Chapter 98: Halloween (2)

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The time limit for the main mission is three days, and the side mission is ten hours, ending at about dawn.

Looking for supplies to disguise it okay to disguise yourself as anything?

Mingshu didn't know much about Halloween, and his attention was on the second side mission released.

--Before dawn, spend a peaceful night in the small town.

The system will not issue meaningless tasks, and this side task shows that the night in the town is not safe.

Mingshu didn't bother to reply to Xia Zhu, and immediately checked whether the locks on the doors and windows were intact, closed the curtains, and turned on all the lights, making the room as bright as day.

After doing all this, Mingshu quietly came to the window, opened the curtain a little, and looked out through the gap.

After a while, the sky had completely darkened, street lights were on on both sides of the street, there was no one outside, and the only sound was Ming Shu's breathing quietly.

Many houses nearby and far away also turned on their lights, and like Ming Shu, they closed the thick curtains, making it difficult to see whether there was anyone inside.

From the moment he entered the dungeon, Ming Shu felt that there was something indescribably weird about this place.

The NPC who brought him in had a pale and bloodless face, and his expression and movements were somewhat mechanical and stiff. When he finally left, he walked very fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The plot has not been updated yet, but Halloween is a festival related to ghosts... Mingshu carefully closed the curtains again, returned to the living room and sat in the corner of the sofa, picked up a pillow and hugged it tightly in his arms.

He is afraid of ghosts...

Mingshu has taken on some thrilling and horror dungeon NPC missions before. He was the one responsible for scaring people, but he ended up being scared... The final mission score was not high, and he didn't earn many points.

Isn't this series a fairy tale? Why is there a copy of Halloween?

Mingshu comforted himself that maybe Halloween was just the background of the story and there were no real ghosts here. He opened the system panel and sent a message to Xia Zhu.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Where do you live?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: There are three short trees in front of my door. The roof next to it is red. Not far away is a crossroads

. [Private chat] Xia Zhu: There is a road sign opposite, but it's dark and I can't see it. Qing, I don't dare to go out now

[Private chat] Mingshu: Don't go out, we'll talk about it tomorrow.

Mingshu discovered when he came in that the streets and houses here didn't look much different. Just based on Xia Zhu's description, there was no difference at all. There was no way to tell where he was.

The two discussed it and decided to stay in the house tonight and make plans tomorrow morning.

Mingshu got up and went to the kitchen to take a look. There were some fresh food in the refrigerator, such as bread and washed vegetables, as well as a few bottles of milk.

He was not hungry, so he opened a bottle of milk and smelled it, but ultimately did not drink it and put it back unchanged.

All facilities in this house are complete, not only food and hot water, but also several sets of clean clothes in the bedroom closet, which seem to have been carefully prepared.

The same goes for Xia Zhu, so in what capacity did they check in?

Mingshu hurriedly washed up and observed the situation outside from the window for the last time.

The streets were brightly lit, and the houses and green plants everywhere looked clearer than during the day, but they were still empty and without a soul.

Mingshu returned to the bedroom, turned off the light, put on clothes and went to bed.

Closing his eyes, Mingshu still couldn't sleep and repeatedly looked at the dungeon rules in the system.

The rules are basically the same as the previous dungeons. Because it is a multiplayer dungeon, there is no save function. The life point is only 1 point. If the mission fails or dies, you cannot restart.

This time, there was a built-in shopping mall in the dungeon. Mingshu opened it and took a look. They were all ragdolls and ornaments such as small pumpkins and little ghosts. They had no other purpose besides decoration.

Things in the mall need to be purchased with mission points. Mingshu saw that his mission points were as high as over 900.

He asked Xia Zhu, and Xia Zhu said he had some too, but only more than a hundred.

Looking at the points value, it seems that they are accumulated from the mermaid dungeon. Mingshu has completed more tasks and cleared an extra dungeon three, so he has more task points.

While the two were chatting, Xia Zhu suddenly became quiet for a moment, and then sent a message.

