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Chapter 44: Strange Heat
Banxia was sick, inexplicably ill and very dangerous, so the old man summoned back the Xia family who could be recalled, but the old man also knew that what he was asking for was just a peace of mind, although he may be a little arrogant, but even he felt helpless to find out any reason, and it was really useless to recall people.

The first to notice that Banxia was wrong was Xia Curly Bai, since listening to Banxia talk about his online game adventures, he had to pester Banxia for at least two hours every day, and this day was no exception. Early in the morning, he waited at the dinner table, wanting to ask Banxia what experience he had in the game last night, but when it was almost ten o'clock and he hadn't seen Banxia get up, he was not calm.

In the past two days, because of his obsession, Banxia hid when he saw him, and he was afraid of being stolen away by Banxia again. Half summer rarely lazy bed, his routine is very regular, the time to play games is also quite fixed, generally at night rest and the game two do not delay the same time, during the day he should still dry hemp on the dry numbness, not addicted to the game at all. Xia Curly Bai is very impressed by this, if he encounters such a fun game, he can't wait to stay online every day.

Holding the luck that one percent he was still there, he knocked open the door of Banxia's room, but he didn't expect that this percent really gave him encounters, Banxia was really lazy, but when he pounced on it, he immediately felt something strange.

He felt burned, and if it weren't for the face that was exposed under the thin cover, he would have thought that he had been half-yin again. That handsome little face was red as if it was about to drip blood, and the breath of his breath made him immediately take his hand away before he touched it.

His hand was placed on Banxia's forehead, and his face immediately sank.

"Half summer, half summer, you wake up." But no matter how he shouted, the closed eyes did not open.

Although Xia Zhubai was frightened, after all, Xia You's grown up child, so although he was a little alarmed, he quickly calmed down. First took the thermometer to measure his temperature, but as soon as he lifted the thin quilt, the breath that came out made Xia Curly Bai dizzy, he knew that the half-summer fever was a little too amazing, afraid that it would exceed forty degrees.

The old man was also shocked after coming to see it, this temperature is really a little scary, and the thermometer of temperature measurement has been changed by two in a row, seeing the temperature on the third, the ancestors and grandchildren no matter how unbelievable they are, they also have to believe that the half summer really burned to fifty degrees, can this person still live?

"Carry your back to the medical room." The old man said with a livid face.

It was just that what stunned them again was that the temperature was still rising very slowly, but there were no symptoms of discomfort in the middle of the summer except for fever. That is to say, his body did not bring him any discomfort except for his body temperature that could break the Guinness World Record. Although others are unconscious, their body functions are no different from those of a normal healthy person, but why they are unconscious is temporarily unclear.

In this situation, the hospital could not send it, so the old man summoned all the doctors in the family back and came to a general consultation. What's more, the various medical equipment in the laboratory and medical room at home is absolutely the most advanced in the world, so it really doesn't matter much whether it is sent to the hospital or not. It's just that the elites of the Xia family who were recalled after a series of inspections, you look at me and I look at you, and they all see the stunned and shocked in the eyes of the other party. What exactly is going on here? Originally, everyone was worried about Banxia, but now it seems that Banxia really doesn't need them to worry.

"Dad, do you get a plan?" Xia Baisu, the eldest of the Xia family, spoke first, no matter what, the Xia family is the biggest except for the old man.

Scheme? The old man smiled bitterly, what plan did he have, he didn't have to summon them all back if he had a plan. Apart from this hot heat, there was no problem with the people, and each of them checked more than ten times, but still found nothing. It's just that there is really no problem, so what is the matter with this high-temperature person who is unconscious?

"Grandpa, is it a problem with the game?" Xia Zhubai also didn't care about the secrecy of things at this time, anyway, it was all family members, and it didn't hurt to know it. What's more, the only reason that can be thought of now is this reason, or the matter is really impossible to explain. Just looking at the silver box on the table, the old man had no choice, the glasses were placed there, even if it was really its problem, they couldn't crack it.

"What game?" Several big men frowned in unison.

Recently, the atmosphere at home has indeed become a little strange, but everyone is very busy, so I have not bothered to ask, what does the high fever in the middle of summer have to do with the game?

The old man sighed, nodded to Xia Chuanbai, got up and walked into the inner room to watch Banxia, let Xia Curly Bai explain to several people, and also wanted them to try whether they could start this so-called holographic online game like the same as Banxia.

In fact, everyone was helpless, although Banxia was now in pain and fainting, his consciousness was still awake, but he couldn't speak.

