, fortunately, Banxia is finally off the line now, everyone is holding their stomach to ask.

Seeing Xia Curly Bai, Banxia inexplicably thought that the self who had never met two thousand years later, could really live for so long? He thought a little bitterly, at this moment he was extremely terrified.

"Your face is not very good, what's wrong, has something happened?" Xia Zhubai seemed to sense Banxia's low mood, and couldn't help asking.

"It seems to have been determined, and there should be no mistake." Half Summer said to Xia Curly in a deep voice.

Xia Qiubai looked at Banxia stunned, he naturally understood the meaning of Banxia's words, it was to say that he was sure that the things in the game were true, that is, the end of the world was coming, and he couldn't help but shiver. But if it really happened in front of my eyes, it would be absolutely palpitating despair.

"Don't scare me." He muttered with a pale face, not knowing whether he was protesting to Banxia or convincing himself.

Banxia smiled bitterly, but didn't continue: "Grandpa, have they all slept?"

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