Chapter 152: Copy of Wolf-Eared Boy (2)

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Before dark, Mingshu successfully blended into the village with a new identity without being noticed by anyone on the way.

Xiao Mushroom is the intelligent AI in the dungeon and has some system permissions, so he can directly wipe out the villagers, saving Mingshu the trouble of having to deal with it himself.

It also made a small change so that Mingshu could hear its voice directly in his mind, so that after entering the village, they could communicate more covertly, but they could not communicate more than twenty sentences a day.

As for the erased villagers, the little mushroom can read the data. On the way to the village, it sits in Mingshu's pocket and tells him the villagers' personalities and habits, how many family members they have, etc.

Until he arrived at the village, Xiao Mushroom directly talked to Mingshu from his mind, asking him to enter from the village entrance, what to say hello to anyone he met, and which house the original villagers lived in, and which direction to go.

The villagers still don't know how to identify werewolves. They rely on observing whether there are any abnormalities in every villager who enters the village. With this information, the little mushroom can truly play a role in assisting Mingshu.

Mingshu looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was very nervous. Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and he settled down in the village with his new identity.

His new identity is that of a single young man named Hu Yi. He is usually withdrawn and silent, has few friends, and has an average relationship with his parents. His family background should be pretty good in the village, and he has his own large room, which is the best choice for disguise.

Naturally, the little mushroom lived with Mingshu in his room. There was a pot of green radish on Hu Yi's window sill, so Mingshu used the leaves of the green radish to make a bed for the little mushroom.

The little mushroom also took a few mouthfuls of the rhizome of the pothos, its small sesame eyes suddenly lit up, and it held the leaves and ate several of them.


system prompted that a player was about to enter the dungeon, but on the afternoon of the third day, Mingshu saw a few unfamiliar faces coming to the village.

I heard from other villagers that they were foreigners passing through and wanted to stay in the village for a while.

The village was often attacked by wolves, and the villagers were not very welcoming to outsiders, but those people didn't know what they said. The village chief and a few elders who had the right to speak agreed and arranged housing for them.

Mingshu hid far away on the side of the road and observed secretly: "Are these players?"

There were four of them in total, but they were too far away and he couldn't see their specific appearance. He only knew that they were four men.

The little mushroom climbed onto his shoulder, looked at a few people, and nodded: "Yeah."

It seemed to be thinking, blinked its eyes, and then suddenly said: "Sang Yin."

Mingshu didn't react for a moment: "Who? ?"

"First in the points ranking," Xiao Mushroom was reading the data, his eyes a little dull, "The one with the best looks."

"The one with glasses, seventeenth in the points ranking," it continued. , "Zhu Yuan."

"The fattest one, the 44th in the rankings, Li Dazhi."

"The thinnest one, the fifth in the rankings, Song Farewell."

Mingshu looked at the four people entering the village and gasped. tone.

He thought that this trial run dungeon was filled with people of similar strength to him, but... they were all ranked in the top 50 on the list.

These people far surpass him in all aspects of experience and strength, and may even have sharper insights than NPCs.

Mingshu turned around and left, not wanting to meet them, and hurried back to the room.

It was getting dark, and his disguise sometimes failed for no apparent reason at night, so he had to stay indoors at all times.

Mingshu carefully closed the window and asked Xiao Mushroom: "Then what should I do now?"

The player's dungeon character is also in the villager camp, and is opposed to the werewolf.

The little mushroom said "Hmm": "The wolves will launch a sneak attack on their own, don't worry about it, let's go to sleep."

It stretched and yawned, rubbed Mingshu's cheek affectionately, jumped on the table and got in In a flowerpot.


few days later, Mingshu went out in the morning and met a player nearby.

Little Mushroom reminded him aloud in his mind: "Sang Yin."

Mingshu paused slightly, then stepped forward naturally.

Sang Yin stood on the roadside and saw Mingshu at a glance.

He is tall and tall, with an extremely handsome face. He is dressed in coarse cloth, with the countryside and fields reflected on his back. He also appears to have a good temperament. He seems to be about twenty-five years old.

When outsiders entered the village, many villagers firmly disagreed and their attitude towards them was not friendly. Even after these four people came, they helped successfully resist a wolf pack attack.