Banxia rejected the sixteenth prince, and then rushed off the line, but in panic, he ignored a fact that he had inadvertently created.

In fact, he really forgot that he still had a seed in his hand, so when he rejected the sixteenth prince, a burning pain flashed in his heart, which made him can't help but cover his mouth with his other hand, preventing himself from making a noise due to the pain to disturb the man who was covered by himself.

The seed was thrown into his mouth so unconsciously, and then gurgled down his throat, but at this moment, he really didn't have much energy to notice it, so when he went offline, he simply forgot such a small thing. Perhaps in his impression, it was just a seed, swallowing it, and it would not affect him.

He put away his glasses and box, and stayed in the night for a long time, his mind was full of the man he met in the game, is this an online relationship? He thought with a wry smile.

It's a little fake to say that it's not moved, and it's a little too much to say that it's really deep, but the feelings for himself contained in the man's eyes are real, not to mention such an excellent person, even if he suddenly falls in love, there is nothing abnormal.

Just thinking of the distance of these two thousand years, Banxia only felt that his mouth was bitter like swallowing ten pounds of yellow lotus. When I also had feelings for him, it was a little inexplicable, but a little taken for granted. Those who should have discovered it long ago will be angry with him, will become willful and unreasonable in front of him, and will think of finding him to solve problems whenever they have problems. In fact, the two people really don't get along for a long time, and it is precisely because of this that they ignore the fact that they will still think of him in reality, everything is unimaginable, everything is unexpected, but everything really happened.

It's just that no matter how uncomfortable the heart is and how impulsive the feelings are, Banxia knows that it is impossible for two people, so this is good, this is good. He comforted himself silently, forcing himself to put aside all the thoughts he shouldn't have. For them, the game may be the same as reality, but for him, it is just a game.

It's just that when it goes online again, how should the two get along? Intellectually told himself that he should give up on the spot, but emotionally, he was worried about what would happen before, and Banxia was in a trance and thought of pain and sadness and joy, and did not find that he was different from the usual rest.

Only a sudden sharp pain made him feel that something was wrong with him, but it was too late, and this pain instantly swept through his entire nerves, making him worse than dead for a while.

Banxia felt like he was being burned by fire, only feeling that this fire was started by the brain, then the internal organs, from the inside out, and finally the whole person. It was obviously painful to make him feel that he was going to faint in the next moment, but his consciousness was still so tenacious to stay awake, which made Banxia want to kill himself quickly.

Then he saw his relatives doing all kinds of examinations around his body, and saw their heavy faces and eventually some desperate eyes, he couldn't be dead, right? Banxia thought, but how can it still hurt so much when a person dies, he is obviously awake, but why is the person in a coma? Could this be a legendary out-of-body experience? It's just that where is his soul and how can he not see it?

They still didn't find the reason in the end, and Banxia also tried hard to think about what he had done to cause him this disaster, but after thinking for a long time, he had no clue, not to mention that he now has to divide most of his energy to resist this inexplicable pain, his brain is even more stiff, and any memory becomes a little blurry.

The more he thought about fainting, the more awake the person became, and finally the pain made him seem to be numb, and then he once again recalled with great difficulty what was wrong with him, how could he start a fever, will become like this, if he is still in the game now, maybe there can be a game glitch and other words, but now he obviously has no discomfort when he goes offline.

When he thought that this pain had reached the extreme, and he should be able to endure it, his brain suddenly burst out with a strong crack, just like someone dissecting his head with an electric drill, the blunt knife cut his nerves, but little by little, he wanted to grind it off, and Banxia didn't know how to describe his feelings at this time. I want to be good if I still faint, but I'm afraid that I will be woken up again immediately, so it's better if someone gives me a knife.

He felt that his brain was divided into countless particles, then reorganized, and then divided and reorganized, and the pain was naturally deeper and deeper each time. In the end, how he was unconscious, Banxia actually couldn't tell, but he knew extremely clearly that he definitely didn't faint. He felt that after this battle, no pain in the world would bother him again.

Banxia who fainted naturally did not know that before he completely fell asleep, his maximum body temperature had reached more than seventy degrees, which was by no means a high temperature that a normal human could withstand, but under the gaze of everyone in the Xia family, he survived this strange and incredible danger safely.

The body temperature slowly dropped, and then returned to normal and no longer changed, they heard the sound of breathing that was normal in the middle of summer, and finally heard a slight snoring, this is asleep? The haggard Xia family felt as if they heard countless crows waving their black wings above their heads and croaking.

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