Chapter 57: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (20)

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"He..." Xia Zhu asked cautiously, "Is he still looking for you?"

Pearl took Mingshu away and never returned to the Sea Snake Clan. Xiuju never personally confirmed whether Mingshu was dead.

Ming Shu shook his head: "I don't know, maybe... he likes mermaids with this kind of appearance?"

He deliberately said in a relaxed and indifferent tone, but he didn't like it in his heart.

Long hair, silver tail, and good looks, he is not the only one in the mermaid tribe. After finishing such a move, it looks like he is choosing a new beautiful little fish.

"But..." Xia Zhu hesitated to speak.

The leader of the sea snake came to the mermaid tribe yesterday. He didn't think about other things at first, it was just a normal plot, but today he learned that he was looking for a mermaid with the same characteristics as Mingshu.

This made him come to the mermaid clan, adding a reason that has nothing to do with the plot. Xia Zhu was vigilant. Although all actions of the system npc follow the system's instructions, there have been precedents

of mission failures due to plot deviations in dungeons...

It's dark."

However, after resting at night, Ming Shu couldn't fall asleep.

He repeatedly recalled what happened in the two dungeons, some unusual coincidences and vague clues, and the common ground between several npcs.

In the end, Mingshu began to worry, what if he guessed wrong, everything was his illusion.

He thought of Yuan Chen from the last dungeon, and the few words he had said to himself before leaving.

Ming Shu suddenly opened his eyes, and sat up while supporting the reef.

No, he has to go to Xiuqi, he has to complete the task as soon as possible.

After clearing this dungeon, he might be able to give him some answers that he can't figure out now.

Pearl floated beside Ming Shu, seeing that he was not sleeping, she slowly swam over to touch his cheek.

Ming Shu made a gesture to silence it, intending to quietly go to the center of the territory to take a look.

He had just turned around when Xia Zhu's voice sounded from behind: "Ming Shu?"

Ming Shu hurriedly said, "Sorry,

did I wake you up?" The leader of the sea snake, right?"

He knew that Ming Shu couldn't help it. The relationship between Ming Shu and the leader of the sea snake was different, but he really didn't need to worry too much. The faction value of 70 was as difficult as heaven for other players, but Mingshu didn't have to.

Ming Shu gave a "hmm" and quickly explained: "I... just think it's more convenient to move around at night, so I won't be discovered by others." With an

expression of "I understand", Xia Zhu turned over and swayed the fish's tail: "Let's go Let's go, I'll go too, and see what the sea snake leader is doing with those mermaids."

Ming Shu was even more embarrassed, as if he was jealous, so he hurriedly chose to go to Xiuqi tonight.

He wanted to explain a few more words, but he still didn't make a sound after he opened his mouth.

Well...he admitted that he was a little bit jealous, and wanted to complete the task as soon as possible, which was just one of the reasons for wanting to see Xiuqi.

Xia Zhu first went to look around, and after confirming that it was safe, he turned back and asked Mingshu to follow him.

He was worried that Mingshu would go alone, so he would bring an extra helper, and he would take care of him on the way, and he could also help watch the wind.

Pearl didn't follow, it was a little afraid of being discovered by Xiu Qi, so it chose to stay alone in the residence.

It hides in the coral grove, reluctantly watching Mingshu leave.

The night was quiet, and the mermaids were resting at this time. The two bypassed the swimming route of the night patrol and quietly moved towards their destination.

On the way, Xia Zhu asked in a low voice: "Is the leader of the sea snake treating you very well?"

Otherwise, it's just a system NPC, and Mingshu still misses it when he leaves.

Ming Shu nodded silently, and after a while couldn't help but said: "He gave me a fish tank."

Xia Zhu was puzzled: "A fish tank?"

"Yes, a fish tank," Ming Shu roughly described the size of the water tank to Xia Zhu, " It's so beautiful, there are aquatic plants and corals inside, glowing algae lamps, and a shell bed..."

Ming Shu said, feeling depressed again.

The fish tank that Xiuju sent him was so big, it would be enough to put three or four shell beds in it.

He can also take other mermaids back and live in his palace openly.

