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Chapter 78: Anti-Water

Banxia and the bearded man assisted Shiki in repelling more than ten attacks of the enemy side, and the dazzling light of various skills made Banxia only feel that his eyes were so astringent that he wanted to cry. He looked at the time, there was still the last hour to end this siege battle, but he was so tired now that he didn't want to say a word, and he never felt that six hours was so difficult.

Now that the sky has darkened, and the men and horses on both sides have entered a period of burnout, both the attack strength of the siege side and the strength of their defenders have dropped to the lowest point. And Sixteen and Enron, who fought in the air, have long disappeared. It is not that their covenant war is over, but that they have long since disappeared from there. The dizzy Banxia simply didn't have the strength to worry about Sixteen anymore, although he was still a little worried in his heart.

"Just hold on a little longer, I think the final siege battle will begin soon." Compared with the strength and weakness of Banxia, the beard has no signs of fatigue, and people are still standing alive at Banxia's feet, which is a sharp contrast with Banxia.

"Now I want to break the city, just let me sleep well." Banxia just lay on the ground with the sky as the curtain and the ground as the seat, not thinking about how many people's blood was spilled on the land under him, and how many corpses he had served. If it's not a game, it's scary to be overcrowded.

"Your mental power consumption is too great." The bearded man looked at Banxia's pale face and sighed, several hours of fighting side by side, let him also have a new understanding of the teenager next to him, and he couldn't help but feel very sorry in his heart, as for what to regret, he could only think in his heart.

"Banxia, how are you now?" Eighteen's voice suddenly appeared on the communication channel.

"One more breath." Banxia said weakly, but suddenly seemed to think of something: "Is there any news of sixteen?" At the mention of sixteen, he immediately sat up, and the person looked much more energetic.

"No news." Eighteen sighed.

"No news?" Banxia frowned, the person stood up, his eyes couldn't help but look into the distance, but unfortunately except for the diffuse smoke, there was nothing to see in the air, and the surrounding silence was a little strange.

"No news is good news, you don't have to worry about him, Sixteen will definitely not lose to Enron." Eighteen soothed: "Banxia, if you cheer up, Fallen Heaven will never give up like this, so now it can only be up to you." Banxia

smiled bitterly, look at me, you can also think too highly of me.

But this afternoon's battle to defend the city did play an indispensable role, and the degree of mutation of his spiritual power has made many people look ashamed, not to mention the degree of power of the various attacks it simulated, even if it is used to probe the enemy, it is really unmatched.

The attacks of these hostile alliances of the Fallen Heaven are naturally still mostly based on the number of sneak attacks, and it is difficult for them to think of so many strange ideas, but if they fall in peacetime, the Moonlight Lanting may not be able to withstand it, but this time they have encountered natural enemies, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Banxia is their natural enemy.

These sneak attacks on the spiritual exploration of the first half of the summer without exception only surrendered, which more or less caused the anger of the fallen heaven, but unfortunately the assassination against the half summer has not been successful so far, and his identity has not been leaked, until now Longmen and others still do not know who this high-level spiritual cultivator is.

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