Chapter 109: Halloween (13)

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It doesn't require much reward... These words made Mingshu recall some of the past.

Xiyu in the third dungeon also said similar words to him.

Mingshu still didn't make a sound, and his ears turned red. Fortunately, his hair had grown a lot recently, and he couldn't see it when he covered it up.

Perhaps because the vampire appeared in a different way and at a different time, he felt that the vampire was different from wizards and demons.

Coupled with those familiar words, Ming Shu felt very subtle, and she was even less afraid of him.

The vampire was keenly aware of Mingshu's changes. His body temperature increased slightly, especially around his ears and a little on his cheeks.

His eyes also dodge for a moment, as if he was a little timid, but he didn't seem to be.

The vampire moved closer, wanting to look at Mingshu more carefully and not miss the slightest change in expression on his face.

"How is it?" He continued: "Which ones do you want to catch? Tell them their names."

Seeing the abnormalities of the townspeople tonight, Mingshu had temporarily given up on the task and said politely: "Thank you, but It's really late now..."

He suddenly thought that vampires should also be creatures that haunt the night, and since he was here, could Sang Yin also use the body of a wizard or a demon to come here?

He quietly looked around, but didn't see any familiar figure.

The vampire said: "It's not too late."

The bell had already rang for the second time, the airtight clouds seemed to be shrouded in black gauze, and the street lights on both sides of the street were bright.

He let go of Mingshu and took away the bundle of hemp rope in his hand: "Name."

Mingshu: "..."

The vampire didn't give him a chance to refuse, as if he would be trapped if he didn't agree today. it's here.

He had no choice but to ask: "Then... what is the reward?"

When he mentioned the word "reward", his tone and expression were slightly different.

The vampire saw this and said softly: "Why don't you...give me a little of your blood?"

A little blood? At least this is not a strange request. If you really only need a little blood, Mingshu can accept it.

He thought for a moment and nodded lightly: "Okay."

Mingshu didn't know the names of the townspeople and asked the vampire if he could just grab any of them. One would be enough.

"Of course," the vampire agreed, "As you wish." As

soon as he finished speaking, Mingshu's eyes flashed, and the vampire's figure disappeared.

He looked around blankly, stood there and hesitated for a second, then turned around and immediately ran towards the residence.

At this late hour, Mingshu actually didn't think the vampire could capture the townspeople unless he could enter and exit anyone's house at will.

Moreover, the vampire never said that he would stay and wait for him. Mingshu was confident and hurried on without looking back.

However, when he rounded the corner, Mingshu saw a blood monster lying under a tree in the distance with its limbs stretched out, its strange-shaped head propped above.

Mingshu quickly backed away and hid in the darkness.

The blood monster in the distance didn't notice him, and was still lingering near the tree, scanning everywhere with almost only the whites of its eyes.

This was a crossroads, and Mingshu had to go through the street where the blood monster was. There was no way to take a detour. The street lights were so bright that he had no place to hide.

The blood monster circled around the tree, raised its head and sniffed. This angle was facing away from the intersection.

Mingshu's heartbeat quickened, and he planned to take this opportunity to sneak to the opposite side. The blood monster in the distance suddenly turned to look at where he was hiding, whimpering and retreating, raising his limbs and running away quickly.

A gust of wind blew by, and with a "plop", a town citizen knelt down behind Mingshu and shivered.

Next to him stood a vampire, holding a clean handkerchief and wiping his hands with a hint of disgust.

Mingshu turned around and saw this scene, he was shocked and dumbfounded: " fast?"

The townspeople on the ground had their hands tied with ropes, their whole bodies were shaking like chaff, and strange lines appeared on their faces and other exposed skin. , the facial features are also wrinkled together.

Sang Yin once said that the townspeople cannot go out at night, otherwise they will turn into some kind of monsters. The strange behavior of the townspeople at the moment is probably related to this.


The bell rang for the third time, and the townspeople's bodies shook and seemed to become more painful.

Mingshu subconsciously stepped back and looked at the vampire.

