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Chapter 35 Seeking Evidence

Banxia felt a little dizzy, the first message arrived, what happened to the second large-scale hidden mission?

He lowered his head and pulled out his taskbar, and the two main quests were all blood-red letters, giving people a shocking feeling. The first is a salvation mission, and now it is in the third ring state, which needs no more mention. The second is the hidden mission that has just been received, which is also a serial mission, but it is not as detailed as the first salvation mission prompts, because there is not a single extra word except for the two ring tasks that have been completed so far.

The first link is to visit Chulia Damor Vosimok's subordinate and friend Mrs. Qian. The second ring was recognized by the weapon Red Silk, refined by Chulia Damor Vosimok, both of which are currently in a completed state. If it weren't for the fact that the mission was continuing, he would have thought that the mission had been completed so far.

Is this so-called hidden task even the mission content hidden? Banxia looked at it for a long time, if it weren't for the old lady's voice, he would have forgotten that he was still sitting in someone else's home.

"I am old, and even if I am unwilling, I don't have the strength to take care of those grievances, not to mention that I still have such a big family to maintain, so I can't offend those people." So I won't entertain you today, and if you have the heart, come and see me another day. The old lady ignored Banxia's startled face, and interrupted his thoughts with a very tired opening.

Banxia only then remembered that there were still people sitting next to him, and quickly got up: "Old lady, I may stay here for a while, and I will disturb you in a few days, I am really sorry today."

Old Lady

Qian just shook her head and pointed to the mackerel that was folded and put aside: "Don't forget to take her away." Banxia

smiled bitterly for a long time, he already recognized himself as the main thing, naturally he could only follow himself, so even if he was embarrassed, he could only accept it, no matter how he came back in two days, he must return the old lady's kindness.

As soon as the hand touched the red silk, he only felt that the hand was smooth and delicate, and before he had time to marvel, a clear voice suddenly appeared in his mind: "The red silk recognizes the Lord intelligent start, currently in a non-combat state, it has become a confucian clothes, please select the color and style of the ru clothes." Banxia

was stunned to look at several clothes of different colors and styles that appeared in front of him, not only ancient costumes but also current costumes, this is too advanced and too amazing

He couldn't help but look at Old Lady Qian on the side, but he didn't expect Old Lady Qian to seem even more surprised than him.

"I have sent you and recognized you as Lord, and you choose what you like." It turned out that the function of this mackerel was so powerful, and now I think that instead of letting it sleep in my Qian family all the time, it is better to see the day again to exert its true strength earlier, and it is not in vain Ms. Wosimok's efforts. The smile on Mrs. Qian's face was almost bitter.

Banxia silently glanced back again, chose an extremely simple light cyan robe, pressed the OK button, and then he only felt that the red light flashed in front of his eyes, his skin was slightly cool, and when he looked closely, the clothes on his body had changed.

Banxia left a little dumbfounded, he felt that his brain was in an extremely stiff and wooden state, blank. Therefore, it is naturally impossible to find the old lady looking at his departing figure, her eyes slowly closed, and the old tears slowly fell.

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