Chapter 27: The Wolf-Eared Boy (27)

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The spring water didn't look deep, Ming Shu slipped down with his foot, and was immediately wrapped tightly by the warm water, as if he was bound by an invisible gauze.

He was not good at swimming, and he felt that he could not exert any strength in his panic.

[Reminder: The player is about to change form]

What... the night of the full moon has not yet passed, why change form at this time?

Ming Shu thought that she was going to return to her original appearance, but her body became lighter and lighter, her hands were retracted from her cuffs, and her clothes became bulky and heavy.

When he broke through the water and tried to cling to the edge of the pool, he suddenly found that his hands had turned into a pair of small, white claws, and what he thought was the "edge of the pool" was actually his floating clothes.

Ming Shu: "!?"

He turned into a wolf!

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the exclusive skill in the third form: [Unknown (to be explored)]! 】

Not waiting for Mingshu's response, there are several system prompts.

[Congratulations to the player for unlocking the hidden story three! Complete all tasks to light up the illustrated book]

[Ding Dong--Hidden branch · Three tasks released]

[Task 1: Get help from an adult wolf clan]

There is even a third form, which also triggers a new hidden task. This is already the second hidden line today.

Then the "adult wolf clan" described in this mission is Jing Shuang?

Ming Shu was a little dazed, a pair of white paws grabbed the clothes, and looked up at Jing Shuang by the pool.

So his appearance is also the "original form" that Jing Shuang just said? It's the spring here that triggers his third form and hidden quest.

Jing Shuang looked strangely, and looked at Mingshu: "Why are you... so small?"

He stretched out his hand as he spoke, and fished out the little white wolf from the water.

Mingshu should be an adult, even if he is still a year or two behind, he still has to be of a normal body shape.

And at this moment, Ming Shu, who had turned back into a beast, could be easily grasped with one hand, and he looked like a wolf cub who had just reached the full moon.

The little white wolf was drenched, his hair was dripping water, his tail timidly bent to cover his legs, his amber eyes were exactly the same as Ming Shu's.

Jing Shuang couldn't understand why Mingshu's werewolf form and beast form were so unusual. Could it be that, as he said, it was related to blood?

However, werewolves evolved from wolves, and they are creatures selected and nourished by the earth and nature. They have no fertility, and they will not combine with other races to give birth to hybrids.

Since Ming Shu is a werewolf, he doesn't have the same blood, or maybe he was born with underdevelopment, so that's why it's a bit strange... "

Forget it, wolf cubs are also good-looking," Jing Shuang touched the wet ear tips of the little white wolf, "Really?" Cute."

Caught in his hand, Ming Shu uttered weakly, "Woo..."

He wanted to speak, but ended up opening his mouth into the sound of an animal whimpering, so he shut his mouth immediately and opened his eyes slightly wide in fright.

Jing Shuang laughed: "Can't even talk anymore?"

He didn't go into it any further, and put Mingshu into the spring water again.

Ming Shu was still picking up the floating clothes in the water, and barely stabilized his body. When he looked up, he saw Jing Shuang took off his blood-stained pants.

He changed body before, the size gap between front and back was too big, and he was attacked by a few gray wolves all the way back, his shirt was gone long ago, only half of his underwear was left, and now he also took off together.

Ming Shu quickly closed her eyes, and buried her face in the clothes in front of her.

Immediately there was a "plop", the spring water fell into the heavy object, and the splashed water splashed on Mingshu's body, turning him into a little wolf cub. into the water.

Without the support of his clothes, Ming Shu struggled to move his limbs, when a shadow approached from underwater and lifted him up.

After surfacing, he opened his eyes and found himself lying on the back of an adult gray wolf.

The little white wolf cautiously looked around,

and said hesitantly, "Woo

? " As if he was good at water, Jing Shuang kept him on his back and soaked in the water together.

They were all covered with blood, especially Jing Shuang. As soon as he entered the pool, the water suddenly became muddy.

But soon, the spring water became clear again, as if it had never been polluted.

Ming Shu noticed the changes in the spring water, and was very surprised, stretched out his front paws and shook gently in the water.

Jing Shuang swam around in the small pool and stopped on the shore: "Is it comfortable? The holy spring can heal wounds and relieve fatigue." The

fruit growing by the pool was the red lotus fruit he ate in the morning. Both things are good for werewolves.

Ming Shu didn't make a sound, he didn't feel anything, he just felt that the water was very warm.

He wasn't injured, and he probably didn't have any fatigue that needed to be eliminated, and his identity was given by the system, which was different from Jing Shuang in every way.

After soaking for about half an hour, Jing Shuang felt that it was almost done, and brought Mingshu out of the water.

