Chapter 111: Halloween (15)

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Mingshu's chin was pinched, his eyes wandered and he pretended to be stupid: "I'm sleepy... Go to sleep."

He believed that he could definitely control... He didn't care about the characteristics of his body's appearance, even if he really had horns. does not matter.

"Are you really sleepy?"

The rough fingertips rubbed the tip of Mingshu's chin, and the devil's red eyes drooped: "Little succubus."

The day before yesterday, he had called him little witch, but now his race had changed again.

The hot breath fell on Mingshu's face. He blushed and felt a vague agitation.

No... He just thought that he would definitely be able to control it. If he was like Shan Qi, he ended up not being mentally normal and even killed someone...

Ming Shu said calmly: "Well, it's too late to come back tonight."

They The first two dungeons were indulgent enough, but

he didn't have to rely on such things to prove his feelings... Moreover, he was really tired, both physically and mentally. He didn't know what kind of plots and tasks he would face when he woke up tomorrow morning.

Mingshu kept convincing himself, but in the end he couldn't hold it back a little and took the initiative to kiss Sang Yin.

"Let's go to the woods and the amusement park tomorrow," he said vaguely while kissing her: "You must come to accompany me at night..." He may be

too dependent on Sang Yin, but he really doesn't want to stay here alone, right? In a half-human house, even if he and Xia Zhu slept in the sea during the second dungeon, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Sang Yin responded and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, he can't stop me."

With precautions, if the leader wants to use the same method again, it is impossible to succeed a second time.

But he does have to go to the woods tomorrow. There is a cemetery there, which is where Xia Zhu dug out his fangs. The vampire's lair is probably there.

Mingshu yawned, and Sang Yin wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, then hugged him, rubbing his palms on his lower back: "Do you want to touch your tail?"

Mingshu said slightly nervously: "I'm really sleepy... "

But if Sang Yin persists, he may compromise... During the time they entered the dungeon, they have indeed never done this once.

Mingshu quietly clenched the corner of the quilt and began to think wildly. Sang Yin now used the body of a demon and was taller than his original self. Then would he... also...

"Well, go to sleep," Sang Yinrou said He said, "Just touch the tail."

For the demon clan, this was a comforting move. Mingshu felt unwell last night and instinctively wanted Sang Yin to touch the tail. This was also the reason.

"Is it just like this?" Ming Shu breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he felt a little inexplicably disappointed.

He noticed his emotional changes and quickly eliminated all distracting thoughts from his mind, while silently saying not to be affected.

Sang Yin raised his head and turned off the light, then touched Mingshu's tail under the quilt.

The thin tail hooked his wrist. Mingshu's breathing was a little messy, but he seemed to be comforted by Sang Yin. He yawned again and buried himself in Sang Yin's arms.

The next day, Mingshu woke up with a headache.

His temples were throbbing, and the sides of his forehead seemed to be torn open, with large clumps of cotton stuffed inside.

Mingshu sat up, frowned and rubbed his forehead.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, the pain quickly disappeared. Mingshu got up and went to the bathroom. He lifted his hair and checked, and found that a small section of black horns had grown out on both sides.

But there isn't much growth, and it can be blocked by letting your hair down.

Mingshu touched the top of the horn with his fingertips. It was blunt and would not hurt his hand if he pressed it hard.

After he washed up, he took some food out of the refrigerator, turned on the system and sent a message to Sang Yin, telling him about his headache in the morning.

There is another unread message in the private chat, which is from Xia Zhu.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Ren? I'm holding back now. I don't dare to drink blood. It's too scary.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: The new mission hasn't been released yet. Let's stay in the house for now. I'll contact other people to ask about the situation.

[Private chat] Chat] Mingshu: After

breakfast, Mingshu came to the window, opened a gap in the curtains and looked out.

During the day, the town returned to its original state, with nothing unusual visible.

Last night, Xia Zhu said that there was more than one situation where the townspeople were besieging the players, and that all the residents in the town might be involved.

They must delay time even if they are injured, but they will die as soon as it gets dark. Mingshu saw with his own eyes the shadow swallowing up the townspeople after the mutation.

Unless their purpose is not to delay time, but just because the players needed to complete the task at that time yesterday, they gathered together.

There are still teammates asking about Shan Qi in the team's private chat, but unfortunately he has not replied since the day yesterday.

He turned off the system and was about to close the curtains and go back to the bedroom to rest, when he suddenly caught a glimpse from the window and saw a small pumpkin placed on the handrail of his front steps.

The shape of this pumpkin was very familiar to Mingshu. The guide had once scared him with a pumpkin and placed the bleeding pumpkin in front of his door, just like it did now.

The pumpkin at the door is intact and looks small and cute.

Mingshu stared for a while, looking around but not seeing the leader. He quietly took the garbage bag out and threw the pumpkin into the trash can across the street.

