Chapter 1: The Wolf-Eared Boy (1)

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[The "Fairy Tale Game" system is being connected...]

[Connection completed, creating a character--1%]





Mingshu opened her eyes, and a lot of fresh air gushed out Into the nasal cavity, making him feel dizzy for a moment.

The senses of the body gradually became clear, and he raised his hand to block the glare of the sun.

The system beep is still ringing.

[The layout of the copy scene has been completed]

[The npc is in place]

[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? ]

... Plot? Ming Shu is still in a state of confusion, hesitating to choose [Yes] on the task panel.

[Plot Tips]:

[This is a rich village, the villagers are hardworking, simple, kind and friendly, but in the deep forest, there is a dangerous creature-werewolf hidden. ]

[The werewolf is insidious, cunning, bloodthirsty and violent, and takes pleasure in torturing villagers. During the day, they wear human skins and hide among the crowd. At night, they summon wolves to attack the village. Only on the night of the full moon, will they tear off their camouflage and turn into humanoid beasts with blue-faced fangs, immense strength, and black hair all over their bodies... ...]

There are only two paragraphs in the plot prompt, and Ming Shu scrolls back, but there is nothing left.

So, this is a copy of the plot?

Ming Shu fell here out of nowhere. He is a newcomer and has no right to choose the dungeon independently.

In his past experience, he only served as passers-by and cannon fodder small supporting roles, the kind that were designed to set off the atmosphere of the dungeon scene, so as to earn a little bit of points.

Ming Shu looked around and found himself in a forest.

Overgrown with weeds, the shadows of the trees move with the wind, bright sunlight shines through the gaps in the branches and leaves, and a winding path extends from his feet to the distance.

Besides Mingshu, there was another figure nearby.

It was a boy who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, tall and handsome, wearing a dark brown cloak-style coat.

He was holding a pine cone in his hand and a rough bamboo basket in the other, and was looking over here.

Is this a player? Or npc?

Ming Shu tried to say hello to the other party: "Hello?"

The two were separated by a few trees, the boy heard Ming Shu's voice, and walked over.

The boy approached, raised the corners of his lips and smiled: "Hello."

At this moment, the system's notification sounded again.

[The dungeon task has been triggered]

[Ding Dong--The main task is released]

[Task 1: Please unleash your instincts and throw down the villagers in front of you! 】

The system's cold mechanical voice is paired with a slightly rising tone, which sounds a bit weird.

Ming Shu was at a loss, releasing his nature? What nature?

His attention was attracted by the task that appeared suddenly, and he was very puzzled and puzzled. His amber eyes were out of focus, and he looked blank.

The young man carrying the bamboo basket looked at Mingshu calmly, and asked, "Are you here alone?"

Mingshu recovered, and turned off the system panel first: "Yes."

The main task is just this sentence, But if he guessed correctly, the villager refers to the boy in front of him.

According to Ming Shu's limited experience in the past, the boy should be an NPC, the kind that guides players to start the story at the entrance of the dungeon.

As for the mission 1's "unleash your instincts and knock down the villagers", Ming Shu didn't understand what it meant, so he decided to wait and see.

The boy asked again: "Where are you from? I don't think I've seen you before."

This seems to be a common sentence pattern for guiding NPCs, and Ming Shu casually pointed in a direction.

The young man took advantage of the trend to look over, and quickly withdrew his gaze. The eyes that fell on Mingshu's face showed a hint of vigilance and inquiry.

A strange face that appeared alone in the forest, Ming Shu was wearing the most common hemp clothes, inconspicuous dark gray, but had an amazing face.

Ming Shu was unaware of this, and asked, "Can you please take me into the village?"

According to the content in the plot prompt, the dungeon map should be in the village. If you want to get more plot related information, you have to go to the village to find it. clue.

The young man was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

It seemed to be going well...Ming Shu heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled at the young man.

The boy's eyes drooped slightly, and he looked away: "Follow me."

He put the pine cones in his hand into the basket, and walked forward along the path, Ming Shu hurriedly followed.

Everything here is unfamiliar to Mingshu, he has to guess what kind of dungeon this is, and he doesn't know whether it is a single person or multiple people.

However, after entering all the dungeons, he cannot exit. He can only try to clear the level, successfully get the reward and leave the dungeon, and accept punishment if he fails.

Rewards and punishments are generally based on the difficulty of the dungeon. Mingshu remembered that before coming in, he vaguely heard some fairy tales mentioned by the system...

Are there any dungeons related to fairy tales in the dungeon library? Ming Shu couldn't remember it, but compared to "Scary Night Talk", "Death Train" and other copies with the words "fairy tales", it sounded very peaceful and serene.

Moreover, most of the dungeons of the plot type are relatively simple, just follow the plot, and don't go in the wrong direction.

Besides, as a rookie with a total score of less than three digits, he couldn't enter any difficult dungeons.

Ming Shu clicked on the other options on the panel, looking for any other hints.

