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Chapter 105: Cooperation and Influence

The mysterious origin of sixteen did not let Banxia take it to heart, although it related to the two little buns who were not yet born. It is not that he does not believe all this, even if he and Sixteen can stand here, it itself means that the world cannot be understood by reason alone, but Banxia is actually a very pragmatic person.

Now Sixteen, who is not optimistic about the birth of the two buns, is not reliable in the slightest, which makes him less in awe of those mysterious events with mysterious colors, relying on the sky and relying on others is better than relying on himself, and he is still very confident in his own medical skills. What's more, the situation in Yueying City is indeed not good, but for him, it is not necessarily really helpless, even if there is only one percent hope, Banxia will use one hundred percent of his efforts to turn one hundred percent of his hope into ten percent.

It's just that this matter is still a bit complicated, because it concerns the trust of Yueying City and even Sixteen in him. Sixteen to put it mildly, since Banxia confessed to him the idea of wanting to take two buns as an experimental subject, although he was a little displeased and reprimanded Banxia, he also knew that if he wanted to save two buns, he could only let Banxia's dead horse be a living horse doctor. In fact, the experimental subject in Banxia's mouth does not mean that he blindly tossed two unborn buns in order to verify something, but some unverified ideas need to be directly applied to the process of diagnosis and treatment, so Sixteen actually acquiesced to Banxia's approach.

But Moon City is different. Somehow, Banxia's words to Sixteen were spread, which made Yueying City very wary of Banxia. Every time Banxia wanted to do some examination on her or ask her to take some medicine, she refused to cooperate without asking clearly. In this way, all the medicines that Banxia had dispensed for her were secretly thrown away by her.

Because of Sixteen's intervention, those doctors of the alliance were ashamed and revived and began their duties, so Yueying City now believed in the doctors of the alliance. In addition, since she entered Hel in her real body, the person and the two buns have been much better, so she didn't feel bad about the half-summer yin and yang.

Banxia is not a fool, once or twice it is so hidden, the number of times, no matter how good the temperament is, people should be angry. What made him even more annoyed was the rumors outside, saying that in order to get sixteen, he deliberately fell into the city for the embarrassment of the moon, that is, he did not even let go of the unborn buns, and even some people suspected that he was the one who let the buns infect the apocalyptic virus in the first place.

Banxia originally waited for Sixteen to come out to refute the rumors, but after waiting for a long time, the rumors spread to his laboratory, and many people in the moonlight city came to the door, and did not see a party come out to excuse him, which made Banxia really disappointed.

Yue Yicheng should have wanted him to take the initiative to give up the matter of being responsible for her diagnosis and treatment, as for the reason why Sixteen had been silent, Banxia didn't understand. So Banxia finally sneered and let go, he was not cheap enough to go to the door to ask for his treatment, so he didn't even stay in the laboratory, directly made a palm cabinet, and ran to the treasure to make fun.

Unexpectedly, the angry Banxia met the group of Longmen again at the location of the treasure of Chulia Damor Vosimok, and both sides were a little stunned when they met, but Longmen looked at the appearance of Banxia and slowly smiled.

"How did you figure it out?" He taunted with a smile.

Banxia glanced at him coldly, this person was really mature and stable, compared to when he first saw him, it was simply a earth-shaking change.

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