Chapter 129: Angel in Disguise (6)

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Mingshu's movements were very slow, and his hands would shake accidentally when he touched the wound, and his eyelashes would tremble nervously.

He smelled very fragrant, with a smell that was unique to angels, like the fragrance of flowers mixed with fresh grass leaves baked by the sun, but it seemed to smell stronger than other angels.

Smell sometimes also represents the overall state of an angel. The more chaotic and chaotic the state of mind, the less pure it smells.

It is said that the demons living underground are filthy and ugly.

The ointment was applied in a thin layer and quickly penetrated into the skin, and the bruise on the edge of the wound immediately faded a lot.

The remaining ointment on Mingshu's fingertips also turned into water and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving a little white trace.

He closed the lid in his hand and looked up again.

There was no third person here, and everyone could hear each other's breathing in silence. Mingshu should retreat to the back at this time and ask Zhiyuan if he had any other instructions.

Zhiyuan's clothes were still open, his face was cold, and his lowered eyes were dark.

The heat that had just subsided on Mingshu's face rose again, his ears turned red, and he was thinking about whether he should do something more.

His identity goal is to seduce the archangel, and he has to make Zhiyuan fall in love with him again.

Mingshu's heartbeat quickened and he boldly put the ointment aside and reached out to tidy up Zhiyuan's robe.

Zhiyuan's eyes moved downward, but he didn't stop him. He watched a pair of white hands pull up the collar and fasten the buttons one by one.

When he tied it to the top of the collar, his medicinal-scented fingertips rubbed against the side of his neck, causing a slight itch.

Mingshu was so nervous that he buttoned the last button twice before realizing that he had forgotten to wear gloves.

It was a last resort when applying the medicine. Now that we are closer, will Zhiyuan notice anything...

He wants to have more contact with Zhiyuan, but there are restrictions on the main mission, and he cannot go too far. to avoid being discovered.

After fastening the buttons, Mingshu retracted his hand in time, lowered his head and stepped aside.

The tips of his ears are still red, maybe because he can be close to Zhiyuan. After all, every angel in this temple is like this. They look up to and admire the archangel, and are extremely excited because of his appearance, especially those who don't have many. Opportunity to enter the inner sanctum of the apostles.

--But Mingshu has already advanced, within just a few days after entering the temple.

Zhiyuan's eyes glanced from the tips of Mingshu's red ears to the wings behind him that were obviously different from before. He lowered his head, and his cheeks should also be flushed, as shy and pure as before.

Zhiyuan withdrew his gaze and walked down the steps alone, with three pairs of wings spread out behind him.

Before Mingshu had time to react, he raised his hand to block the waves, and the figure in front of him disappeared in a few breaths.

Mingshu: "..."

That's it again, he left without saying a word, not even a spare look.

He felt a little frustrated and even began to wonder if there was something wrong with this copy.

Because Zhiyuan is a heartless and loveless archangel this time, so he is particularly cold?

Mingshu turned his head in despair. The ointment he had just used was still placed on the low pillar beside him, and Zhiyuan's white robe was draped on the stone chair.

He forgot to take this dress with him...

but Zhiyuan was no longer nearby. Mingshu hesitated and couldn't help but pick up the robe on the chair.

Zhiyuan's breath lingered on his robe. He touched the gold edge of his sleeves and suddenly had a bold idea. He looked around nervously.

Mingshu folded the robe and held it in his arms. The white fabric was balled up into a small ball. At first glance, he couldn't identify whose clothes it belonged to.

He wanted to take the robe back...

As an archangel, Zhiyuan probably wouldn't care about such a forgotten piece of clothing.

Mingshu hadn't slept well for several days. Now holding his robe in his arms, he actually had the illusion of being comforted.

Unable to get real comfort, he could only use clothes instead...

Mingshu stood in front of the empty hall for a long time, confirming that Zhiyuan would not come back, and took the ointment away with him.

When he returned to his new residence, he happened to meet the previous emissary on the way, who stopped him.

"Have the medicine been delivered?" The envoy glanced at the clothes Mingshu was holding and didn't pay attention, thinking they were Mingshu's own things.

Mingshu said truthfully: "Send it over. Heaven has used the medicine and it looks much better."

He returned the medicine box in his hand to the envoy. The envoy looked a little surprised. He took the medicine box and said, "I actually used it." ...I understand, you can go."

The envoy left in a hurry, Mingshu returned to his residence and hid his robe under the quilt.

After he advanced to become an envoy, he no longer had to take care of the flowers and feed the animals. He only had to obey the envoy's instructions.

After being free for the time being, Mingshu opened the system and received the mania medicine.

The apostles who went to the animal taming park would come back before dark. Mingshu estimated the time and went out quietly in the afternoon.