The adult gray wolf was huge, larger than the ones Ming Shu had seen outside. He stood by the pool and shook off the excess water droplets on his body.

Mingshu's hair was all wet, and he felt uncomfortable. He stood aside and instinctively imitated Jing Shuang's movements.

However, he was not a real wolf after all, he shook his head awkwardly, his body almost fell into the pool when he crooked.

Jing Shuang protected him in time, his eyes were indescribable, with a little disgust and helplessness: "So stupid."

The giant wolf lowered its head and licked the forehead of the little white wolf.

[Hidden branch · Mission 1 completed! Please check your reward points in the background]

[Ding Dong--Hidden branch · Three missions released]

[Task 2: Get help from an adult wolf clan]

Huh? Mingshu repeatedly looked at the system prompts and the newly released tasks to confirm that there was nothing wrong.

It turns out that this is also considered a help, but why is Task 2 exactly the same as Task 1...

Jing Shuang has no experience in taking care of wolf cubs, and his movements are also stumbling, and he licks Ming Shu a few times, but he is still dripping.

And his repeated behavior did not trigger the completion condition of task two.

Jing Shuang circled Mingshu in a narrow space, and simply turned back into a werewolf form. He threw the trousers he had taken off earlier into the water, washed them, wrung them dry and put them on.

He picked up Mingshu's clothes that had fallen into the water, wringed out the water as well, and used them to wipe Mingshu's body.

Although the clothes were still wet, they were barely usable. Ming Shu lay obediently in Jing Shuang's arms, finally feeling less uncomfortable.

Until Jing Shuang grabbed his tail, Ming Shu suddenly turned over, and jumped to the ground in a panic.

The little white wolf tucked its tail back and took half a step back cautiously, the hair on its body was still a little messy.

Jing Shuang's arms were empty, and he snorted softly: "What are you hiding?"

He knew that Ming Shu was shy, wasn't he a wolf? He didn't need to look at what Ming Shu looked like.

But Jing Shuang didn't continue, got up and picked up some Mingshu's clothes, picked up the little white wolf again with the other hand, and led Mingshu out of the cave.

Back at the wooden house, the body of the gray wolf that died before was gone, and the bloodstains and messy scene were simply cleaned up.

A few gray wolves crouched quietly on the hillside far from the wooden house, and had no other distracting thoughts.

When Jing Shuang walked into the wooden house, the characteristics of the werewolf on his body began to slowly fade, his body size continued to shrink, and his face also changed.

When not transforming, a werewolf can only maintain a human disguise.

He turned into "Jing Shuang" again, looking down at his thin arms.

"Tsk," Jing Shuang looked disgusted, "It's so weak, this body needs to be changed."

If it wasn't for the fact that it would be easier to sneak into the village, he wouldn't choose such a weak human being as a disguise.

He put Mingshu on the table by the door, looked at the young little white wolf and suddenly showed a smile.

"How about I change to Yuan Chen's body?" Jing Shuang bent down and approached the little white wolf, "How about it? Do you like his face?" He didn't seem to be

joking, Ming Shu's breathing froze, and he didn't know what to do. what to react.

According to Jing Shuang's temperament, he probably can do it... But Yuan Chen is the protagonist of the story, how could the aura of the protagonist in fairy tales disappear.

Thinking of Jing Shuang speaking against Yuan Chen's face, Ming Shu felt an indescribable awkwardness in his heart.

He stared at Jing Shuang for a while, and suddenly discovered that Jing Shuang's facial features in werewolf form were actually somewhat similar to Yuan Chen's.

...Is it a coincidence? There's only so much system data, it's normal that there will be a little overlap when pinching faces.

Seeing Mingshu's silence, Jing Shuang suddenly felt bored and stopped talking about this topic.

He opened the window, hung the wet clothes on the window, and tidied up the house briefly.

The sunlight coming in from the window shone on the edge of the table, Ming Shu wanted to go there to enjoy the sun.

He still doesn't know how to use his limbs, so he walked crookedly for a short distance, and finally came to the table.

Jing Shuang was still busy in the room, and Ming Shu looked down at his white paws and hair that was still a little wet, hesitating for a long time.

Finally he slowly raised his paw and licked it himself.

It felt weird, and kind of strange, that he had become like this, as if he had some animal instincts.

Ming Shu licked it a few more times until the hair on both paws was licked softly.

Then he got down on his stomach and turned his head, slowly licking his hind legs and tail.

When Mingshu finally felt tired, he turned around and saw Jingshuang standing in front of the table, looking at him for some time.

"You're not really only one month old, are you?" Jing Shuang approached, stroking the little white wolf's forehead and back.

But that's not right, how can a wolf cub who has just been full moon have the power of a werewolf.

