Chapter 22: The Wolf-Eared Boy (22)

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Yuan Chen really knew everything, but he never exposed him.

Ming Shu knew that it was useless to say anything now, even if he could explain the lies he had told before, the fact that he slandered Yuan Chen himself could not be denied.

He opened Yuan Chen's character details, saw that there hadn't been any change in favorability, and tried to struggle again: "I won't...bite you."

He didn't want to wear a bite's for animals.

Ming Shu felt wronged, he didn't have the ability to hurt Yuan Chen at all, even if he didn't tie his hands with a rope, he couldn't escape.

Yuan Chen's fingertips were still in Ming Shu's mouth, and he withdrew slowly, gently rubbing Ming Shu's lips.

Ming Shu's eyes begged, Yuan Chen was silent for a moment, as if his heart softened.

However, after a while, he withdrew his hand: "I don't believe it."

At this time, Yuan Chen seemed to be a different person, indifferent and merciless, Ming Shu was afraid that he would really pull out his teeth.

He had no choice but to put on the bite stopper obediently without any resistance.

As long as you don't kill him... His ears and tail will disappear after the full moon night, and this bite stopper will only last for a day at most.

The cold iron ring sticks to the skin, and the bite stopper covers most of Ming Shu's face from the bridge of the nose to the chin.

Rough hard leather straps were fixed behind his ears and on the top of his head, and finally wrapped around his chin, where he hung a small lock.

At first glance, it looks like a pendant like a small bell.

Yuan Chen touched the skin beside Ming Shu's ear, his eyes gradually softened, and then he cut the rope in Ming Shu's hand with a knife.

This bite stopper is not light, it is obviously carefully made, without the key in Yuan Chen's hand, it is extremely difficult for Ming Shu to break free from the restraint.

With the bite arrester on, he no longer needs to be tied up.

His hands were finally free, Ming Shu rubbed his red wrists, but he still stood still and didn't dare to move.

Yuan Chen stretched out his hand to hold him, and slowly pulled him into his arms.

At this time, he regained his former gentleness, hugged Ming Shu, lowered his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Are you thirsty?"

Ming Shu really couldn't figure out what he was thinking, so he nodded hesitantly.

Yuan Chen brought him back to the table and poured him a glass of water.

The gap on the surface of the bite stopper is very wide. It is barely a problem to eat, but not to drink water.

Ming Shu looked at the cup in front of him and hesitated to speak, but Yuan Chen took out a wooden straw from the drawer again.

The straws are handmade and look brand new, so they should have been prepared by him in advance.

Mingshu took the straw, and whispered: "Thank you..."

He drank all the water in the glass under Yuan Chen's gaze, subconsciously daring not to have anything left.

Yuan Chen sat on the chair on the other side, and when Ming Shu finished drinking, he stretched out a hand to him: "Come here." In a trance,

Ming Shu remembered that he was in the barn tonight, because he was afraid that he would be cold, so he used the same method. The tone told him to go over.

Ming Shu put down the cup and straw, walked up to Yuan Chen, was pulled into his arms by him again, and sat on his lap.

No matter before or now, Ming Shu is always obedient and obedient in front of Yuan Chen, and Yuan Chen also likes him the most.

He brushed back the hair on Ming Shu's forehead, kissed him between the brows, and said softly: "Are you scared today?"

Ming Shu remained silent, looked at Yuan Chen's expression quietly, and nodded.

So Yuan Chen opened the side drawer again and took out a box of ointment.

He unscrewed the cap of the ointment, dipped some of it in his hand, and applied it on Mingshu's red wrist that was tied up with a rope.

Ming Shu looked at Yuan Chen's focused eyes and movements, and couldn't guess what he was thinking.

He originally thought that Yuan Chen put the bite stopper on him because he hated his werewolf status, but he not only cut the rope and stopped binding him, but also fed him water and rubbed medicine.

The function of the bite just to prevent Ming Shu from biting him, that's all?

After applying the medicine, Yuan Chen hugged Ming Shu tightly again.

His eyes gradually moved up and fell on the pair of white wolf ears on the top of his head.

Probably because of the fur color, the pair of animal ears also looked like fox's, or cat's ears, in short, it had nothing to do with the ferocious wolf that the villagers knew.

Yuan Chen stared at it for a while, then raised his hand to touch it lightly.

With a twitch at the tip of her pink-smeared ears, Ming Shu shrinks her neck and hides aside.

But no matter how he hid, he was still in Yuan Chen's arms. Yuan Chen easily grabbed the ear, pinched the tip of the ear and rubbed it gently.

It felt very strange...but it seemed to be comfortable. Ming Shu's hands were weak, and he struggled to grab Yuan Chen's clothes, tilting his head unconsciously and rubbing against his palm.

Looking at his appearance, Yuan Chen's eyes darkened: "You're seducing me again."

His tone at this time was the same as when he said that he was going to pull out Ming Shu's teeth just now. Ming Shu froze and didn't dare to move anymore.

But Yuan Chen just said this sentence, he pinched Ming Shu's wolf ears, and kissed him again.

With the bite stopper in the way, he could only kiss Mingshu's hair and forehead, as if he was not satisfied, he gradually continued to kiss the corners of his eyes and the side of his face.

After he finished kissing and backed away a little, Ming Shu couldn't help explaining: "I didn't... seduce you."

Although...he admitted that he had deliberately done some similar things in order to increase Yuan Chen's favorability.

"No?" Yuan Chen stroked Ming Shu's neck, and said in a low voice, "Isn't that escaped wolf who sent you to my side?"

Hooking him to make him like Ming Shu, and then slandering him as a wolf.