Xia Zhu refreshed his cognition once again, and couldn't close his jaw in surprise: "It's because I'm ignorant..." "

No," he suddenly realized something, and he was even more shocked, "He already knew you were a mermaid?"

Otherwise, why would you send a big fish tank? Sea snakes don't sleep on shell beds in the water.

Ming Shu nodded: "I don't know when he found out..."

Xia Zhu opened his eyes wide in disbelief: "He knows you are a mermaid, and

he still keeps you!" I only found out when I was escaping, but it turned out to be earlier than this time.

The other players disguised themselves tremblingly, for fear of being discovered, but when they arrived at Mingshu's place, he was found and he was unscathed, and the leader of the sea snake still liked him so much and doted on him.

Ming Shu couldn't explain it: "Actually, it used to be..."

Isn't it the same for Yuan Chen in the last dungeon? He is the wolf who sneaked into the village. Except for the accidental death on the first day of entering the dungeon, Yuan Chen never hurt him.

Xia Zhu didn't listen to Qingmingshu's words, but felt incredible: "Could it be that the npcs here have such a high degree of freedom?"

If you can change the initial settings because you like it, wouldn't it be easier for the plot to go astray...

Ming Shu was silent for a while, and suddenly asked, seemingly unintentionally: "Do you know that there is another copy of this fairy tale copy?" "I have

heard of it," Xia Zhu scratched his head, "but it's just heard of And some players said that when the dungeon experiment was first carried out, there was no dungeon 2." That is the dungeon

they are in now. About this point, Xia Zhu can only guess that it was added later, and they became the first batch of small dungeons. white rat.

Ming Shu replied vaguely, Xia Zhu didn't know much more than him.

There was no useful information to be obtained from him, and Mingshu had no one else to turn to for help, so he could only explore by himself.

Soon, the two took advantage of the darkness to reach the center of the territory.

The environment in this area is even more open, the houses where the mermaids live are far apart, and the surroundings are very dark, except for a spot of light in the distance.

"Is that over there?" Ming Shu looked over, "How do we get in?"

He said he wanted to see the leader?

But he still wanted to know what Xiu Qi was doing inside, and he didn't want him to see him in advance.

Xia Zhu lowered her voice: "Follow me."

Approaching the direction of the light, Ming Shu saw that the sea water in that area was indeed propped up, and there was a gray stone pillar in the middle, which was very similar to the one in the territory of the Sea Snake Clan.

There are mermaids guarding the outer circle, and if you want to get close to the inner area, you have to go around them.

The two waited in a remote corner for a while, then swam quietly to the side.

Xia Zhu swam out first, pretending to be anxious and worried, claiming to have seen the missing mermaid, which attracted the attention of two mermaid npcs and led them away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ming Shu quickly swam in, covered himself with a few rocks, and came to a wall of water.

Passing through the water wall, which is the place where the subordinates brought by Xiujuhe lived temporarily, Mingshu saw two sea snakes in soldier uniforms guarding it.

He swam away quietly and checked around the water wall, just in time to find a few silver-haired mermaids being brought in.

They took human form, wearing simple white robes, and were led in by a sea serpent soldier.

Ming Shu followed all the way outside the water wall, and saw them stop somewhere from afar.

There are no buildings in the mermaid tribe, and the tallest ones are the reefs that can be seen everywhere. In addition, the environment here is empty, and the "yard" inside is actually open to the air.

Ming Shu hid behind a rock, quietly looked in the direction of several mermaids through the water wall.

A pitch-black figure with his back facing Mingshu, sitting on a stone chair made of coral branches and reefs, was Xiuqi whom he hadn't seen for many days.

He raised his hand to prop his forehead, and raised his eyes coldly.

The mermaid NPC who led the silver-tailed mermaids saluted him respectfully, and said, "This is the mermaid carefully selected by the elders tonight, please take a look." Since the mermaids have invited the mermaids to complete the repair, they will definitely not neglect it, he thought

. Having a few silver-tailed mermaids is not an excessive request. The strength of silver-tailed mermaids is generally weak, so if you can use this to please Xiu, it can be regarded as a little contribution to the clan.

A few silver-tailed mermaids raised their heads, either shyly or expectantly looking at Xiuqi ahead.

