Chapter 153: Copy of Wolf-Eared Boy (3)

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Mingshu was bumped into by Sang Yin that night. Early the next morning, the four players began to search the village for anyone who met the requirements. A small number of villagers who had good relations with them were helping.

But during the day, Mingshu had already turned back into Hu Yi, and they would only return in vain.

Moreover, the robe Ming Shu wore last night was of the most common style, and several villagers had similar ones.

"You couldn't have encountered some wild monster," a fatter player joked. "He was good-looking and disappeared in the blink of an eye."

Another person next to him pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and scanned them silently. He glanced.

All joking aside, they knew very well that Mingshu's identity was most likely the villain in the dungeon - the werewolf.

There are only two possible reasons why he disappeared inexplicably, either he ran away or hid, or he changed his appearance and disguised himself and blended into the crowd during the day.

There is a fence around the village, and extra people will be sent to guard the gate at night. Since the whole village is so big, there is nowhere to hide, so they prefer the latter.

"I heard that werewolves are afraid of silver products," the player wearing glasses suggested, "find some and try them?"

After asking a circle of villagers, silver products are relatively expensive things here, and there are none in the village. If you want to buy them, You can go to the nearest market outside the village to have a look.

Sunglasses was about to go out to the market and borrowed a donkey from a villager. He would be back before noon as soon as possible.

Before leaving, he specifically said to Sang Yin: "Be more careful." The

special difficulty of the dungeon was specially set for him, and it was difficult to say what the purpose of the "person" he saw last night was.

Sang Yin stood under the shade of the tree and cast a silent glance to show that he understood.

When Glasses left on his donkey, he happened to be met by Mingshu.

He didn't know what the other party was going to do, so he quietly avoided it.

Returning to the door of Hu Yi's room, Mingshu looked through the gap in the window and asked Xiao Mushroom: "I also have a mission in this dungeon, right? What if I fail?" He could already roughly guess his ending

. Okay, how could he, a newcomer with almost no experience, be able to defeat four players who were in the top 50 in the rankings?

Xiao Mushroom thought about it carefully and shook his head: "I don't know..."

As an NPC, what Mingshu has to do is not a task. After all, there is not even a task reward.

No matter what happens, he must follow his identity role, complete everything that needs to be done, and must not be treated negatively. This is what NPCs need to do.

Mingshu sighed silently, closed the window tightly, and pretended to be sick and didn't go out all day.

The raw meat mixed with toadstools did not work as expected. The wolves still came to attack the village at night and bitten several people.

He said he was going out to buy silver glasses but he didn't come back. I wonder if he encountered obstacles on the way.

In contrast, Mingshu was much more relaxed. The wolves were apparently driven by him, but actually followed the system procedures step by step.

The little mushroom sat in the flower pot and gnawed on the rhizome of pothos. With his mouth full, he spoke in a slurred manner: "Shu Shu, it's time to destroy the trap tomorrow." The

poisonous meat had no effect, and the wolves had eaten all the meat. There was no sign of poisoning, and the villagers believed that the poisoned meat had been tampered with, but they could not find the suspected target. Moreover, there was so much raw meat that they would not be able to take out the second time in a short time.

So the villagers began to make various traps to trap wolves and werewolves, and with the help of several players, the traps were improved a lot.

Mingshu did not participate in setting up the trap and did not know where it was, but Xiao Mushroom did.

Under the guidance of Little Mushroom, he quietly came to a certain place in the mountain forest and waited patiently for the two villagers who were checking the trap to leave before coming out.

There were many traps laid along the way, and Mingshu needed to destroy at least half of them. He tried his best to seize the time gate, and finally managed to return to the village before dark.

He used to pretend to be a solitary person and rarely talked to others. Mingshu went out several times, but no one noticed that "Hu Yi" had changed.

That night, Glasses finally returned to the village on his donkey, carrying the silver bullion he bought from outside.

He handed the silver piece to his companion with an expression that was hard to describe: "It's quite expensive... I made a mistake. It took me a while to get back."

The fat man patted him on the shoulder: "I hope you're safe, thank you for your hard work."

Another man beside him said The player raised the silver bar and looked at it: "Can this thing be useful?"

Sang Yin said: "Try it."