"What, are you not satisfied?" The vampire threw the handkerchief on the ground, put his toes on the townsman's back, and kicked him forward.

The townspeople got closer to Mingshu, and the system prompt sounded immediately.

[The [Fear Value] of the NPC [Townshipman] has increased by 20 points. Players are requested to keep up their efforts! ]

[Main mission two has been completed! Please check your reward points in the background]

The townspeople with their hands tied were thrown in front of Mingshu. Even though the opponent's fear value did not come from him, he still completed the task.

The abnormality of the townspeople is getting more and more serious. Their limbs are curled together, the skin on the back of their necks is wrinkled and curved, and their mouths are uttering unintelligible monosyllables.

Mingshu couldn't bear to look anymore and turned away: "Okay... let him go."

The mission has been completed, there is no need for him to continue hurting the townspeople, and he doesn't know where the vampire caught this person from, he may not Not among the townspeople who besieged the player tonight.

However, the vampire was unmoved: "Let him go?"

He lowered his eyes and looked at the painful townspeople on the ground, with a trace of disgust in his eyes: "This kind of dirty rat does not deserve sympathy."

Moreover, it was already too late.


The fourth bell rang, and the townspeople cried weakly, and their bodies began to twist.

Mingshu took a breath and stepped back again, his back bumping into a body without warmth.

The vampire didn't know when he came up behind him and opened his arms to hug him.

"Don't you know yet?" The vampire lowered his head and whispered: "They are not human."

In the blink of an eye, the townspeople could no longer recognize the human form, and the skin cracked and shrank, revealing the translucent white substance inside.

At this time, a dark shadow spread over, and the vampire took Mingshu several steps back.

The shadow passed over the ground, touched the townspeople on the ground, and gradually covered it.

Mingshu's face turned pale and his voice trembled slightly: "What is that..."

The shadow tore at the wrinkled skin of the townspeople, like tearing off the obstructive peel on the surface of an orange, and then began to devour the pulp inside.

After a while, until there was only a pile of clothes and a piece of skin left on the ground, and the shadow retreated, the vampire said: "Someone who is not easy to mess with." He spoke calmly, and raised his hand to touch the side of Mingshu's face.

: "Are you scared?"

Mingshu was indeed in shock, pinching his palms and taking a deep breath.

Sang Yin once said that townspeople who go out at night will become food for some kind of nocturnal creatures. Only now that he has seen it with his own eyes can he truly understand what he means by "food".

If the townspeople are not people, what are they?

The dark shadow looked insubstantial, but even the vampires were a little afraid of it.

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it now? 】

The system prompt sounded again, and there were several messages from Xia Zhu, but Mingshu couldn't care less.

The shadow left and the surroundings returned to silence. The vampire hugged Mingshu and reached out to brush away the black hair on one side of his neck.

The fair skin was close at hand, and the blood vessels were beating silently. He smelled the aroma of the blood in it: "Now, is it time to pay?"

Mingshu couldn't see the expression on the vampire's face, and the cold breath slid across the side of his neck. Feel his impatience.

He stabilized his mind and did not forget to confirm with the other party: "What you just said, a little is enough..."

The vampire seemed to smile: "Of course."

He was very satisfied with Mingshu's obedience, lowered his head and touched Mingshu's lips with his. On the side of the neck, a pair of fangs are slowly exposed.

Just before the fangs were about to pierce the skin, the hands that were restraining Mingshu suddenly loosened, and the vampire behind him retreated from him, and was pushed backwards by a force.

Mingshu's figure swayed and fell into another warm embrace.

He raised his head and saw a pair of familiar devil horns.

The demon had a face exactly like that of a vampire, with cold anger in his eyes, and he held Mingshu tightly in his arms.

Mingshu noticed: "Sang Yin?"

Sang Yin's breath paused slightly, his expression softened slightly, and he responded: "It's me."

The vampire not far away stabilized his figure, and a few pieces fell from the wall he hit behind. stone.

He brushed off the dust on his clothes and looked up impatiently.

Across the street, in a dark place that is difficult to detect, a small group of shadows is quietly dormant.

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