[Mission Completion]: 0%

[Story Completion]: 2%

[Mall]: Mission Completion is 20% open,

and there are some options such as maps, character details, npc lists, etc., which basically show "to be explored".

Ming Shu scanned the system panel and found the word [Rules] in the bottom corner.

[Dungeon 1 Rules]:

1. If the mission completion rate is over 90% and the plot completion rate is 100%, the level is successfully cleared. The player's life points are cleared or there is a major mistake to clear the level

. Decide on your own;

3. The main task is released on time, and there is no time limit for completion. If there are three or more unfinished main tasks in total, one life point will be deducted;

4. The side task is triggered in the plot and needs to be completed within the task time limit. A little life point;

5. Players need to explore the hidden tasks by themselves;

6. After completing the task, you will get corresponding points rewards, and the points can be exchanged for items in the mall (only for this copy);

7. Initial life points: 3.

Mingshu noticed that the rules said dungeon one, could this be a continuous dungeon?

The initial life point shows 3, which should mean that he has three lives.

Points are rewarded for completing missions, but life points are deducted for mission failure.

Ming Shu faintly felt that this dungeon might not be as simple as he imagined.

He turned off the rules and clicked on the character details.

[Name]: Ming Shu

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 19

[Dungeon Character]: (It seems unusual, further confirmation is needed)

The task details only have the one just now, and there is no completion time limit as expected.

Mingshu read the content of [Task 1] again, but still didn't find any useful information.

He lowered his head and looked at the system panel intently, not noticing that the boy in front of him stopped.

Ming Shu almost bumped into the other party, and when he raised his head, he met the gaze of the boy who had turned around.

"Are you there?" Ming Shu looked around and found that they were still in the woods.

The boy replied: "Soon."

He was a bit taller than Ming Shu, his slightly drooping eyelashes cast a small shadow, and Ming Shu's face was reflected in his dark pupils.

"What's your name?"

Are you going to really enter the dungeon plot? Mingshu hesitated for a moment: "Mingshu, tomorrow's tomorrow, comfortable and comfortable."

The young man put down the bamboo basket, put one hand into the pocket of his coat, and said slowly, "Are you a foreigner? You need a wooden door to enter the village. I just have a spare one here, so I'll give you one."

Ming Shu's eyes lit up slightly: "Thank you."

His reaction made the young man pause, and then he took out a wooden tablet half the size of a palm, engraved with " Xiangkou Village" three words.

Mingshu took the wooden sign, and then a small group of unknown objects fell into his hand together with the wooden sign.

This thing seems to have been brought out by a young man carelessly, like a bumpy stone, only a little bigger than Ming Shu's fingertips, and the smooth part is shining with silver light.

Before Ming Shu could react, a sharp pain suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand that touched the stone, as if being burned by fire.

"Hiss..." He let go of his hand, and the wooden sign and stones fell into the grass together.

Ming Shu looked at the palm, a layer of black appeared on the skin that touched the stone just now, and then disappeared quickly.

"What is this?" He squeezed his wrist and raised his head in a daze.

At this moment, the system prompts sounded one after another.

【You have been exposed! Please escape from the hands of the villagers as soon as possible. ]

[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? 】

Ming Shu didn't care about the system prompts, he saw the expression on the young man's face instantly turned cold, looking at him with extreme disgust and hatred in his eyes.


He spat out a word, holding a short knife in his right hand at some point.

No matter how slow Ming Shu was, he could sense the young man's killing intent at the moment.

He hurriedly took a step back: "Wait... Is there some misunderstanding?"

Ming Shu clicked on the new plot reminder, wanting to know what happened.

[Plot Tips]:

[The villagers were deeply hurt by it, and they were going to try to fight back. Things didn't go well at first, and werewolves were most vulnerable outside of the full moon, but a werewolf in human skin was perfectly camouflaged and extremely difficult to detect. ]

The mechanical sound of the system rang in Mingshu's ears. At the same time, the young man came behind Mingshu at an extremely fast speed and slit his throat with a short knife.

Ming Shu didn't even have time to resist, the pain and all kinds of perceptions were so real, he could even hear the sound of his skin being pierced by a sharp knife.

A large stream of blood spurted out, and the unknown fragrance of flowers in the woods was covered by the smell of blood.

[Until one day, Yuan Chen, the youngest son of the village chief, rescued a talking mushroom in the forest. ]

[In order to repay Yuan Chen, Little Mushroom told him that werewolves are afraid of silver products, and the slightest touch will make them painful. 】

The young man let go, and threw Ming Shu on the ground. He couldn't make a sound, and his vision gradually became dizzy as he was on the verge of death.

Before completely losing consciousness, Ming Shu saw the blood flowing between the blades of grass, the young man's indifferent gaze swept across his face, and he leaned over to pick up the fallen silver pieces on the ground.


