Chapter 73: Dragons and Elves (1)

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[About to leave the dungeon, countdown: ten]







After the brief darkness and dizziness, Mingshu returned to the familiar small room.

Unprepared to transform back from the mermaid form, his legs were unsupported and he fell to the cold, hard ground.

The embrace behind him seemed to be still there. Mingshu stood up holding the wall and sat blankly beside the bed.

After a while, he wiped the tears from his face and opened the system panel.

The settlement points for copy two have been received. Although he has not completed all the tasks, Mingshu successfully left the copy, so it is considered to have been cleared. There is an extra line in the cleared copy, which reads "Copy Two of "Fairy Tale Game" (cannot be re-entered)" .

Sang Yin's name lay quietly in the friend list. Mingshu opened the dialog box and sent a new message.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Are you there?

The other end of the dialog box was silent and there was no response.

Another prompt sounded suddenly, it was Xia Zhu.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Are you out yet?

[Private chat] Mingshu: Yeah

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Thank God!

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: But what happened in the end? Is it you or...the leader of the sea snake?

Xia Zhu still habitually called Yuan Chen "Sea Snake Leader". During the time before leaving the dungeon, he and Pearl were busy fending off the surrounding NPCs and players, and did not notice what happened to Ming Shu.

He also knew that in order to pass the level, either Mingshu completed the last mission or killed Yuan Chen, an NPC with "wrong parameters".

Xia Zhu thought about it and felt that it was most likely the latter.

Mingshu didn't reply, but clenched his hands as he read the message from Xia Zhu.

He felt terribly uncomfortable, and he repeatedly recalled the large blood stains in the sea water, and the sound of breathing getting weaker and weaker in his ears.

He wasn't even sure if Yuan Chen was lying to himself, if he really wouldn't feel any pain.

Will there be a third copy? Can he still see him?

Without receiving a reply from Mingshu, Xia Zhu wisely stopped asking.

He changed the topic and said that he had earned quite a lot of points and was ranked high among all the players who had cleared the level. This was all because Mingshu helped him complete two campaign tasks.

The number one ranking is naturally Mingshu. He has completed the most tasks and has the highest camp value.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: By the way, you may be more famous recently

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Protect your information and don't add friends to strangers. It will be fine after a while.

The copy has informed you twice. Shu's name, once when he got the only high-quality venom, and another time when he only had the last main mission left.

These two pieces of information are enough to make others believe that he is a very capable player, but he is very mysterious in the dungeon, and almost no one has seen his face.

Although there are many difficult dungeons, and Mingshu is not ranked high in the overall standings, people are always curious. In addition, only a few people have entered this fairy tale dungeon, so the popularity will continue for a while.

Mingshu glanced at the world channel, and there was indeed a discussion going on inside. When he scrolled to the top, there was the same system notification as last time. There was a series of names in the customs clearance list, and the first one was [Ming*].

There are several players who have just come out of the dungeon, wearing anonymous vests and telling their experiences in the channel, as well as the mysterious "Mingshu" in the dungeon.

[Anonymous]: Does anyone remember? The person who cleared the fairy tale game copy is also called Ming*

[Anonymous]: I just checked it out and found that Ming Shu's ranking is over two thousand pages...

[Anonymous]: Is he the new boss? Was I lucky enough to witness the rise of a legend?

These two sentences are placed next to each other, which is actually full of joking and ridicule. No matter how difficult the dungeon is, there are only two of them, and the points ranking can represent everything.

Unless you are firmly in the top fifty, your name will be remembered by most people.

From the leaderboard, you can only see the player's name and total points, but no other information, and you can't add friends. There are also people shouting in the world channel, asking Mingshu to come out and chat with everyone.

[Anonymous]: Well, has anyone noticed that the points for the first place on the list have increased again...

However, this news was quickly drowned out, and no one cared about it, except Mingshu.

He ignored the words in the World Channel, hesitated for a moment, and opened the points ranking list in the system for the first time.

This thing was very far away and unfamiliar to him before, and he never cared about who was on the list.

There were a lot of pages on the list, and it took a while to load before it popped up. Mingshu saw a familiar name at a glance.

[1]: Sang Yin's total points: 38475083

Mingshu carefully counted the total points twice. Compared with the second place, Sang Yin's points were more than seven million higher.

He looked at his ranking and points again with mixed emotions.

[256963]: Mingshu's total points: 657

At this time, Xia Zhu sent a message again.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: My friend also came out, the one I told you before. He helped us find the sea snake clan's insider, but he was betrayed.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: He was chased and killed. He joined the Sea Snake Tribe, and was then stuffed into the backend recycle bin to work 18 hours a day. He could only come out when we cleared the customs

. [Private chat] Xia Zhu: Strange, he said he saw a piece of changed and discarded information in the recycle bin, a copy of the fairy tale. 2 turned out to be a single player, and the penalty for failure to clear the level is death

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: And Saiyu is not Kuroo, he is a silver tail.