Including the first time, this was the third pumpkin to appear at his door.

Mingshu didn't know the purpose of the pumpkin, and he was wary of everything in this town.

He threw away the garbage bag and returned to the door. He stopped and thought for a while, then opened the system store.

The items available for purchase in the mall were the same as the last time he saw them. They were all Halloween-related things, including small pumpkins made of clay and cotton.

The ones made of clay were a little more expensive. Mingshu took a look at his points balance. With the accumulation of previous copies, it was more than enough for him to buy ten copies at once.

In the end, Mingshu bought two. A clay one was placed outside the door, and a cotton one was placed inside the window. You can see it from the outside when you open the curtains.

After paying the points, two pumpkins appeared in Mingshu's hands, the same size as the ones he just threw away, exuding the fragrance of pumpkins.

The items produced in the system mall may be useless, but they will definitely not cause any harm to the players. Mingshu placed the pumpkin, and the porch looked much more pleasing to the eye than before.

After doing all this, he returned to his room and came to the window again, just in time to see the guide passing by.

Mingshu carefully hid behind the heavy curtains. There was only a gap in the curtains, and the guide didn't seem to notice that he was peeking.

The leader stopped in front of his door, turned his head and took a look, and then left quickly. He probably didn't notice that the pumpkin had been replaced.

Until he walked away, Mingshu relaxed, straightened the curtains and returned to the bedroom.

After staying alone all morning, there was no new news from Xia Zhu. Mingshu went to the kitchen to cook and cooked a random dish for himself.

After finishing lunch, Mingshu leaned on the corner of the sofa in a daze.

It seemed like this was the first time since he entered the dungeon that he didn't go out during the day.

He didn't know what Sang Yin was doing... Mingshu told him last night that the tasks were completed for the time being, and he might stay at home. If Sang Yin wanted to find him, he would come near the house.

Mingshu clicked on Sang Yin's private chat dialog box, hugged the pillow in her arms tightly, and hesitated for a long time but still didn't send him a message.

He missed Sang Yin, but he was also afraid that he would disturb him. As expected, they would meet every night. Sang Yin's status as a town citizen also meant that he had to guard against the leader, so he shouldn't run around during the day... Mingshu convinced

him I gradually fell asleep with my pillow on the armrest of the sofa.

He hadn't taken a nap for a long time, and this sleep was better than usual at night. Mingshu had a vague dream.

What he dreamed about was his past memories. He returned to the second copy, and Sang Yin built him a huge water tank on the seabed.

Mingshu was very happy. After playing in the water for a long time, he swam ashore and reached out for Sang Yin to hug him.

The scene suddenly flashed. Sang Yin pressed him against the shore, restrained his hands, and coaxed in his ear: "Xiaoyu, open it." They fit together

countless times, and Mingshu didn't resist at all, and he was shy. Kissing Sang Yin's Adam's apple.

This dream was very long. After waking up, Mingshu was in a daze for a long time. He got up, found some clean clothes and hurried to the bathroom.

He was a little scared and suspected that the Halloween costumes were starting to affect him. After coming out of the bathroom, he couldn't help but send a message to Sang Yin.

[Private chat] Mingshu: [Crying]

About half an hour later, Mingshu was sitting on the bedside and heard a gentle knock on the bedroom window.

He stood up and approached, asking in a low voice: "Who is it?"

Through the closed window glass, Sang Yin's familiar voice sounded: "It's me."

Mingshu opened the curtains and saw Sang Yin. He came from the side of the yard. Went around to the back.

Mingshu was so happy that he simply opened the window, climbed up and climbed out of the window.

Sang Yin reached out to catch him, held him in his arms, and pressed him over to kiss him: "I'm crying again, little crybaby."

His figure seemed to overlap with that in the dream, Mingshu's cheeks were slightly red: "I'm crying again I'm not really crying..."

The backyard is connected to the back of the residential area on the other side. The space is very narrow, and no one usually comes around to the back. Mingshu put his arms around Sang Yin's neck, trying to get him to kiss her again.

"Does your head still hurt?" Sang Yin felt a little distressed, "If it hurts at night next time, I can help you relieve it."

Unfortunately, he can only have spells at night when he enters the body of a demon or a wizard. During the day, he is a town citizen. , couldn't help Mingshu.

Mingshu rubbed his lips: "It doesn't hurt anymore..."

He seemed a little clingy today. Although he was always obedient in front of Sang Yin, he was also gradually affected by the Halloween costumes, and Sang Yin would naturally go there. Think on the other hand.

"What else?" He stepped away a little and looked down at Mingshu, "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Mingshu knew what he was asking and hesitated: "No..."

He did not feel uncomfortable at all. It was just the dream he had at noon...

However, Ming Shu was never good at lying in front of Sang Yin. Sang Yin squeezed his palm to comfort him: "Be good, tell me."

