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Chapter 20: Seeking Medical Treatment

The reason why Banxia is so relieved and bold to rest is because he is really tired and masochistic for so long, which is really not something that ordinary people can bear. Naturally, it is not because he really believes that this fire rhinoceros boss will not hurt himself, but believes that the ginseng doll will not leave him alone.

In the game, the half-summer routine is very normal, the sun rises and the sunset rests, maintaining the same habits as in reality, which once made the ginseng doll roll his eyes, but he did not change his mind at all, and in the end, the ginseng doll had to get used to his habits.

Intelligent life also maintains some characteristics of artificial intelligence, and if they do not make themselves more human-like, they do not need to rest. Ginseng dolls are even less accustomed to the habit of half-summer, so whenever half-summer rests, he runs out to play by himself, and Banxia never cares about him about this matter.

So this time I slept tired in the middle of summer, just because I believed in ginseng dolls. It's just that he never dreamed that ginseng dolls are not omnipotent, although the two have a symbiotic mode, but there is really a place in the game that can shield its existence, so this time he really made a mistake, although there is no danger.

He didn't know that not only did he not leave the Snowy Plateau, but he was also taken to the depths of the Snowy Plateau by the Fire Rhino BOSS. So when he opened his eyes and saw that there was still a white space around him, he couldn't help but be stunned.

No matter how he didn't know the place, he felt something was wrong at this time, because the environment he was in now seemed to be much worse than what he had seen before. This is no longer a snowfield, but a world of ice fields, and the ice has accumulated for many years, and if you want to use explosives to blow up in the thick half summer, you may not be able to blow it up.

Not just his guess, but he also sees. Because now although he is still on the back of the fire rhino boss, the bull boss has stopped. And at the edge of the footsteps is a cliff, yes, an ice field cliff that is one meter wide but I don't know how deep. In addition to ice or ice everywhere he looked, Banxia couldn't help but shake the ginseng doll hanging on his wrist with his hand.

It's a pity that no matter how he shakes it, the ginseng doll didn't move at all, which made Banxia, who was still a little joking, immediately put away: "Doll, you come out quickly, tighten the tense, let's stop the war first."

"You're on a special map for the Apocalypse game, so you can't contact anyone outside of the map." A thick voice suddenly appeared in Banxia's ears.

Banxia was stunned: "Who are you?" He asked immediately.

The crystal-shining ice field was now empty and only one of them, so where did this sound come from? It is by no means the system's prompt sound, not to mention that the system will not say these words to him, the system's various prompt sounds are accompanied by music.

"It's just the two of us." The man spoke again.

This time, Banxia didn't believe it anymore, but he also realized that the voice was from the fire rhino boss under his ass, and he couldn't say half a word under his stunned moment: "Are you real or false?"

If it was the animal boss in the game who spoke, it would be too normal, but now that he just accepted that this game is equivalent to reality, he came out again, so it is no wonder that he was shaken speciously.

"I brought Mr. here because my old cow has something to ask Mr. Yu." He didn't answer Banxia's words, but he opened his mouth to ask for something else.

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