They also vaguely guessed the purpose of this trip. Although the sea snakes have always been a hostile race, for them silver-tailed mermaids, staying with the leader of the sea snakes may be better than staying with the mermaids.

Xiu Qi glanced over their faces with no warmth, and said slightly mocking and disappointed: "These are the most beautiful here?" The

mermaid npc was at a loss, he still not satisfied? But these few mermaids are indeed the best-looking ones that meet Xiuqi's requirements.

Xiu Kun stared at the white corner of his clothes without saying a word, as if he was distracted, his lowered eyes were as black as ink.

In his other hand, he was holding a delicate red coral ornament, and his fingertips were gently rubbing against the top.

"They... are naturally inferior to the sea snakes in your clan," the mermaid npc tentatively flattered, wanting Xiu Qi to keep these mermaids first, "but they are absolutely obedient, why not let them serve you for a night? If you don't If you are satisfied, just change it again..."

Xiu Kun was still silent, as if he didn't hear his words.

One of the silver-tailed mermaids boldly took a step forward, and said timidly: "Boss..."

Xiu Yun's eyes suddenly became colder, and he uttered a word: "Get lost."

There was a deep sense of gloom and impatience in his words , I don't know where I was offended by the mermaid in front of me.

The mermaid was taken aback and hurried back.

A few sea snake soldiers on the side winked at the mermaid npc, telling him to take the mermaids away quickly.

The mermaids didn't dare to stay longer, and were hurriedly sent back by the same route. A sea snake soldier took the initiative to send them out, and quietly said to the mermaid npc outside: " The leader is not in a good mood recently, and it's not the fault of

these mermaids."

Not coming.

The mermaid npc raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat overflowing from his forehead with his sleeve, and said with a smile, "It's not in the way."

As for Ming Shu, who was far away and separated by the water wall, it was even more difficult to hear what they were talking about. Those mermaids were quickly taken away again.

This is... don't you like it? Mingshu poked out half of his face from behind the reef, looking at the familiar figure from behind.

Suddenly, Xiuju stood up, turned his head and looked exactly in the direction where Mingshu was hiding.

Ming Shu's heart skipped a beat, and immediately hid behind the rocks.

He wasn't sure if Xiu Qi had seen it. From such a distance, he could also find a mermaid hiding here?

Before coming, Ming Shu was full of thoughts about what Xiu Jin and those silver-tailed mermaids would do, before he had time to think about how to explain his situation after seeing Xiu Jin.

According to the description of the plot, he definitely couldn't hide his participation in the election. As for Xiyu...

Before Ming Shu could think about it, the sound of footsteps gradually approached.

He became more flustered, and quietly swam to a rock behind to hide.

Xiu Qi stood by the water wall and dipped his hand into the sea water.

There seems to be a breath of his venom in the water... The venom has been out of the body for too long, and the breath is so faint that it is almost impossible to catch it, but there are still traces to follow.

Xiu Yun said coldly: "Come out."

Ming Shu, who was hiding in the dark, trembled while holding on to the rock, and did not show up for a while.

He was still too anxious and didn't make all the preparations, Xia Zhu was still waiting for him outside...

Xiuwen's patience was about to run out, and he called out, "Pearl?"

Ming Shu was taken aback, he thought it was a pearl hidden here ?

When he was in a daze, the sea water around him suddenly surged, several rocks cracked, and all of them broke into small pieces and fell down.

Now Ming Shu could no longer hide, and was forced to come out from behind the reef, avoiding the stones in the water.

Across a wall of water, Xiuju saw a black-haired and black-tailed mermaid appear, and his breath was stagnant.

He stepped into the water wall without hesitation, tightly grasped Mingshu's wrist, and pulled him into his arms.

"Little fish," Xiuwen hugged Mingshu tightly, his eyes were a little dazed, and the voice of the human form in the water was indistinct, "Is it a hallucination?"

No, it's not a hallucination.

Mingshu's fishtail and hair in front of him have turned black, which is different from before, but his aura is very familiar.

This is the smell of his venom, no wonder...

Ming Shu was imprisoned in Xiuqi's arms, and pushed him cautiously: "Boss... um..."