[Private Chat] Xia Zhu: Someone was knocking on my window

and seeing the message from Xia Zhu, Mingshu's eyes narrowed and he subconsciously tightened his quilt.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Could it be another player? Going out to find someone at night?

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but Mingshu also vaguely heard some rustling sounds coming from the direction of the living room.

He listened carefully with his breath. The movement seemed to be outside the door, like something gently scraping against the wooden door frame.

Mingshu didn't dare to go out and look, so he wrapped himself tightly in quilt.

The movement disappeared after a short period of time. Xia Zhu had not responded to the message yet. He didn't know what was going on there. All the unknowns made Mingshu even more uneasy.

After a while, the private message finally popped up.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: It scared me to death. It turned out to be some bats. They were scared away when I opened the window.

Mingshu also breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a bat...then the sound he heard just now should be the same.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: But I opened the window just now and saw a few people on the street outside.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: They disappeared again in a flash. Maybe I was too nervous and saw it wrong.

At this time, the two of them received a system message at the same time. .

[It has been detected that there is an update to the plot. Do you want to check it immediately? ]

[Plot Tips]:

[In the small town of Fenggang, Halloween is an annual traditional festival. On this day, the townspeople will dress up as different ghosts and monsters. The children will hold small pumpkin-shaped baskets. Knocking on doors asking for candy. 】

(Warm reminder: The plot is for reference only.)

The plot is only a short paragraph, and a warm reminder that Mingshu has never seen is added at the end.

What does "for informational purposes only" mean? Don't all player tasks follow the plot?

Xia Zhu also sent a message expressing doubts, but there were too few updated plots, and nothing could be seen from the current mission.

Only Mingshu knew that starting from the last dungeon, some of the system's settings began to go wrong. For example, Si Ning, as the protagonist, actually knew the direction of the original plot.

The plot is for reference only, which means that the difficulty of the copy will only be higher.

Mingshu is also concerned about one thing. Has Yuan Chen also entered the dungeon this time?

He looked at his friends list. The name "Sang Yin" was lying quietly in it. The last message he sent had not received a reply.

Mingshu couldn't help but click on it again and made a crying emoticon.

He just left the last dungeon yesterday, and the interval between previous dungeons was also very short. In fact, they didn't separate for too long.

But Mingshu still missed each other very much, especially now in a new environment.

Everything was normal in the second half of the night, it was very quiet outside, the windows were closed tightly, and not a breath of wind could come in.

Mingshu was still holding the pillow he took from the sofa in his arms, and gradually fell asleep.

The next day, Mingshu was awakened by a knock on the door.

He immediately lifted the quilt and got up, walked out of the bedroom and carefully walked to the door, looking out through the peephole.

It was the NPC who led him in yesterday. With a smile on his face, he raised his hand and knocked a few more times: "Are you awake?"

It was dawn, the side mission was completed, and it seemed to be very lively outside, with a lot of people talking.

Mingshu opened the door and felt that the street was quiet for a second.

Perhaps it was just his illusion. The townspeople were coming and going on the street, greeting and joking with each other, and a few turned curiously to look at his unfamiliar face.

The town looked normal during the day, except that the NPC in front of him still looked pale, and the sky in the distance was gray, as if covered by thick clouds.

"Did you sleep well last night?" the npc asked with a smile, "I hope the sound at night did not disturb you."

Mingshu said calmly: "What sound? I didn't hear it."

The npc directly ignored his words. , changing the subject: "By the way, Halloween is coming soon."

"This is a traditional festival in our town. You should have heard of it, right?" He said: "Everyone is starting to prepare in the past few days. You may be here I saw some strange things on the street."

The NPC said as he took out a palm-sized pumpkin from his pocket.

"For example, this one." He reached over and squeezed hard suddenly. The pumpkin burst like a crispy biscuit with a "pop" sound, and bright red blood flowed out from inside.

Mingshu's face turned pale, and he instinctively took half a step back, holding the door tightly with one hand.

