Chapter 21: The Wolf-Eared Boy (21)

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When a few wolves broke in, Ming Shu felt a little strange.

His body was still cold, and the top of his head and tailbone felt itchy, making him feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Immediately, a system prompt popped up.

[Reminder: The player is about to transform into a form]

Ming Shu didn't have time to react. He felt something growing on both sides of his head, and lifted his hood up a little bit.

Then there is the tailbone, the cool and furry touch sticks to the skin, slowly bulges in the fabric, and slides to the hollow of one leg.

Ming Shu froze, realizing what it was.

He has ears...and a tail?

There seemed to be no abnormality in other parts of the body, Ming Shu looked down at his bound hands, they were still the same as before.

So his werewolf form is just an extra pair of ears and a tail?

Immediately afterwards, there was another system prompt.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the exclusive skill in the second form: [Unknown (to be explored)]! 】

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu's mood is hard to describe in words. Although he doesn't expect the system to have any special powerful skills after transformation, he still needs to explore by himself, which is a bit too much... Otherwise, let

him It's okay to be as strong as Jing Shuang, and he can break free from the rope and escape from here as soon as possible.

However, this form is also considered to be beneficial. He is wearing a large coat, his ears are completely covered, and the clothes behind him are a little bulging, so he can't see clearly at night.

The most urgent thing is to leave here first.

However, before Ming Shu could step out of the gate, he was thrown to the ground by the oncoming gray wolf.

The gray wolf's front paws were covered with blood, and it bared its fangs viciously, staring at the side of Mingshu's neck as if it was about to bite it the next moment.

Mingshu was bitten to death by a wolf once, and the shadow in his heart has not completely dissipated. He panicked to the extreme, and his mind went blank.

When Gray Wolf backed away, Jing Shuang tore off his hood.

The white wolf ears were exposed to the moonlight, and the continuous system prompts brought Ming Shu back to his senses.

The main task is completed, and it can be triggered by standing under the moonlight after transforming. As for whose favorability has changed, Mingshu can't spare the extra energy to look at it.

Jing Shuang squatted beside him, and there was another line of sight from behind.

It was Yuan Chen, who also saw the white wolf ears on Ming Shu's head.

【You have been exposed! Please escape from the villagers as soon as possible]

Mingshu had received this reminder on the first day he entered the dungeon. Afterwards, Yuan Chen didn't give him any chance to explain, so he drew his knife and cut his throat.

Mingshu's expression changed, and she hurriedly tried to pull up the hood and put it back on to cover her ears.

But his hands were bound, and his movements were clumsy and slow, pulling a piece of fabric with great difficulty.

Jing Shuang looked slightly astonished, staring at the white wolf ears on Mingshu's head, his eyes gradually became hot.

"You..." He stretched out his hand, trying to touch the pair of ears.

Why is Mingshu's werewolf form like this?

so pretty.

Mingshu's complexion is fair, black hair and white ears are not inconsistent at all, and there is a little pink at the thinnest part of the ear tip.

He is completely different from ordinary werewolves, his body, bones and face have not changed, and the exposed skin is still smooth and delicate.

Jing Shuang now knew what Mingshu meant when he said that he was not ugly, it was his own face.

He had never seen such a werewolf form before, and there were no white wolves in the nearby forests.

Behind, Yuan Chen expressionlessly clenched the blood-stained dagger, and turned his gaze to Jing Chu on the other side.

Jingchu was working with the villagers to finish off a gray wolf. When he raised his eyes, he saw Mingshu lying on the ground and the wolf ears on his head.

His dazed expression was almost exactly the same as Jing Shuang's, and he immediately reacted after meeting Yuan Chen's sight.

Jing Chu held down the villagers whose backs were facing the door, preventing them from turning around: "My shoulder is injured, please help me."

Most of the villagers were in other places. The one who came in to help, and the rest were fending off the other three gray wolves outside.

Jing Chu understands Yuan Chen's meaning, and he will continue to protect Ming Shu to prevent others from discovering his identity.

He didn't think much, and reached an agreement with Yuan Chen almost subconsciously.

Before Jing Shuang's outstretched hand touched the pair of wolf ears, Yuan Chen behind him suddenly attacked him.

Gray Wolf instinctively protected Jing Shuang, but was stabbed in the middle of the throat by Yuan Chen's short knife, killing him with one blow.