Regarding Saiyu's identity setting and future plot direction, early players have guessed it. , so Xia Zhu's friends also remembered it very clearly. When they came out to check the information with Xia Zhu, they found that there had indeed been changes.

Xia Zhu's focus is on why the copy needs to modify Xiyu's settings, which doesn't seem to make much sense.

Mingshu is more concerned about the punishment for failing to pass the level. According to the original single-player mode, if he fails to pass the level, he will die directly inside.

So if he failed the mission in the first copy he cleared, would it also...

But such changes can be interpreted as adjusting the difficulty. After all, if so many players are brought in at once, the high death rate in the copy will cause concern.

Mingshu hesitated for a long time, wanting Xia Zhu to help him find out everything about Sang Yin, and planned to tell him that there might be a third copy.

Before he could send the message, a familiar system prompt popped up.

[We are about to go to the third copy of "Fairy Tale Game", please be prepared]

Mingshu quickly clicked send. When he saw the word "good" sent by Xia Zhu, his eyes fell into darkness.


[The "Fairy Tale Game" system is being connected...]

[Connection completed, creating character - 1%]

[Dungeon scene layout has been completed]

[NPCs are in place]

The rich fragrance of flowers filled the tip of his nose. Mingshu opened his eyes and looked around confusedly.

He was bathed in the warm sunshine, and the place he was in was a sea of ​​flowers. There were flowers of different colors everywhere, as far as the eye could see, and he was sitting in the center of one of them.

The flowers were huge, or maybe he had shrunk.

Mingshu slowly sat up, holding the edge of the petals and looking into the distance. The stem bent slightly due to his movements. Mingshu's hand slipped and the whole flower began to tilt.

A pair of hands held the flowers in time, and a huge figure appeared, blocking the sunlight in front of them.

When his vision darkened, Mingshu was startled and hurriedly hid in the flower.

"Don't be afraid, my child," a kind voice said, "You are born, and it is time to fulfill your obligations as a companion elf."

[A new plot update has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? ]

[Ding dong - main quest released]

[Task 1: Becoming the guardian elf of His Highness the Dragon Clan]

Mingshu carefully held the petals and sat up again, looking up at the speaker.

This is an old woman with a kind face, her gray hair is neatly tied up, and she has a crutch in her hand.

Mingshu was about the size of the palm of one of her hands. She was wearing simple white clothes. Her silver hair hung down to her collarbone, revealing a pair of pointed elf ears.

There was a vague strange feeling on his back. Mingshu turned his head and saw that he had two pairs of transparent wings, similar in shape to those of a dragonfly.

The old woman picked the flowers and took them with Mingshu in the stamens to the edge of the sea of ​​flowers.

Next to the cobblestone path, there is a wooden box without a lid. It is full of freshly picked flowers. Inside each flower is a winged elf.

Mingshu was also put into the wooden box together. The old woman straightened up with a cane: "Okay, let's go." The elves responded

, flapped their wings and flew up, leaving the flowers around them and flying together in the same direction. .

Mingshu didn't have time to check the plot, and he wasn't used to the extra pair of wings on his back. The other elves flew away, so he hurriedly came out of the petals and flew forward unsteadily.

He almost lost his balance and fell down. The old woman gave him a hand in time, while sighing and shaking her head, with a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

"I'm afraid this batch can't do it either..." She murmured to herself and waved her hand, "Go quickly, being chosen by His Highness is the best destination for you."

Ming Shu looked at the elves getting further and further ahead. , trying hard to flap his wings and chase after him.

He quickly adapted to the feeling of having an extra pair of wings, but his flying speed was still not as fast as other elves. He could hardly fly in the wrong direction by following far behind.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mingshu opened the system and checked the updated plot.

[Plot Tips]:

[The dragon clan lives in the Southern Islands. They have the strongest strength, the longest life, and the most precious treasures. ]

[Furthermore, every dragon will have its own guardian elf since birth. The guardian elf lives and dies for the dragon. 】

The plot only has two short paragraphs. Mingshu's identity this time must be the "Guardian Elf" described in it.

He was hopeful that Yuan Chen might enter this dungeon with him.

Following the elves in front of him, Mingshu walked through a forest and a stream and came to a luxurious palace standing in the mountains and forests.

There were several guards in armor guarding the outside of the palace. They let the elves fly when they saw them.

Mingshu was one step behind and saw all the elves flying into a hall. He flapped his wings and chased after them.

Just as he reached the door, he heard a voice coming from inside.

"You have grown up... My father mentioned a few days ago that this time no matter what, I have to let you choose a guardian elf and keep it with you at all times." "

Guardian elf? What's the use?" The speaker said in a cold tone. "They're just talking birds. I'm not interested in keeping them."

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