Jing Shuang narrowed his eyes slightly, and secretly took note of Mingshu's abnormality temporarily.

He withdrew his hand, and turned back into a beast in a blink of an eye.

The giant wolf was taller than the table, making the room even narrower, and bit the back of the little white wolf's neck with its mouth open.

The little white wolf whimpered and shrank his neck timidly.

Ming Shu was taken aback, thinking that Jing Shuang was suddenly upset and wanted to eat her, but in the end she was picked up and taken outside the house.

Jing Shuang chose a clean and sunny place in the forest, and put Mingshu down.

[Hidden Branch Mission Three Mission Two has been completed! Please check your points and rewards in the background by yourself]

[Ding Dong--Hidden branch · Three missions released]

[Task 3: Get help from an adult wolf clan]

Mingshu: "..."

Being picked up and taken away is considered a help ? And if it wasn't for the point rewards that were actually given, Mingshu would have thought that there was some bug in the system, and the three tasks in a row had the same content.

However, the rewards for the hidden missions are really very generous, three times that of the main missions, and the ordinary side missions are only half of the main missions.

Mingshu adjusted his posture and lay down under the tree to bask in the sun, then clicked open the mall.

[Today's Product]

[Life Point (Limited Purchase) (Limited Time)] [Happy Water (Limited Purchase)] [Warm Clothes (Unlimited Purchase)]

Ming Shu almost thought that she had read wrong, closed the mall and reopened it.

The words "Life Point" lay quietly in the product column. He took a few deep breaths and clicked to view the details.

[Property name]: Life point

[Effect]: It can increase the player's life point by a little bit. Use

Mingshu in the dungeon without blinking your eyes. Click to buy immediately.

【Sorry, your point balance is insufficient】

Mingshu only saw at this time that it takes a full 200 points to buy a life point.

He opened his balance again and saw 135 points.

Ming Shu's mood was like riding a roller coaster, he was still 65 points short, and he only had one hidden task to do at the moment.

A hidden mission adds 30 points, but Ming Shu is not sure what will be waiting for him after the third mission is completed.

He looked at the life points he couldn't afford and lost, and suddenly found that the rules in the purchase limit were different.

The items in the mall are changed every day and are updated at 0 o'clock. The purchase time limit for the other two products is only 12 hours, and the time limit for life points is 60 hours.

sixty! He can wait until 0:00 the day after tomorrow to buy at the latest.

Mingshu suddenly felt hopeful. For the first time, he was full of anticipation because of the points reward, and it was no longer enough to just hang on to his life.

However, he bought life points, in fact, for the sake of his life.

Ming Shu has been looking at the system, and after being distracted for too long, a huge wolf's head suddenly appeared in front of him.

"What are you thinking?" Jing Shuang said displeasedly. He called Mingshu just now, but Mingshu didn't answer.

The giant wolf got closer, and there was a small group of wolf cubs in front of it, like a rabbit.

Little White Wolf backed up a little, raised his head, "Wow."

Ming Shu wanted to tell him that he was a little sleepy and just dozed off.

Jing Shuang recognized the meaning from his voice, a little unbelieving, but didn't ask further.

"Are you hungry?" he asked again.

Ming Shu shook his head, he drank several sips of water when he was in the hot spring just now, and since he became smaller, his appetite probably also changed.

"Okay," the giant wolf uttered a word, turned over and lay down under the tree, "Come and sleep on me."

Ming Shu: "..."

He said he was sleepy, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and approach.

The giant wolf seems to have a smell of hot spring water, with a bit of grassy fragrance.

The little white wolf lifted its limbs, climbed up awkwardly, and lay down on the giant wolf's generous body.


After the sun went down, Jing Shuang took Ming Shu back to the house.

The sky was getting dark, he changed back to human form, and took out a few candles from the drawer.

"I'll get you something to eat in a while." Jing Shuang lit a candle and placed it on the table, then picked up the little white wolf beside him. "Aren't you going back?" He also wanted to see

Ming Shu with wolf ears and The shape of the tail, although the current pups are also very cute.

Ming Shu looked up at Jing Shuang in silence, and began to play dumb.

He seems to... don't know how to change back.

He couldn't change his form at will like Jing Shuang, and the system didn't give any prompts, should he soak in the hot spring again?

And his clothes were still hanging by the window, so if he changed back now, wouldn't he be wearing nothing.

The little white wolf in his arms was silent, so Jing Shuang had no choice but to give up: "Okay, if you like this, then it won't change." The

wind blew outside, the leaves were rustling, and the clothes hanging by the window fluttered with the wind .

In the distance, Yuan Chen stood beside a tree, looking indifferently at the familiar brown fabric and the candlelight in the wooden house.

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