Jing Shuang quickly got up and backed away, calling the second gray wolf to come in and deal with Yuan Chen.

The day before the night of the full moon was when he was most vulnerable. If he didn't want to make any changes, he wouldn't be exposed at this time.

He still underestimated Yuan Chen, there were not enough gray wolves coming here, and the only two wolves outside were almost unable to resist the villagers.

This fifteen-year-old boy's body has no chance of winning under Yuan Chen's hands, and it is safest to escape now.

Jing Shuang looked at Ming Shu, wanting to take him away with him.

However, the gray wolf who protected him was killed by Yuan Chen in a blink of an eye, and came to Ming Shu's side to help him up.

Looking at Yuan Chen standing beside Ming Shu, Jing Shuang's expression was gloomy. He hesitated for a moment, then turned and summoned the two gray wolves outside the house.

The gray wolf was huge, and he sat on the back of one of them, while the other opened the way in front, smashed the window in the barn, and fled with Jing Shuang.

Before the other villagers found out, Yuan Chen pulled up Mingshu's hood as quickly as possible to cover his wolf ears.

He grabbed the rope tied to Ming Shu's hand, but did not help him untie it, but said in a deep voice: "Follow me."

Ming Shu lowered his head, saw the short knife in Yuan Chen's hand, and was still a little scared .

But the wolves were defeated, and Jing Shuang escaped by himself. Facing Yuan Chen, he had no choice.

The scene just now is enough to prove that Jing Shuang is the wolf. The inside and outside of the barn are in a mess. The villagers are busy cleaning up the aftermath, and Jing Chu deliberately delays the time to divert the attention of the villagers. They don't even notice when Yuan Chen and Ming Shu left.

Under the night, Yuan Chen deliberately chose a remote path and brought Ming Shu back.

He walked very fast, tightly grasping the rope in Mingshu's hand, Mingshu had to keep up with his speed.

Yuan Chen told Ming Shu to go with him after saying that, and he didn't speak any more along the way, and walked forward without saying a word.

Ming Shu quietly raised her head, only seeing half of his side face, seeing his expression at the moment.

He was uneasy, but also lucky.

Is it possible that Yuan Chen wouldn't kill him... Otherwise, why would he take him away instead of killing him in the barn.

When he left just now, Yuan Chen also seemed to be deliberately hiding his identity so that other villagers would not see him.

Ming Shu clicked on the npc list, and Yuan Chen's favorability was still 85.

He slandered him as a wolf in public, showing a pair of wolf ears in front of him, but Yuan Chen's favorability for him did not drop at all.

So... Yuan Chen should still like him, right?

It's just that how much the 85 favorability can offset his dislike of werewolves is still unknown.

Not only Yuan Chen, Jing Chu and Jing Shuang's favorability has not dropped, Jing Shuang's has also increased by 10 points, and now it is 80 points.

Jing Shuang's favorability will increase, Ming Shu is not surprised, this wolf has said before that he wants to see what his werewolf form looks like, and also said that if he looks too ugly, he will be killed.

From the looks of it now, in this aspect, Ming Shu managed to save his life.

The two headed towards Yuan Chen's residence, and before they arrived, two villagers walked towards them.

The villagers didn't know what happened in the barn, they were surprised when they saw Yuan Chen and Ming Shu, "Why did you come out?"

Especially Yuan Chen had blood stains on his body, and Ming Shu's hands were still tied.

Ming Shu quickly lowered his head and moved half a step aside, so as not to let them see the bulging clothes behind him.

When his tail grew out, it stuck into one side of his trousers, which made it uncomfortable to walk, but he didn't care about that much anymore.

Yuan Chen went back in a hurry, and said concisely: "The wolves rescued Jing Shuang."

The two villagers were even more shocked. There really was a wolf among the four of them, and it turned out to be Jing Shuang.

Their eyes turned to Ming Shu again, is this stranger also a wolf? Yuan Chen hasn't untied his hands yet.

Yuan Chen noticed the actions of the villagers, frowned slightly, and stood sideways in front of Ming Shu calmly.

"Go to the cold storage to have a look again," he said, "the wolves should have killed a lot of poultry, and we have to deal with it as soon as possible."

Before he was slandered and locked up, he was one of the few people who made decisions in the village, and the villagers subconsciously In response, he turned around and went in another direction according to Yuan Chen's instructions.

After they left, Yuan Chen continued to set off with Ming Shu.