It was already dark, and the traps during the day, like poisonous meat, still did not have much effect, and the wolves seemed unaware The tired machinery came to attack the village again. They had to help the villagers, and the silver bars were temporarily put aside.

Until the afternoon of the next day, the thin man among the players was sitting on the edge of the field blowing in the wind, looking at the passing villagers as if unintentionally.

They originally wanted to gather everyone in the village and test them one by one with silver bars, but this was too troublesome. It was not clear whether the thing was effective, and if it was not done well, it would easily cause dissatisfaction among the villagers.

After several people discussed it, they decided to try a few suspicious targets first.

If a werewolf wants to disguise itself as a human and blend into the crowd, it should find those who look inconspicuous and are usually marginalized. In order to avoid revealing their identity as much as possible, they must act alone and be taciturn.

The silver nugget is irregular in shape, a small ball in your hand, and looks like an ordinary stone at first glance.

The thin man tried three times with silver bars at noon, and all three villagers could pick up the silver bars without any abnormality.

They did not give up yet, leaving the thin man to continue to take charge of this matter, while the other three went to work elsewhere.

Not long after, the thin man turned his eyes and stared at Ming Shu, who happened to be passing by.

He stepped forward with a silver piece in his hand, and called Mingshu with a smile: "Just in time, I'll give this to you." Mingshu

didn't know why, and took a half step back warily: "What?"

The thin man noticed his subtle movements and She avoided him, narrowed her narrow eyes slightly, grabbed his wrist without any explanation, and forced the silver piece into his hand.

Severe pain suddenly hit him, Mingshu screamed in pain, his palms wanted to be burned by the scorching flames.

The little mushroom in his mind shouted anxiously: "Oh no! They found silver!"

Silver products can not only identify werewolves, but also eliminate the disguise of werewolves. In an instant, Mingshu's wheat-colored arms cracked in a weird way, revealing The true skin color underneath spreads quickly to the whole body.

Not only did he have a different face, but his body shape was also somewhat different. His whole person was completely transformed in a few breaths, his disguise was completely gone, and he completely lost his previous appearance.

The thin man could tell at a glance that this must be the "person" Sang Yin had met that night.

The silver piece fell to the ground. Without any hesitation, he took off the hemp rope from his waist to capture Mingshu alive.

Mingshu held his injured hand and backed away. He was not completely unprepared. He took out a bottle of pepper water from his body and sprayed it into the opponent's eyes.

He had narrowly escaped from Sang Yin's nose that day and did it as soon as he came back. He kept it with him in case of emergencies.

The thin man was indeed unprepared, or he didn't expect Ming Shu to use this move. He screamed, closed his eyes and waved his hands randomly. There was no one around the time gate, but the movement would attract nearby residents. Mingshu put away the pepper water and fled in a hurry.

When some villagers came over and found the thin man with an injured eye, Mingshu had disappeared.

With the help of Xiao Mushroom, Mingshu hid in an abandoned storage room door.

His palm, which had been touched by the silver nugget, returned to normal, with a trace of pain still remaining.

Someone passed by outside, and he held his breath nervously. Fortunately, he was just passing by, and the footsteps left quickly.

The little mushroom climbed out of Mingshu's pocket and stood on his knees. Mingshu touched the top of its head and whispered: "What should I do now? They will come here sooner or later..." His disguise was gone

. , hiding here all the time is not an option.

It is not easy to find a new identity or escape from the village. It is getting dark. The villagers are accustomed to walking together at night, and their defense is more rigorous. He is afraid that he cannot even reach the gate.

The wolves have been attacking the village for several days in a row. It just so happens that they won't come today, so they can't divert Mingshu's attention.

But the dungeon is still in progress. Mingshu's character cannot be caught so early. No matter what method, he has to try it.

Little Mushroom was equally worried. It rubbed Mingshu's cheek to comfort him and thought hard for a while: "How about going to find Sang Yin?"

Mingshu's expression froze: "Isn't this just a trap?"

Little Mushroom calmly analyzed: " He might have let Shu Shu escape on purpose last time, and now it seems that asking him for help is the safest choice."

Because Ming Shu is Sang Yin's type, he might be soft-hearted towards Ming Shu.

Mingshu was so confused that he remained silent.

He didn't think Sang Yin would be soft-hearted. On the one hand, they had only met once. On the other hand, there was such a big gap between the two of them, and they were opposite characters in the dungeon. The data comparison could not be used as a complete reference...