His wings showed his identity, and he met a few apostles along the way. They just greeted him and didn't ask him what he was going to do.

Mingshu gradually realized the benefits of these wings, and became bolder. Like last time, he came to the animal training garden in the south hall next door.

There was no one in the garden, and the well-fed rabbits were locked in a huge bamboo cage. Mingshu silently said sorry, opened the bottle containing the mania potion, and poured it into a drinking kettle full of water.

He had just fallen down a little when a system notification sounded in his ears.

[Side mission three: Feed the mania medicine to the white rabbit (1/4)]

Mingshu stopped immediately, with more than half of the bottle left.

...Does this mean that he has to go to the four side halls to administer medicine?

Mingshu didn't have time to think too much, put away the drinking bottle and hurried to the next animal training park.

Angels no longer appear at night, and as the sky darkens, there are fewer and fewer people in the temple.

This also gave Mingshu the opportunity to administer the medicine conveniently. He entered the animal training garden of each side hall unimpeded. A small bottle of medicine was divided into four parts, diluted in water, and drank when the rabbit woke up. It will take some time to take effect.

After receiving the reminder that the task was completed, Mingshu breathed a sigh of relief, then turned and left.

It was completely dark, and he was walking alone in the open-air corridor of the outer hall, thinking that he could just go to the back hall to get some fruit for dinner.

The streetlight illuminated the white stone surface. Mingshu lowered his head and suddenly bumped into a figure head-on.

There was also an envoy who came. He was holding several thick books in his hands, and it seemed that he was going to the library.

"Huh?" He stopped and looked at Mingshu: "Aren't you the one who advanced today? What are you doing here?"

Mingshu smiled at him and said sheepishly: "I'm a little hungry. , I want to get some more food."

"That's right," the envoy nodded, indicating that he also had something to do, "These are new books that the envoy brought back from outside. I have to go to the library and put them away. ..."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and rubbed the tip of his nose, wondering: "Did you smell anything?"

Ming Shu's heart tightened: "Smell?"

He was so busy doing the task of administering the medicine that he forgot to refill the perfume on the way, and the empty bottle left over from the mania medicine was still on him, and he wanted to take it back and find another chance to properly dispose of it.

The envoy was not sure and said hesitantly: "It smells a bit..."

He looked at Mingshu again, as if he suspected that he brought the fragrance.

Mingshu said blankly: "I didn't smell it. Are there any flowers nearby?"

The envoy was not familiar with Mingshu, so it was hard to ask. The fragrance was very light, seemed to be there, and now it seemed to have disappeared.

He held up the book in his hand and said, "Maybe I heard it wrong, so I'll leave first, and you should go back and rest early."

Ming Shu agreed, watching him walk away, and his figure disappeared around the corner.

The surroundings returned to silence, Mingshu exhaled deeply, and quickly took out the perfume to refill it.

Until he returned to the house, he encountered no other emergencies.

Now just wait for tomorrow morning, the envoy will definitely find the rabbit that has been drugged with mania.

When the time comes, we will adapt accordingly. As long as we don't doubt him, everything will be easy to talk about.

Mingshu took off his gloves, lay down on the soft bed, and took out the robe hidden under the quilt.

He buried his face in it, and felt that it was a bit strange to be like this. He raised his head awkwardly, his cheeks slightly red.

But Zhiyuan's clothes were here. Even if it was just a psychological effect, Mingshu felt that he might sleep better tonight.

He sat up, unfolded his robe, and a white feather fell from one sleeve.

The feathers are as long as the palm of your hand and the tops are soft to the touch. They are hidden in the outer robe and could only be Zhiyuan's.

Mingshu picked it up and looked at it. He didn't remember if he didn't notice it during the day, so he brought it back with his clothes.

He carefully pressed the feathers under the pillow, hugged the clothes and lay there for a while before getting up and going to the bathroom.

At this time, the task is released again.

[Ding dong - Side mission released]

[Task 4: Saturate the archangel's robe with demonic scent and throw it somewhere in the temple to ensure that it will be discovered by other angels]

Mingshu's expression froze, and his eyes looked subtle and complicated. To the outer robe.

What does it mean to be full of demonic aura... In the temple, only Zhiyuan's clothes are embroidered with gold patterns. If they are thrown out and found, they will know that the demon is not only still hiding in the temple, but also secretly hides the archangel's clothes.

It was almost like a provocation...

He wanted to throw away his clothes, but Mingshu was reluctant to do so.

The time limit for the mission was seven days. He pursed his lips and went to take a shower in a depressed mood.

The water washed away the residue of the perfume. Mingshu took a shower and lay down again. When he touched the robe on the bed, he was reminded of the progress of the task.

