Chapter 12: The Wolf-Eared Boy (12)

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Ming Shu was almost in fear all morning, now leaning in the warm embrace, the nerves that had been tense for a long time finally relaxed.

At least now he is safe, he is well hidden here in Yuan Chen, so he doesn't have to worry about his life being in danger for the time being.

He buried his face in the clothes in front of Yuan Chen, sniffing the mixed scent of cloth and herbs on his body.

Yuan Chen touched the hair behind his ear: "Are you hungry?"

Ming Shu muffled: "Not hungry."

He ate very little in the morning, but now he really has no appetite.

Recalling what happened in the morning, Ming Shu still felt a bit afraid.

The task was successfully completed, Jing Chu should not have told Yuan Chen about the trap, everything seemed to be going well.

However, in fact, as long as he takes a wrong step, the ending may be different, and he needs to be on guard all the time in the future.

The only good thing is that although Jing Chu and Jing Shuang's attitudes are not good, they are not going to kill him.

Jing Chu suspects that he likes him, and even hides the man-made trap in order to give him a hug. There may be some reason why he hates Yuan Chen.

But Jing Shuang is not only his kind, but also his blood, so he only hurt his arm, if he bites on his neck, even if he doesn't die, the wound can't be hidden from Yuan Chen.

Ming Shu looked up at Yuan Chen, he might be the most gentle and normal among these three NPCs.

It's a pity that their identities don't belong to the same camp. Yuan Chen is the protagonist of the story, and he is a werewolf, a villain who does bad things.

So once he is exposed, Yuan Chen is the most dangerous.

But if Mingshu had to choose one of them and continue to maximize his favorability, he would still choose Yuan Chen.

Ming Shu took the initiative to hug Yuan Chen tightly, his tone was still low: "When did you come back?"

He deliberately got very close, and the soft skin of his cheeks gently rubbed against the side of Yuan Chen's neck, his movements were very intimate.

As Ming Shu said, the tips of his ears gradually turned red.

Yuan Chen's favorability has already reached 80, he must like him, but Ming Shu has no experience at all, and can't flirt with NPC like some high-scoring players without changing his expression.

He thought to himself, this is just a good-looking npc, it's the data generated by the system, it's okay to do some intimate actions.

After a rewind or when he leaves the instance, everything will reset again.

"Not long after I came back, I was delayed on the road." Yuan Chen tightened his arms slightly, breathed a little more heavily, and said in a low voice, "The village is not peaceful recently, so I can't be by your side all the time." He didn't ask Ming Shu in the morning either

. Had he stayed in the house the whole time, and seemed to have no doubts about what he said when he came back.

Ming Shu knew that he and Jing Bo were looking for the traces of the wolves, and said "um", "Then you, come back earlier." As soon as he finished speaking, the system prompt sounded


[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? 】

Ming Shu was still in Yuan Chen's arms, not wanting to come out, while opening a new plot update.

[Plot Tips]:

[The traces left by the wolves extend to the depths of the mountains and forests, and then become more and more difficult to trace. In the end, Yuan Chen and Jing Bo returned without success. The night of the full moon is approaching, and the attacks of the wolves will become more frequent]

[Jing Bo proposed poisoning the wolves, but the villagers have tried this method before, and the wolves would detect ordinary poison. Yuan Chen hesitated again and again, and decided to ask the little mushroom in the forest for help for the second time. 】

Ming Shu's eyes stopped on the last paragraph, Yuan Chen needs a toxin that won't be detected by the wolves, isn't that... the poisonous fungus of the little mushroom?

Although the toxin is not fatal, it should not be noticed by the wolf. The bottle of blood he brought to Jing Shuang, Jing Shuang didn't notice anything unusual, but because he drank his blood later, he was not interested in what was in the bottle.

He was distracted for a while, and suddenly heard Yuan Chen ask: "Has Jing Chu been here?"

Ming Shu paused, feeling a little guilty, and subconsciously denied, "No... Didn't he go out with you?"

"He took the first step." Come back." Yuan Chen raised his eyes and looked out the window while talking.

The window was opened halfway, and a familiar figure passed by the side path outside the courtyard, stopped and looked into the courtyard.

The figure was Jing Chu. He looked at the two people in the room who were embracing each other intimately, and his face was not very good-looking.

Yuan Chen quickly looked away, as if he didn't notice the other party's gaze, he lowered his head and said again: "May I make you some porridge?" He

tilted his head slightly while speaking, and his lips vaguely brushed against Ming Shu's ear tips. From a distance, he looked like kissing him.

Ming Shu responded, Yuan Chen slowly let go of him, and when he looked out of the window again, Jing Chu had already left.

Little Mushroom drank all the water in the bowl, finally stopped smirking, sat at the table and looked at the two of them.

Yuan Chen lit the stove and waited for the porridge to be cooked. He called the little mushroom and asked if there was any toxin that could make the wolves undetectable.

Little Mushroom nodded: "Yes."

It said, raising its slender arms and pointing at Mingshu.

Ming Shu suddenly had a bad premonition, but before he could stop it, he heard the little mushroom say: "I gave it to Shu Shu!"

Yuan Chen cast his gaze on it, and Ming Shu bit the bullet, pretending not to know: "Yes. Is that little dumpling taken from your body?"

He apologized in his eyes: "I'm sorry, I lost it..."

Little Mushroom was not very happy: "Shu Shu is so stupid."