Xiao Mushroom was in time. Added: "Sang Yin lives nearby."

Mingshu hesitated for a long time and finally relaxed.

He thought that he would be caught anyway, and that was the worst possible outcome.

So he made up his mind, quietly walked out of the storage room door while no one was outside, and headed to Sang Yin's residence as quickly as possible.

There were not many vacant houses in the village. Sang Yin lived in a single room with no door and no yard. The area was small and could only accommodate one adult. The door lock was broken, but Mingshu opened it with a gentle push.

There was no one inside, Sang Yin wasn't there.

Mingshu's heartbeat quickened, he slipped into the house and closed the door, hiding in the corner beside the bed, and moved the wooden rack for hanging clothes to block himself.

Xiao Mushroom was talking to Mingshu in his mind, telling him what to do when Sang Yin comes back in a while, so as to save his life as much as possible.

"I found a word in the database called seduction," Xiao Mushroom's voice was childish and serious, "Shu Shu, do you know what it means?" Mingshu lowered his head and said in a muffled voice: "Yes


"Shu Shu, don't be afraid. , the pepper water is still there," the little mushroom comforted: "If we don't succeed, we will run out."

It hid in its pocket, quietly tore off its own mycelium, and made several small dumplings, just in case there is a chance Come in handy.


don't know how much time passed, but Mingshu squeezed her stiff knees and heard footsteps approaching from outside.

The voice paused in front of the door, then opened the door and walked in.

When the lights were lit in the room, Mingshu felt uneasy and breathed very lightly.

The clothes on the wooden rack will be blocked, and the light in the corner is dim. If you don't pay attention, you might not be able to spot a person standing by the wall in the corner.

However, the entire door room is so big, and the wooden frame has been moved, and anyone with a little bit of alertness can notice it.

Mingshu walked around the house listening to the footsteps, went to the table to pour water, and then came to the bed to take off his coat.

There was a slight sound of the fabric rubbing against the clothes, and Mingshu's tense nerves relaxed slightly, thinking that Sang Yin really didn't realize that there was anyone hiding in the house.

He held the bottle of chili pepper water, his palms were sweating, and he didn't dare to move.

At this moment, the wooden frame in front of Mingshu was suddenly removed. His eyes flashed, and the side of his neck touched a cold, sharp blade.

Sang Yin clenched the short knife in his hand, and if he moved forward a little further, he could cut Mingshu's fragile throat.

There was no expression on his face, and he didn't seem surprised: "It's you again."

Mingshu injured the thin man's eyes with pepper water and disappeared. There were no traces of escape on the gate and the outer fence, so he must still be hiding in the village.

But Sang Yin didn't expect that he would be so bold.

Like that night, Mingshu took off his disguise, revealing a stunningly beautiful face.

Or maybe, this is his disguise?

His thick eyelashes trembled, his eyes were filled with fear and panic, and his face was a little pale.

His slender bones make him look thin and frail, and he is a bit shorter than Sangyin. His appearance is very confusing. In short, he is not at all like the ferocious werewolf described in the plot.

"Don't kill me," Ming Shu said in a trembling voice, "I...I haven't done anything, I haven't hurt anyone, I just want to come here..."

He was injured by the silver nugget, and it was impossible to hide his identity. I can only try my best to show that I have never done anything bad.

"You haven't done anything?" Sang Yin remained unmoved, the blade still pressed close to Mingshu's neck, "Then how did you get your disguise?"

The werewolf's ability to disguise itself as a human proves that the human is dead.

"That man... fell down the hillside and was not breathing," Ming Shu said innocently, making up a lie: "It was him, not me." It was

true that he did not do it himself, it was Xiao Mushroom who directly modified the data.

Probably because of his appearance, Mingshu looks slightly younger than his actual age, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a simple and ignorant look.

Sang Yin's expression did not change, and the short knife in his hand seemed to be put away a little.

Mingshu looked at him carefully, feeling like he believed him.

Little Mushroom had more than 20 conversations in his mind today. At this time, it was quiet and silent. Mingshu remembered that it had mentioned that he was Sang Yin's type.

He suddenly felt inexplicably nervous, looking at Sang Yin, his cheeks slowly turned red.

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