[Side Mission 4: Devil's Aura on the Robe (5%/100%)]

It turns out that this way you will be stained with the devil's aura... Mingshu simply took off his clothes and wrapped himself in the robe to serve as his pajamas.

It still made him feel a little ashamed to do this kind of thing. He silently thought that this was for his mission, to put out the lights in the house.

His nose was filled with a faint and slightly bitter cold fragrance. The fabric of his robe was not very soft, but it gave Mingshu the illusion that Zhiyuan was by his side.

Sure enough, he slept better than usual, and soon he breathed evenly and fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, the feathers covered under the pillow shone slightly, shining like breath.


next day, Ming Shu came to the front hall anxiously, and sure enough, he learned that all the rabbits in the four animal taming gardens were manic.

The normally obedient and timid rabbits suddenly became extremely violent. They broke out of their bamboo cages and ran around wreaking havoc, biting everyone they saw.

But after all, these were just white rabbits with low combat effectiveness. Before Mingshu came to the front hall, two envoys had caught all the frantic rabbits and locked them up.

The apostles are all discussing that the rabbit may be related to the devil again. This time there are problems in the four side halls. It is impossible to send back all the angels in the temple, right?

Mingshu listened silently to other people's discussion, guessing that there would be no suspicion on him, so he turned around and prepared to leave.

He had just taken two steps when a familiar face stood in front of him.

It was the envoy whom he met last night. He stared at Ming Shu and said with unclear meaning: "Have you heard about what happened this morning? The envoy suspected that someone poisoned the rabbit's drinking water last night. What is the specific reason? We are still investigating where the toxin comes from."

Not many angels go out at night. Last night, the envoy happened to meet Mingshu. Now that I think about it, he was in a hurry, as if he had come back from outside, and he still had a strange fragrance. .

"I heard that," Ming Shu said calmly, "I came back early last night. Except for you, I didn't meet anyone suspicious. What about you?" "

Neither did I." The envoy's eyes were cold, and he glanced at Ming Shu for the last time. Shu, turned around and left.

Mingshu didn't want to stay any longer, and planned to go back and dispose of the empty bottle containing the potion as soon as possible, or leave it somewhere else to divert his attention.

He left the front hall and was stopped again.

The envoy who asked him to deliver ointment to Zhiyuan yesterday stood outside the hall, looking at Mingshu with doubts and confusion: " did you convince the great angel to use the ointment yesterday?"

Mingshu was stunned and hesitated. He said: "I just gave the medicine..."

The envoy sighed: "The Archangel's injury is not serious, but we can't leave it alone. I thought...the result was like this."

Zhiyuan took the medicine yesterday . , it seemed that it was just a whim, and when he sent the medicine again today, Zhiyuan didn't even look at it, and didn't even bother to say a word.

Ming Shu frowned slightly, looked at the medicine box in the envoy's hand, and proactively suggested: "How about... let me try it again?"

The envoy looked at him again and handed the medicine box over: "That's fine.

" Shu took the medicine box and walked towards the inner hall based on yesterday's memory.

This time he didn't wait too long and found Zhiyuan in the garden where he saw him for the second time.

Mingshu approached and saluted respectfully: "My lord, I'm here to deliver medicine to you."

Zhiyuan sat on the stone steps of the pavilion, with only a pair of wings visible behind him, slightly folded down.

Mingshu noticed that he was wearing a new robe, the style was exactly the same as the previous one, and the cuffs and collar were also tattooed with gold.

Zhiyuan said coldly: "Come here."

Mingshu stood up and came to the stone steps, knelt down on the grass below, raised his head and asked in a low voice: "My lord, are your injuries better?"

Without waiting for Zhiyuan, Answering, he continued on his own: "The envoy said that you need to continue taking medicine for your injury... let me apply medicine for you again?"

Zhiyuan held his forehead with one hand and lowered his eyes: "Yes. "

He didn't refuse, but he didn't take the initiative to unbutton his collar like yesterday.

Mingshu quickly understood and moved forward a little closer to the stone steps.

The two were closer now, Mingshu almost leaning against Zhiyuan's legs. As usual, he took off his gloves and stretched out his hand towards Zhiyuan's collar.

Mingshu specially put perfume on his hands before coming this time, but he still couldn't control his heartbeat. When he unbuttoned his clothes, his cheeks began to blush.

Zhiyuan stared at him with lowered eyes, and suddenly raised his hand to hold Mingshu's chin.

Mingshu was forced to raise his face, his eyes full of confusion and confusion, and the movements of his hands stopped.

Zhiyuan's fingertips were very cold, and his fingertips gently rubbed Mingshu's red skin, and he opened his lips and said, "Are you nervous?"

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