They were so close, and there was actually nothing to hide...

Ming Shu Shu buried his face and spoke hesitantly about his dream at noon.

"So am I affected?" Mingshu asked worriedly, "I feel a little strange, but..."

Shan Qi has not found a reasonable explanation for his strange behavior. He always thinks of the other person who was among the townspeople that day, like I have completely changed as a person, and I am afraid that I will end up like this.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid," Sang Yin repeatedly reassured, "It's just a dream."

Mingshu's worry continued: "Really?"

"Of course," Sang Yin looked as usual, "I will do it too."

Mingshu's His face suddenly turned redder and he said vaguely: "I...I've never done this before."

He still hugged Sang Yin and refused to let go, looking over with wet eyes as if asking for a kiss.

Sang Yin couldn't help but kiss him, pressed him against the wall, and touched his tail through the cloth.

Mingshu half-heartedly asked, "So am I normal..."

Sang Yin said "Yes": "Normal."

Mingshu felt a lot more relieved, and even the tense emotions relaxed, and he took the initiative Kiss him.

As long as Sang Yin was by his side and said that his dream was not that serious, Mingshu couldn't help but think of the contents of the dream again.

He felt the subtle changes in Sang Yin's body and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to be here?"

Sang Yin was also patient, but it was still daytime and it was not suitable anyway.

"No, at night..."

Mingshu's eyes were lost: "But...but I like you better now..."

Although he is still an NPC, Sang Yin is more like being separated from the identity of the copy. He is himself, not at night. The shell that covers the monster is obviously different from its body.

Sang Yin said nothing, looked at Mingshu without any trace, and reached out to touch his hot cheek.

He just lied, and something was wrong with Mingshu.

Sang Yin originally thought it wasn't that fast, so he told himself that it was possessiveness that made Mingshu uncomfortable last night, and he didn't want Mingshu to get close to other splits.

And he is beginning to be affected. Patience is the only way at the moment, otherwise he may sink deeper.

Although Mingshu is different from other players in that he seriously starts to change his race, even if he completes the transformation, he is still a mixed race.

It was the previous demon that turned him into this. Sang Yin believed that his body was the best for Mingshu. The other splits were more or less selfish, so he was not sure whether indulging Mingshu would harm his body. be damaged.

All in all, it's better to be cautious.

Sang Yin let go of Mingshu and patiently coaxed, "It's not safe here."

He couldn't enter Mingshu's house or take him back to his own residence. Places outside the house were not safe.

Mingshu couldn't listen, hugged Sang Yin and looked at him helplessly: "You are not allowed to leave..."

He realized later that he should not be doing this, and hurriedly let go.

"I..." Mingshu leaned against the wall, breathing tremblingly: "I must have been affected..."

He looked frightened, and Sang Yin hugged him over: "It's okay, it's my fault... I didn't Take good care of you."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here," he hugged Mingshu, "I'll come find you in the evening."

Mingshu took a deep breath and nodded obediently: "Yes."

He did not forget to remind: "You should be earlier... ..."

Sang Yin's sleeves were grabbed, and Ming Shu's look of dependence and expectation was caught in his eyes.

Mingshu's black hair has grown a lot and has reached down to her collarbone. The long hair makes her delicate facial features look even more delicate. Just now, she wanted to pull him here...

Sang Yin's breath also became heavy. If this continues , he may not be able to bear it.

He held Mingshu's hand and coaxed, "Okay, I'll come early."

After receiving Sang Yin's promise, Mingshu finally calmed down and asked him about his whereabouts in the morning.

"I went to the Unclaimed Cemetery," Sang Yin said, his expression gradually fading, "The vampire hid too deep and couldn't find him."

"Don't be anxious," Mingshu was worried about him. "There are very few people going there and it's easy to be noticed." "

I'm not in a hurry." Sang Yin lowered his eyes and gently squeezed Mingshu's soft palm, "It's just that I'm worried that he will hurt you."

Mingshu wanted to say that the vampire was also him, so he shouldn't be able to hurt him, but when he looked up and saw his expression, he swallowed his words.

The two stayed together for a while, and it was time for Sang Yin to leave.

Mingshu was reluctant to leave and watched him browse through the fence and leave from the side of the house next door. Then he walked around to the door of the house and used the key to open the door and go in.


time waiting for night seemed very long. Mingshu sat on the sofa bored, looking at the clock hanging on the wall from time to time.

A message popped up, it was Xia Zhu.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I tried my best. I ate two slices of bread and drank half a bottle of milk.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I thought the milk was quite delicious before, but now it's hard to swallow...but drink it. I feel a little more comfortable indeed

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: But the situation of others seems to be more serious than I thought... I heard that four or five players have disappeared, and they have not responded to messages and are not in the house

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I told the player who contacted me to ask them to search in places where there are many townspeople. They might be in the same situation as Shan Qi.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: What about you? are you OK?