Xiuju kissed him eagerly in the water, pinching his waist The strength was a bit strong, and the other hand pinched the back of Mingshu's neck to prevent him from moving.

The mermaid and sea snake who stayed outside heard the movement and rushed over to check at the same time, but were repelled by the inexplicable vortex before they got close.

Several times in a row, the sea snake finally realized that it was the leader who didn't want them to disturb them, so he quickly stopped the mermaids and retreated to a distance.

Ming Shu's hands became weak from being kissed, and he tried hard to hold the clothes in front of him tightly, his tail fin raised slightly involuntarily.

He also missed Xiu Qi very much. He was a little happy that those mermaids left so quickly.

After a long time, Xiu Ke backed away a little and walked out of the water wall with Ming Shu in his arms.

The water droplets on the two of them kept coming up, Ming Shu was pressed on a dry reef inside again, and Xiu Qi pressed him down again.

This time Xiuju was much gentler, kissing Mingshu's cheeks repeatedly, while brushing away the hair on the side of his face: "Xiaoyu..."

His breath was unsteady, and his voice sounded a little trembling, suddenly on Mingshu's lips Bite hard.

Ming Shu pushed him away in pain, and said aggrievedly: "What are you doing..."

Xiu Qi licked his lips, excitement and agitation came to his mind slowly.

"You are not dead," he said these words almost through the gap between his teeth, suppressing the turbulent emotions, "take away my venom, and sneak back here.

" There is no cure for the toxin of the spotted octopus, and it is impossible for Ming Shu to survive for a quarter of an hour.

The venomous smell wafting from the mermaid territory, he thought it was Pearl.

At that time, Mingshu should have been carrying venom on his body. After Pearl left the reef area, she might indeed have come to the mermaid clan, or it was just a way.

After finding those beautiful silver-tailed mermaids, Xiu Qi had no hope at all, he wanted to see what the silver-white fish tails looked like in the sea, but when he saw those mermaids, he felt bored again.

Ming Shu shrank his neck: "I'm sorry..."

"Little liar..." Xiu Kun's breath was hot, the veins on the back of his hand stood out, but his movements were very gentle.

The rock behind Ming Shu was too hard, Xiu Hu hugged him back to the stone chair, carefully placed him between his legs.

The mermaid form made Ming Shu feel uncomfortable in the air, and there was no third figure nearby, so he simply changed his legs, quickly tore off Xiu's outer robe and hid in his arms.

Xiuqi stared at Mingshu intently, reached out and rubbed his lips with his fingertips until it turned red and hot, as if confirming that he was alive.

Ming Shu hid for a while, then turned to see the red coral decoration beside her.

His eyes fell to other places, which made Xiuqi feel dissatisfied, and pinched his chin and turned around.

Finding lost is more important than anything else, Xiuji didn't care to ask how Mingshu got back, where did Pearl go, and why did he use venom to turn the fish's tail black.

He kissed the tip of Mingshu's nose: "I'll take you back."

Mingshu hurriedly said: "No... I, I participated in the election for the successor, and I can't leave."

Xiu Qi would know anyway, and he took the initiative Frankly, there may still be discussions.

"Campaign?" Xiu Qi's gaze narrowed slightly, and he guessed the reason for the change in the color of Ming Shu's fish tail.

"Do you want to be the head of the mermaid clan?" He asked softly, as if saying that the weather is good today, and said calmly, "I'll help you."

Whoever dares to object, just kill him.

Mingshu could hear the meaning behind his words, and hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, I have to rely on myself..."

He said this with a guilty conscience, according to the plot and the main task, he had to rely on Xiyu.

Xiuju is not a mermaid, and his help cannot allow Mingshu to complete the task.

And now...he couldn't let Xiu Qi know how he completed the campaign.

"On your own?" Xiu Qi smiled, and touched Ming Shu's waist ambiguously

. Those increasingly dangerous missions.

Ming Shu bit the bullet and said: "Yes...and, don't let other mermaids relationship with you."

Asking Xiu Qi to keep the secret for him is considered cooperation, right? As long as he doesn't say anything, no mermaid will find out that his black tail is fake.

"What's the relationship?" Xiuwen hugged Mingshu tightly, kissed him and whispered, "Know you were slept with by me?"

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