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Chapter 83 The Right to Survival

How long exactly is twenty-four hours? Anyway, Banxia has never felt that twenty-four hours are so difficult. He felt that he had talked to Sixteen for a long time, and then he slept tiredly for a long time, and when he was woken up by a hurry, he found that twenty-four hours were only half the hour.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a yawn. The person who called him was not sixteen, but went out while he was asleep.

"Let you pass through the command center, I'm afraid the protective shield won't last long." I am the brother-in-law of the big girl, said anxiously.

Banxia was shocked in his heart: "Could it be that something has changed?" "Before he went to sleep, he got the news that the water pressure of the apocalyptic city was getting lower and lower, and if this trend continued, it would be no problem for the protective shield to support for twenty-four hours, how could he sleep so much since he slept.

"The extinct volcano in the center of the snowy plateau erupted, although it was far from here, but the flood suddenly soared, and the water temperature was getting higher and higher, sixteen said that there was originally a dead fire mountain range under the snowy plateau, and now I am afraid that the entire fire mountain range will erupt. If that's the case, none of us can escape a dead word, and the game is completely finished. Banxia's

brain, which was still a little vague, suddenly sobered up, and he hurriedly ran to the command center.

Seeing Banxia coming, Sixteen motioned for him to come and see. The only surveillance footage left turned into a flooding picture.

For a while, the room was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard, but Banxia looked at the monitoring picture but was a little abrupt. In any case, this is just a game, so at this time he is not thinking more about the difficulties he is facing at this time, but about his family in reality.

If the end times really erupt so suddenly, is the dilemma it faces the same? Volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and natural disasters will knock everyone to hell. It's just that the reason is not a self-inflicted result.

If it weren't for the people who fell into heaven in the game and wanted to attack their apocalyptic city with the 10,000-year-old ice of the snowy plateau, how could this so-called apocalyptic catastrophe break out so quickly? In the end, the end times are really unavoidable, but they will not erupt so quickly, and perhaps there will be such destructive power.

What about in reality? Although the reasons for the outbreak of the end times have been widely debated, the self-destructive behavior of mankind has always been obvious to all. Thinking of the information taken by the sixteen people who looked at it, although the future human beings after the apocalyptic chaos tried their best to make rescue measures, the earth could not return to the way it was before the end of the world, which also strongly promoted human beings to go out of the earth and migrate to the galactic galaxy.

It's just that this time I saw the behavior of the fallen heaven, although this is a game, maybe they can't do it like him, but why not reflect two thousand years of stable life from the side, and human beings have begun to tend to the edge of depravity and self-destruction.

Banxia thought about it, a bitter smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth, humans can never learn well. Superior and inferior, this is the law of nature, so in fact, this is good, so in the future to experience another apocalyptic chaos, can the surviving human beings also move to a wider universe, destruction and rebirth are always complementary.

"Any suggestions?" Sixteen looked at Banxia and asked.

Banxia shook his head: "Let's all be safe."

For a moment, he gave birth to such a negative emotion, which made Sixteen and the others stunned.

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