With such a beautiful face and delicate flesh, Ming Shu doesn't even have a callus on his hands, and he can't light a kerosene lamp or burn a fire. How could he be a human being that will appear in this mountain.

Ming Shu was stunned for a moment before realizing that the escaped wolf Yuan Chen was referring to was Jing Shuang.

So he mistakenly thought that he was Jing Shuang's subordinate or something?

This seems... It does make sense, and it seems like something Jing Shuang would do.

Moreover, he can take advantage of the situation and say that he was coerced by Jing Shuang, and if he finds a good reason for his behavior all the time, Yuan Chen may be able to forgive him.

Ming Schumer remained silent, as if he had acquiesced, he tentatively took the initiative to lean into Yuan Chen's arms: "That day... I didn't mean to say that."

It was his few words that intensified the villagers' respect for Yuan Chen. suspicion.

Yuan Chen said "hmm", but there was no more expression on his face, he didn't know whether he believed it or not.

Ming Shu wanted to say something more, but suddenly felt Yuan Chen's hand on his back slowly moving down, and even looked at the bulging trouser legs behind him.

He had noticed Ming Shu's awkward posture and sitting posture a long time ago. Since he has ears, then... a tail should also exist.

Yuan Chen's intentions were too obvious, Ming Shu hurriedly stopped him and covered his back.

He didn't know what he was nervous about... Maybe because his tail was growing behind, he always felt that he couldn't be seen by others.

Yuan Chen's hand stopped halfway, and asked: "Tail?"

Seeing that Ming Shu nodded obediently, he said, "Let me see."

Ming Shu blushed inexplicably, and stammered: "No, no. "

He struggled to get up from Yuan Chen's body, but was easily held down by Yuan Chen.

"Okay, don't look at it," Yuan Chen coaxed, "I don't want to look at it."

Ming Shu finally calmed down, and his tail hidden in his trouser legs moved.

But it was always uncomfortable with his tail bound like this.

After a while, Yuan Chen let go of Ming Shu: "I'll go find another piece of clothing."

He got up and went into the back room, leaving Ming Shu with a dazed expression behind.

Soon Yuan Chen turned back and handed Ming Shu a new pair of trousers.

Ming Shu took it over, and saw a tear on the trousers, which seemed to have been cut with scissors just now.

This position...

Ming Shu: "..."

Yuan Chen's words cannot be refused: "Go and change."

Ming Shu struggled between changing into pants to make the tail more comfortable and going against Yuan Chen, and finally chose the former.

He walked into the back room alone with his pants, and did not come out after a long time, until Yuan Chen lost his patience.

"Mingshu?" He stood at the entrance of the back room, looking at the dallying figure inside.

Ming Shu lowered his head and walked out slowly, he was still wearing his coat, and put the hood back on.

The ears of the wolf were covered, and the tail was also tightly covered. Yuan Chen couldn't see it, so he simply untied his coat and threw it beside the wooden frame.

This time there was no cover, Ming Shu stood under the light, the tips of his ears trembling uncomfortably.

Yuan Chen approached, and saw a fluffy white wolf's tail hanging behind him, the tip of the tail was raised a little bit, and occasionally shook tremblingly.

The hair on the tail looks a bit disheveled because it has been squeezed in the trouser legs for too long, but even so, the tail is beautiful.

Ming Shu was already so beautiful that she couldn't look like a mortal, but now she had wolf ears and a tail, which added a bit of indescribable color.

Yuan Chen didn't speak, his gaze was as real as it was, Ming Shu turned sideways quietly, not wanting him to stare at him any more.

When he moved, Yuan Chen grabbed him and pulled him into his arms. He held Ming Shu down, and with his other hand, he accurately grasped the tail behind him.

Ming Shu froze all over, and her face flushed instantly.

His tail was pinched, and he couldn't move, so he could only close his eyes resignedly, and let Yuan Chen run his tail from top to bottom several times.

The slit cut on the trousers is also very suitable, just enough to allow a tail to come out. Yuan Chen smoothed the hair on the tail for Ming Shu, and felt reluctant to let go of the soft and smooth hair tip.

Ming Shu tried hard to pull the tail out of Yuan Chen's hand, tried for a long time but couldn't do it, and finally couldn't help pushing him: "You let me go..."

The extra pair of ears and a tail are like It's Mingshu's but it doesn't look like it. He feels when touched, but he can't control it completely.

Yuan Chen lowered his eyes and saw Ming Shu's blushing ears, he looked aggrieved, with his head down, looking sullen.

"What's the matter?" He let go of the tail in his hand, hugged Mingshu and coaxed, "Then I won't touch it anymore." Mingshu didn't believe

his words, he had already touched his tail all over the place. let go.

Moreover, Yuan Chen asked him to wear a bite stopper and cut trousers, as seemed normal, he was afraid that he would bite him so that his tail would not be squeezed.

But Mingshu still had an indescribable sense of shame, he looked up at Yuan Chen, if he hadn't been wearing a bite stopper, he really wanted to bite him hard now.

He pushed Yuan Chen away again, covered his tail and ran to the wooden frame, picked up his coat and wrapped himself up again.

Yuan Chen was not angry at his resistance at all, seeing Ming Shu's frantic movements, a smile even appeared on the corner of his lips.

He walked over, took the initiative to fasten Mingshu's buttons, and pulled Mingshu up: "Sleepy or not?"

Yuan Chen didn't know what state Mingshu would be in after transforming. If he didn't need to sleep, he could accompany him.

Just as Ming Shu was about to answer, a system prompt popped up.

[Ding Dong-A branch mission released]

[Mission 9: Escape from the village the day after the full moon night]

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