But it didn't say anything more, such as there was another wolf in the village or something, and instead explained its toadstool to Yuan Chen.

Like Ming Shu's description when he got the props, Xiao Mushroom told Yuan Chen that the poisonous fungus of the tree mushroom is not fatal and cannot directly poison the wolves to death, but it can paralyze them for a period of time and is not easy to be found.

Yuan Chen can soak the poisonous fungus of the tree mushroom in water and rub it on the raw meat to lure the wolves to eat it.

However, the number of poisonous bacteria on a tree mushroom is limited, and there is only the last one left on the little mushroom. Yuan Chen has to go into the dense forest again to ask for other tree mushrooms. It is better to prepare more.

Yuan Chen thanked the little mushroom, touched its umbrella cap: "Okay, let's go this time, and take you home by the way."

The little mushroom hesitated, neither saying yes nor no, and jumped off Yuan Chen's chair. Palm, go to the window to pick the green basket.

The plot mentions that the night of the full moon is coming, and the wolves will attack more frequently. Ming Shu guesses that Yuan Chen will go to the dense forest in the afternoon, and asks to follow him.

Little Mushroom also promised Mingshu that he would not tell other tree mushrooms that he was a wolf, but Mingshu didn't want to stay in the village.

Go to the dense forest, just keep a distance from the tree mushrooms.

Yuan Chen did not refuse, but said that he would go again in the morning.

The jujube porridge has been cooked, and he brings a bowl for Ming Shu.

Mingshu blew on the hot air in the bowl, and suddenly realized another problem.

He almost forgot...he was also a wolf, on the night of the full moon...

but Mingshu's character information in this dungeon is all his own, including appearance, age and name.

He has no pretense at all, and seems to be different from Jing Shuang in every way.

On the night of the full moon, he will also become... like Jing Shuang?

Ming Shu was worried. If there was no task that had to be completed, he'd better find a place where no one would be able to hide.


Two plots have been updated, and the progress has reached 30%, but no side missions have been released.

Yuan Chen didn't go out the whole afternoon, and stayed at home with Ming Shu.

He sat by the window, watching Ming Shu and Xiao Mushroom playing together.

Ming Shu occasionally felt his gaze and turned to look over, but Yuan Chen's back was against the sun, his face was hidden in the shadow and he couldn't see his expression clearly, he didn't make a sound, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Maybe... because he was worried about the village and the wolves, Mingshu didn't bother him, and whispered to Little Mushroom.

The little mushroom climbed up Mingshu's arm and hugged his sleeve: "Shu Shu, go back together tomorrow?"

Mingshu responded casually: "Well, I'm going with Yuan Chen too." "

No No," Little Mushroom shook his head, twitching, "Go back and live with me."

It actually doesn't quite understand why Mingshu stays in the village, bad wolves like to hide in the crowd and do bad things, and Mingshu also doesn't understand. It is not a human being and can live in the forest.

Ming Shu was taken aback, and opened the details of Little Mushroom's role.

The favorability level is still 60, and has not increased, but Little Mushroom suddenly wants to take him back to the forest.

No, it may not be sudden, but he has always had no concept of the value of favorability.

Mingshu tactfully said: "But I also want to stay in the village... After you go back, I will come to see you often."

Little Mushroom was a little disappointed, "Humph": "You want to live with Yuan. "

Ming Shu told it that he didn't want Yuan Chen to hate him.

Every time it called Yuan Chen, there was only one word, Ming Shu nervously looked at Yuan Chen from the corner of his eyes, wondering if he heard it.

He coughed lightly: "I'll pick some green baskets tomorrow, and bring them back for you to eat?"

The green basket by the window has been eaten by little mushrooms for a little over the past two days, and its attention has indeed been diverted. Said: "Pick ten!"

At night, Ming Shu rested early.

Yuan Chen spread mattresses on the ground as usual, and the little mushroom slept in a flowerpot.

The window was not closed tightly, and the moonlight shone in through the gap, but there was no one in the mattress on the floor.

In the darkness, a figure came to Mingshu's bed.

He sat down by the bed, quietly looked at the sleeping Ming Shu, and carefully touched his cheek with his hand.

Mingshu seemed to feel something, and rubbed lightly on that hand.

After a long time, Yuan Chen withdrew his hand.

Then he leaned over to Mingshu and kissed him on the forehead.

This kiss was extremely light, with extreme restraint and patience, for fear of waking Ming Shu up.

As soon as he touched it, he left, but his eyes couldn't help staying on Mingshu's lips.

But in the end, he just stroked Mingshu's hair and pulled the quilt for him.

Early the next morning, Ming Shu was woken up by the little mushroom.

He opened his sleepy eyes and heard the system beep again.

[Ding Dong--Main task release]

[Task 3: On the night of the full moon, show your true body under the bath of moonlight]

Ming Shu suddenly woke up and sat up.

A new main mission has been released.

Little Mushroom was lying on the quilt and almost fell off the bed. It grabbed the quilt and jumped up again: "Shu Shu, wake up!"

Ming Shu responded and turned off the system panel.

To complete this task, he might have to reveal his identity.

Or, he prepares it ahead of time and finds a place to hide it.

Looking at the innocent and carefree little mushroom, Ming Shu thought, why not go back to the forest with it...

The author has something to say:

Jing Chu: (threat) let me kiss

Yuan Chen: (sneak kiss)

Jing Shuang: (takes a bite)

The mushrooms are really not sliced ​​(doge

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