Ming Shu had a dull face and wanted to leave quickly, pretending not to approach strangers, but Sang Yin took the initiative to talk to him.

"Want to go out?" He smiled gently, "I just came here a few days ago, and it seems I haven't seen you yet."

The system prompted that there were already werewolves lurking in the village. Sang Yin and others have come into contact with many villagers these days. , no abnormalities have been found.

Mingshu deliberately avoided them. This was the first time he met the players in the dungeon.

He faced Hu Yi's face and responded coldly and distantly. In fact, he was very nervous, and he passed by Sang Yin and left quickly.

He didn't seem to want to talk to Sang Yin, but at present, a small number of villagers in the village had this attitude towards outsiders, and Mingshu's reaction was considered normal.

Sang Yin looked away from him, but out of the corner of his eyes he noticed that he changed direction and took another more remote path towards the entrance of the village.

The path was farther away, and Mingshu kept his head down the whole way and didn't stop to do anything else along the way.

Then why did he take this longer road?

Sang Yin shifted his gaze. There were also few people passing by on the other road at this moment, only his two companions were standing there.

At this time, a thin young man came over and said, "Did you find anything?"

Sang Yin was still staring at the direction Mingshu left, shaking his head slightly: "It's hard to say..."

He thought for a moment and asked the thin man next to him: " Are the NPCs here generated by the system or played by players?"

The thin man said without hesitation: "Generated by the system, it seems that there are no players playing the role."

There is still a big difference between system data and real people, and they can basically get along with each other. It can be found out in a short period of time.

"And..." The thin man glanced at Sang Yin, his expression became a little subtle, "Have you forgotten the purpose of the trial run of this dungeon? It is easier to directly generate the system than to find people who meet the conditions..."

Sang Yin Without comment, he changed the topic: "Let's go and see other places."


That afternoon, Xiao Mushroom informed Mingshu that it was time to complete the task.

"The villagers are going to put poisonous raw meat on the road where the wolves are passing," it said, "we have to stop it."

They were outside the village at the moment, and the little mushroom was standing on a stone, raising his head and speaking seriously.

Mingshu held his breath: "How to stop it?"

The little mushroom tore off a piece of mycelium from his umbrella cap, rubbed it into a small ball, and handed it to Mingshu's hand: "Take my toadstool, and If the poison prepared by the villagers is mixed together, all the poison will become ineffective."

Mingshu caught the toadstool, carefully wrapped it in leaves and put it away.

Xiao Mushroom continued to warn: "They will have meat tomorrow, and we have to go tonight."

They went back as usual, but at night, Mingshu's disguise failed and he returned to his original appearance.

The face in the mirror bore no resemblance to Hu Yi, and Mingshu was extremely anxious, but the pretense of instability was a system plot setting, and Little Mushroom had no way to solve it.

Little Mushroom stood at the table and made up his mind: "Then... I, I can just have a mushroom by myself, and you can just stay at home."

Mingshu disagreed. The little mushroom was so small that it was not necessary to store poisonous meat. The place is a long way for it, let alone how it, a small mushroom, can push open the door and mix the toadstools into the poisonous meat.

In the end, Mingshu rummaged through the house and found a large cloak and robe, put it on and put on the hood. The wide brim of the hat covered most of his face, so he couldn't see who it was when he was far away at night.

After getting ready, Mingshu took the toadstool and quietly left the yard.

The little mushroom was hidden in the pocket of his coat and whispered to him which way to go.

Arriving at the place where the poisonous meat was stored, Mingshu saw a villager guarding the door.

Little Mushroom said: "Go to the other side, there is a back door there."

Mingshu walked around to the back door quietly. The back door was locked, but the window could be opened.

He climbed in through the window on one side. Several tables in the room were filled with wooden basins, and in the basins were some frozen meat mixed with ice water.

There were villagers guarding the door. Mingshu moved carefully, found a bowl to fill with water, and soaked the toadstools given by the little mushroom. After waiting for about ten minutes, he poured the toadstool water into each wooden basin in turn.

After doing all this, the little mushroom praised: "Shu Shu is awesome!"