Then the npc made a "poof" sound, and his eyes narrowed with laughter: "Are you scared? It contains red syrup. It's Halloween, so it needs to be more atmospheric..." The

npc placed the half-broken pumpkin. On the handrail beside the door, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands: "Then I won't disturb you for now. I wish you a pleasant stay in the town."

He turned and left, blending into the crowd on the street.

Mingshu stood at the door and stared at the pumpkin on the armrest for a long time. When no one was paying attention, he picked up a branch, dipped a little of the red liquid inside, and got closer to smell it.

It doesn't taste like syrup at all...but more like blood.

Mingshu threw away the branch, went inside the house to find a black garbage bag, put the pumpkin in it, and then carefully wiped off the liquid left on the handrail with a paper towel.

A child on skates stopped in front of Mingshu's door and looked at his movements curiously: "What are you doing?"

He was about seven or eight years old, but his tone sounded strange.

Mingshu casually replied: "I'm cleaning up the garbage."

The child nodded, "GuluGulu" and slid the wheel under his feet and walked away.

The bag containing the pumpkin was eventually thrown into the trash can across the street by Mingshu, and the news about Xia Zhu followed.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Are you out yet?

The two planned to meet up first and see how to do the main mission.

Mingshu stopped a few passers-by and asked, heading towards the center of the town.

Passing through the residential area and the streets with many shops, a huge circular fountain appeared in front of him. Xia Zhu arrived before him, saw Ming Shu's figure in the distance, and waved to him vigorously.

The last time they met was in Dungeon 2. Xia Zhu was very excited and sat on the bench next to the fountain with Ming Shu.

"How was last night? Didn't you encounter anything over there?" Xia Zhu was still frightened, "I really thought someone was knocking on the window at first, which scared me..."

Mingshu responded vaguely: "My side It's okay."

The two confirmed again that they lived in two completely different directions and far away from each other.

Xia Zhu hesitated, wanting to ask Ming Shu if he would like to start a company together, but felt that this was not appropriate.

At this time, a strange voice sounded.

"Are you players too?"

Mingshu looked up and saw three young men looking at him and Xia Zhu with inquiring eyes.

Without waiting for their answer, the person who just spoke took the initiative: "Let's form a team. There are exactly five of us together."

Xia Zhu was puzzled: "What team should we form?"

"It seems you don't know yet." The man stepped forward. Step, his voice was deliberately lowered, "A group of five people can trigger the choice of outfit. Do you know the main mission?"

He explained that someone had tried it by mistake this morning. To do the main mission, you need to form a team. There are five different Halloween costumes. Each person can choose one, and then find the materials needed for the costume according to the requirements.

Known ones include vampires, clowns, ghost dolls, pumpkin spirits, werewolves, etc.

After successfully forming a team, you can also change teammates, as long as the five people dress up differently. Subsequent tasks should also need to be completed in a team.

So now they can temporarily form a team, choose their outfits, and start doing the main mission.

Xia Zhu was very surprised: "How do other people know so much in detail? Has anyone been here before?" "

A few people tested it this morning." The man shook his head and looked at Xia Zhu up and down, "I must rush to the task as soon as possible. What's the progress? They came out at five o'clock in the morning to look for people at first light. This mechanism is not difficult to find."

Xia Zhu was speechless, turned around and asked Ming Shu in a low voice for his opinion, and replied: "Okay, how do we form a team? ?"

The five of them, together with their friends, walked to a hidden alley and stood together in a circle.

A system prompt popped up, asking whether to form teammates with the current four people.

Mingshu clicked to confirm, and there was an extra line of "Copy Teammates" below the friend list, where five people could communicate directly.

Then, there was another system message.

[Team formation completed, resources are being randomly allocated]

[Assignment successful]

[Your Halloween costume is: a hybrid witch with a devil tail]

[Ding dong - side mission released]

[Task 2: Please go to [Netherworld Swamp] and [Devil City] to obtain the materials needed for dressing up]

[Ding dong - side mission release]

[Task 3: Use Halloween costumes. If the fear value/exclamation value/** value of any NPC reaches more than 50, it means the costume is represented. Qualified, passed inspection]

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