Mingshu hesitated for a moment and told the truth.

[Private chat] Mingshu: I should be a little affected, and the symptoms are not serious yet. He will help me.

This "him", of course, refers to Sang Yin.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: That's good, I think patience is effective

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I'm so sleepy

, I'll go to bed first, good night. He didn't feel sleepy until four o'clock. Now it seemed that he was indeed getting better, which gave Mingshu some comfort.

He turned off the system, waited silently for dark, and huddled in the corner of the sofa holding a pillow.

Suddenly, there was some slight movement outside the door. Mingshu's first reaction was that Sang Yin was coming, and then he realized it was something else.

He immediately sat up and listened carefully while holding his breath.

The sound originated from the direction of the door, and I couldn't tell what caused it.

It's getting dark, shouldn't the people outside be townspeople? Mingshu's heartbeat quickened, and he mustered up the courage to silently walk to the window and open the curtains a crack.

Through the window, you can see the steps and handrails at the door.

The street lights came on one after another, and Mingshu saw a familiar little black cat squatting on the handrail, eating a small pumpkin with relish.

Mingshu didn't expect it to be the little black cat at all, and was stunned for a while.

Wait, that little pumpkin... he bought it from the mall. It's made of clay, and the little black cat can actually chew it? And he seems to like it very much.

If it hadn't been for the fact that half of the little pumpkin had been chewed, revealing the same color of clay inside, Mingshu would have almost thought that the little pumpkin had been replaced with the one brought by the leader.

The little black cat buried its head in eating, holding the little pumpkin with its paws to prevent it from falling. Most of its body was stained with a lot of clay debris, and a lot of it fell on the ground.

It only eats the body of the pumpkin, biting off the clay petioles and spitting them out.

The more Mingshu looked, the more curious he became. The little black cat suddenly raised his head and looked towards the window, as if he had discovered him. A pair of golden eyes were like small light bulbs glowing at night.

It dropped the pumpkin, shook its body, and jumped off the armrest.

Mingshu couldn't see the little black cat and thought it was gone. He opened the curtains a little more and tried to find it.

A dark shadow suddenly jumped onto the window sill. Mingshu was caught off guard and let go of the curtain with a shake of his hand.

When he pulled away again, the little black cat squatted outside the window and looked at him.

"Meow..." Its voice was small, with pumpkin-colored crumbs still stuck to the corners of its mouth. It raised its front paws and scratched the window glass, as if it wanted to come in.

Not many people could remain unmoved by cute furry creatures, and the same was true for Mingshu. He didn't close the curtains again, but he didn't dare to open the window.

The little black cat can keep bats away and eat pumpkins made of clay. All signs indicate that it is by no means an ordinary cat.

No one can be allowed in the house, not even through the windows, so what if there is no restriction on one cat per pair? Mingshu was afraid that if he opened the window, the little black cat would break in.

He reached out and touched the glass and whispered, "Go back quickly."

The little black cat stopped scratching the glass and sniffed Mingshu's hand through the glass.

It seemed to understand Mingshu's words, raised its paws and licked it, turned around, jumped off the window sill and disappeared, leaving only the half-eaten pumpkin at the door.

Shortly after the little black cat left, the lights in the living room flickered slightly, and the familiar figure of the wizard appeared in the center of the living room.

Mingshu had been waiting for a long time. He dropped the pillow and threw himself into his arms. He raised his head and asked, "Why is he no longer a devil today?"

Sang Yin responded casually: "Don't like it?"

He was thinking about Mingshu saying that he liked his body better during the day. Unfortunately, the townspeople were not physically able to go out at night, so he chose a wizard who looked more like a human form.

Mingshu hugged him tightly: "I like it."

He raised his head to kiss her. After Sang Yin left in the afternoon, he had been looking forward to the arrival of the evening, and it even felt that the separation time was longer than every previous separation.

Sang Yin lowered his head and kissed him for a while, then hugged him back to the bedroom and closed the door.

He took off his robe, leaned over and continued to kiss Mingshu.

This is much more direct than during the day, and now that there are only two of them, they don't have to worry about anyone disturbing them, and it's very safe.

Mingshu originally wanted to tell Sang Yin that the little black cat had come and ate the clay pumpkin he placed at the door, but he was so kissed that he became dizzy and forgot about it.

He also forgot that Xia Zhu had said to be patient during the day, and hummed softly and asked Sang Yin to touch his tail.

Touching the tail was not enough, Mingshu bit Sang Yin's Adam's apple, the hint was very obvious.

Sang Yin was still hesitating, caressing Mingshu's back: "Are you feeling uncomfortable, or do you miss me?"

Mingshu followed the heat in his words and kissed him with confused eyes.

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