[The player has lost the life feature, the mission failed]

[A little life point will be deducted, and

the file will be rolled back soon] [Save point not found, the copy will be reset soon]

[The layout of the copy scene has been completed]

[The npc is in place]

Ming Shu opened his eyes again Opening his eyes, he hadn't completely withdrawn from the death just now, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

He was trembling all over, breathing in small mouthfuls of shock, and his physiological tears overflowed uncontrollably.

It's too real... Everything is too real, he seems to have really died once, and his neck still hurts till now.

Ming Shu touched his neck, his palms broke out in a layer of cold sweat, the fear of the rest of his life almost made him want to retch.

He is just an inexperienced rookie. In the previous dungeons, all he had to do was pretend to be ugly and scare other players. He had never taken any dangerous missions.

Isn't this a copy of the fairy tale... Why is it not the same as what he imagined at first.

Ming Shu wiped his face with his sleeve, forcing himself to calm down.

Before he died, the system read a new plot prompt, mentioning that werewolves are afraid of silver products.

Thinking of the silver-gray stone and the burning sensation when it touched the skin, Ming Shu was basically sure.

His copy character is a werewolf.

Therefore, the "release nature" in the main mission refers to the nature of werewolves.

There were footsteps approaching, and a figure stood in front of Ming Shu, and a slightly familiar voice sounded: "You are..."

Ming Shu raised his head, and instinctively shrank back.

It was the boy who killed him just now.

Because of Mingshu's death, the dungeon has been reset, and he has returned to the original forest starting point.

The effect of resetting and resetting is the same, and the boy should not remember what happened before at this moment.

But Mingshu still remembered that this "villager" who was very friendly to him one second raised his knife and cut his throat the next.

The time from death to re-entering the dungeon was too short, leaving no time for Mingshu to adjust. His eyes touched the young man's hands, and he forced himself not to recall, his voice trembling: "I..." Seeing this, the young man put down the bamboo in his hand

. Basket, half squat down with knees bent.

This posture brought the distance between him and Mingshu closer. Mingshu held his breath and stepped back a little until his back touched the tree trunk behind him.

Because of his appearance, Ming Shu looked younger than his actual age, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

He was very beautiful, with exquisite facial features, tears were still stained on his fair face, his hands were tightly clutching the fabric of the clothes, his eyes were red, and he looked at the boy in panic and anxiety.

In the previous encounter, Ming Shu was ignorant, fearless, and behaved casually, appearing alone in the dangerous forest without showing any signs of defense.

But now he was panicked, with fear and timidity written all over his face, full of confusion.

He seemed to have just experienced something bad. The young man frowned slightly, and his tone became softer: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Ming Shu's eyelashes trembled slightly, but he didn't speak.

"Why are you here alone?" The young man asked, "Where's your family?"

Ming Shu didn't know how to answer, he was still afraid of the young man, and shook his head silently.

His reaction seemed to be severely frightened, and he couldn't even speak.

The boy asked again: "Did you get separated? Or..."

This place is some distance away from the village, and there are occasional wild beasts nearby, plus there are werewolves with strange movements.

Ming Shu's face was unfamiliar, he might be a stranger who happened to pass by here from somewhere else.

But there was no blood on his body, so I don't know what happened to him.

Ming Shu still shook his head, the boy looked up at the sky and thought for a moment.

"It's getting dark," he quickly made a decision, and tried to reach out to touch Mingshu's arm, "It's not safe in the woods, I'll take you back to the village first, okay?" Not long ago,

Mingshu asked the boy Leading the way, but now he took the initiative to ask for Mingshu's opinion.

Ming Shu looked at the boy's hand stretched out. The slender fingers had distinct joints, and there was a layer of rough calluses on the edge of the palm and the pulp of the fingers.

It was the owner of this hand. After confirming his identity, he killed him neatly.

Walking with the young man again, he will probably use silver pieces to test himself again.

But if he refuses, will the teenager find other clues.

Ming Shu didn't want to die a second time. In his opinion, no matter which choice he made, it was dangerous.

He didn't speak, the boy withdrew his hand, and reached into his pocket as if wanting to get something.

Ming Shu's already fragile nerves tensed up again, but he saw the boy take out a clean small handkerchief.

The young man stretched out his hand again, and gently wiped away the tears on Mingshu's face.

Ming Shu was stunned for a moment, and finally realized that maybe because of his reaction to seeing the boy this time, the other party misunderstood something.

He appeared in the image of a weak person, and the teenager's attitude towards him was also different.

Ming Shu quietly opened the system panel, and the 【Character Details】has been updated.

[Name]: Ming Shu

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 19

[Dungeon Character]: Werewolf

He is a werewolf, and the main task is definitely impossible to do now, and the "villagers" in front of him are not easy to mess with.

In the absence of other clues, sneaking into the village to adapt is the best choice, but Ming Shu is a werewolf, and he needs to disguise himself.

This moment seems to be the best opportunity, Ming Shu slowly catches the boy's handkerchief, and nods bravely.

The author has something to say: Let's start the article, the fairy tales in the

two chapters of today's update are original fairy tales, they are very simple, finely divided and sliced

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