Ming Shu also saw the scene just now and heaved a sigh of relief.

He didn't believe it, if Yuan Chen wanted to kill him, he had to take him to a place where no one was around and kill him.

Returning to the familiar courtyard, Yuan Chen brought Ming Shu directly into the room.

Ming Shu walked in, Yuan Chen stood at the door and did not go in: "Stay inside, don't come out."

His tone was slightly cold, there was a lot of blood on his cuffs, and there was a short knife pinned to his waist, Ming Shu dared not refuse, Nod carefully.

Afterwards, Yuan Chen closed the door, locked Ming Shu inside alone again, and turned to leave. Ming Shu heard his footsteps gradually going away.

He may have to visit other parts of the village. Jing Shuang's identity was exposed, and Yuan Chen was able to clear up the slander. He will definitely come back when he goes out this time.

There was no light in the room, it was pitch black everywhere, and the rope in Mingshu's hand had not been untied yet.

He moved one step at a time, came to the window and sat down.

The tail was still squeezed into the trouser legs, Ming Shu sat very uncomfortable, and changed several positions.

The sudden addition of a pair of ears and a tail, Ming Shu couldn't adapt to it, especially the tail. His hands were tied, and he tried to pull the tail out of his pants, but he couldn't control it.

He finally gave up and rested on his side against the wall.

After an unknown amount of time, footsteps finally sounded outside again.

Yuan Chen unlocked the door and walked in with a lamp.

He still had a food box in his other hand, and Mingshu could smell the aroma of food from a distance.

Yuan Chen closed the door and put the food box on the table: "Are you hungry?"

Ming Shu nodded obediently: "Yeah."

He didn't eat all night, and his hands and feet were frozen.

Yuan Chen walked towards him slowly, and started to untie the rope from Ming Shu's hand.

But after he untied it, he wrapped the rope around Ming Shu's left hand again, and tied it to one side of the table leg with a dead buckle.

Mingshu couldn't untie the dead button by himself, so he could only cut it with a knife.

Ming Shu was in a complicated mood, but he didn't resist. Yuan Chen didn't kill him and brought him dinner, which was already very good.

He sat down obediently at the table, Yuan Chen noticed his awkward posture, and glanced over the hood on his head.

"I'm going to change clothes and eat by myself."

After saying this, Yuan Chen went out again.

Ming Shu rubbed his wrists, which had been tied up for a long time, and opened the food box.

After he finished eating and put the food box back, Yuan Chen turned back.

He changed into clean clothes, holding a shiny iron object in his hand, with several leather straps fastened to it.

Mingshu noticed it at a glance, and felt that this thing looked familiar.

He stared blankly for a long time, and didn't recognize what it was until Yuan Chen approached.

...bite stoppers.

Seeing Yuan Chen getting closer, Ming Shu stood up at a loss and retreated towards the corner.

This thing seems to be new... Many households in the village have dogs, but the dogs here are not big, and they are very docile.

It is said that after the werewolf transforms, the bite wound will be poisoned and festered, and it is extremely difficult to heal, and the mortality rate is very high.

So, this is for Mingshu.

It's just that Ming Shu is not sure when Yuan Chen prepared it.

Remembering that when Yuan Chen saw his ears in the barn, he didn't seem surprised at all.

Ming Shu clings to the wall and retreats irresolutely, Yuan Chen approaches and gently pulls his hood off.

The white wolf ears were exposed, shaking uncomfortably.

Ming Shu pursed his lips: "You...knew it a long time ago?"

Yuan Chen looked at him fixedly, and answered the wrong question: "I once said that my parents were killed by werewolves and died in the forest."

Ming Shu The tips of her ears trembled again, and she looked at him timidly.

"I doubted you," Yuan Chen continued, "more than once."

He raised his hand and squeezed Ming Shu's jaw, forcing him to raise his head: "You have lied to me more than once."

Ming Shu was terrified at the moment, her breath was trembling and she dared not move.

The strength in Yuan Chen's hand was not heavy, but it could not be ignored. His fingertips penetrated into Ming Shu's mouth and touched a fang.

Maybe they are not fangs, they only protrude a little bit more than other teeth, they are blunt to the touch, and it should take a lot of force to bite through the skin.

Yuan Chen raised the bite stopper in the other hand: "Put it on."

"Or," his tone was soft, but Ming Shu was even more afraid when he said it, "pull out the teeth."

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