Its voice only rang in Mingshu's mind. Mingshu touched the little mushroom through his pocket in response, put the bowl down gently, and started again. Climb out the window and turn back the way you came.

The village was very quiet at night. Mingshu tightened his hood and hurried back.

His heart was beating fast and he was even more nervous than when he went there, for fear of being bumped into.

However, whatever you were afraid of came, and when you turned a certain path, footsteps sounded from the side of Mingshu.

A slightly familiar figure appeared, it was Sang Yin whom he had seen during the day.

He was alone and frowned slightly when he saw Ming Shu, who was wearing a cloak and covering himself tightly.

"Who are you?" Sang Yin asked, walking towards Mingshu, "Why haven't you rested so late?"

Running away at this time would make you feel guilty, and you might not be able to escape smoothly. Mingshu didn't dare to act rashly, hiding the secret. He mumbled with his head: "I couldn't sleep. I came out to find something to eat. I'm going back now."

His voice was different from Hu Yi's during the day. It sounded unfamiliar. Only half of his face was exposed under the wide brim of his hat. And light-colored lips, the skin is so white that it is almost transparent.

Even though his face is covered, it can be seen that he looks good.

Sang Yin searched in his mind and found no villagers who met the requirements in the village.

He didn't respond, as if he didn't believe what Mingshu said, and continued to take a step closer.

Mingshu took a few steps back in panic, accidentally kicked a pebble under his feet, and was about to fall to the ground.

Sang Yin reached out to him, and Mingshu instinctively raised his head and grabbed his arm to steady himself so as not to fall off the field behind him.

But in this way, his face was completely exposed to Sang Yin.

Sang Yin's eyes turned cold: "You are not from the village." The

young man in front of him had exquisite features and a beautiful appearance. His amber eyes were full of panic. He was sure that he had never seen him in the village. Mingshu almost suffered cardiac arrest, pushed Sang Yin away, turned around and wanted to escape.

Little Mushroom shouted anxiously in his mind: "Don't be afraid, Shushu! There is a stone over there, use it to hit him!"

Mingshu was originally full of fear of the players who entered the dungeon, and his mind was blank and panicked, unable to think. , I really listened to the little mushroom.

Sang Yin grabbed a piece of Mingshu's clothes and was about to restrain him when he saw Mingshu picking up two pebbles on the ground, turning around and throwing them at him.

Like a cornered young rabbit, it is frightened and unable to resist, and its lethality is basically zero.

Sang Yin raised his hand to resist the stone and paused.

Taking this opportunity, Mingshu fled into the dark alley in a panic and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.


Mingshu didn't dare to return to his residence until late at night, when there was nothing unusual nearby.

He was still frightened, so he turned off the light and sat on the bedside, holding the little mushroom in his hand: "I should get rid of him, right? Otherwise he will definitely catch up..."

Mingshu was afraid for a while and shrank his neck: " What will happen if those players discover my identity?"

Xiao Mushroom sat on his hand and shook his legs: "The other three may catch you and kill you, but Sang Yin probably won't. "

Mingshu was confused: "Why wouldn't he?"

Xiao Mushroom said in a natural tone: "Because you are in line with his preferences."

Mingshu was stunned for a while before he found his voice: "...What do you mean?"

Xiao Mushroom raised his eyebrows At first, a pair of sesame eyes looked at Mingshu in the darkness: "Did Shu Shu forget?"

It muttered to itself: "The purpose of the trial run of the dungeon is to study whether to put NPCs that suit the players' preferences into the dungeon. It will increase the difficulty of the dungeon."

"Theoretically speaking, using Sang Yin as the reference target, placing ordinary NPCs, the dungeon difficulty will be easy," Xiao Mushroom shook his head, "Putting in targeted NPCs, the dungeon difficulty can be increased to hard."

Mingshu It was no accident that he was selected by this copy. The system integrated and compared the data based on Sang Yin's various likes, dislikes and habits, and selected him from the vast crowd.

In layman's terms, he is Sang Yin's type.

The room was quiet for a long time before Mingshu whispered: "Data comparison? It shouldn't be used in this area..." The

little mushroom didn't understand this. It only knew that the system settings were like this.

It held its chin: "However, Shu Shu should also be careful not to be caught by him."

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