Chapter 63: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (26)

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This sentence was so direct that Mingshu's blank mind was dull for a few seconds before he came back to his senses.

Xiyu became the state she was when she pressed him down and kissed him that day, dangerous and strange, making Mingshu feel at a loss what to do.

He wanted to escape instinctively, he pushed Xi Yu away, and was pulled back by him forcefully the next moment.

Xi Yu easily restrained Ming Shu, and pressed him into his arms: "Why are you running?"

He reached out and touched Ming Shu's hot cheek, Ming Shu's eyes dodged, like a timid soft rabbit caught in the hands of a hunter Li dare not move.

"I don't want to?" Xi Yu sighed, "Then what about your mission? Are you going to ask that sea snake leader for help?"

Ming Shu's body froze, and he slowly raised his eyes.

Sure enough, Xiyu still saw it...but Xiuyun was wearing a mask, so he probably just guessed or misunderstood the relationship between Mingshu and Xiuyun.

No wonder Xiyu was so wrong today, and he said that to him just now.

Is he jealous?

Ming Shu opened his mouth to speak but stopped, trying to think of the most appropriate explanation.

That night, Xiyu only saw the giant snake take him away, and he found a reasonable excuse. Maybe he could...

"Why didn't you answer?"

Xiyu's words interrupted Mingshu's train of thought. Any temperature: "You go to him every night, do you sleep with him every day?"

Ming Shu opened his eyes slightly and looked at Xi Yu in disbelief.

He even knew this... Ming Shu pursed his lips: "Are you following me?"

He finally realized how deep Xi Yu was hiding. If there was no incident that night, Xi Yu might not have held back Can't help but take off the disguise in front of him.

Xi Yu didn't say a word, as if he had acquiesced.

He did drive Xiaoyu to follow Mingshu all the time, but at the beginning, it was only because he was being followed by that strange black-tailed mermaid, and he wanted to keep him safe.

If the giant snake hadn't come that night, he would have saved Mingshu.

Xi Yu continued to caress Ming Shu's side face with gentle movements, and said in a low voice, "How many times have you slept with him? What did he promise you? The position of patriarch of the mermaid clan?

" Denial: "...I didn't."

Even if he acted like that, it was because of the mission.

Although he understood the reason for Xiyu's misunderstanding and couldn't explain more, he still felt aggrieved when he heard these words.

Seeing the expression on his face, Xi Yu's heart softened again, and she almost suspected that she really misunderstood him.

But he did stay with the leader of the sea serpent every night, going and coming back quietly.

Jealousy grew in Xi Yu's heart, making him a little out of control.

"No?" Through a layer of clothes, Xiyu touched Mingshu's back with his palm, "Then sleep with me once, this is the reward for this time."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and stroked with the other hand On the side of Mingshu's neck, press down with his fingertips, feeling the surge of blood vessels under the skin.

Mingshu really fascinated him, he couldn't explain why, but he couldn't restrain himself.

I can't bear to kill, and I can't bear to bully too hard, but I am no longer satisfied with a simple kiss.

Xi Yu couldn't help but kiss Ming Shu's lips, the scales of the two fish tails wanted to stick together, making a slight sound as they rubbed against each other.

Ming Shu turned his head to hide for a while, he resisted very much, he didn't know where the strength came from, and pushed Xi Yu away.

He panicked: "No..."

This is not right, even if they are the same person.

Yuan Chen only existed in the last dungeon, and in this dungeon, Xiuyun is Yuan Chen, but if there is another one...

For the mission, he can deal with Xiyu and Xiuyun, but it is limited to this, he cannot do anything. To be like this with two people at the same time.

Moreover, only he knew about the relationship between Xiyu and Xiuju, and no one would believe him when he said it. On the surface, it seemed like a chaotic relationship, and Mingshu couldn't accept it.

He turned around and wanted to escape, but was blocked by Xi Yu.

"Why not?" Xi Yu's eyes were gloomy, "Isn't it because of the mission that you came to me? Or are you going to find the leader of the sea snake..."

Ming Shu took a step back and said angrily, "Yes, I don't need yours. Help."

He picked up a broken rock on the ground, threw it at Xiyu, turned his head and swam away quickly.

Although Ming Shu was angry, it wasn't that he didn't think about what he said.

When he approached Xiyu back then, he wanted to further confirm his identity for a reason, otherwise he wouldn't have to cheat like this, and he could just find another way to do the task.

Moreover, there are only so many mermaids participating in the election, and almost half of them are players, and many of them can't complete the main mission at all.

After entering two dungeons in a row, Mingshu wanted to find all the answers but had no clue, so he could only use the most practical method at the moment to complete each task and try his best to complete the level perfectly.

But in fact, with Xiuji's help, his mission in the Sea Snake Clan went very smoothly, and he hardly encountered any difficulties. The only life threat he suffered, because he had extra life points, he barely escaped successfully.

Among all the players, he has progressed the fastest and most easily.

In other words, Ming Shu didn't have to rely on Xi Yu.

He swam away quickly, and stopped when he came to an open space with many mermaids nearby, secretly checking to see if Xi Yu had followed.

Seeing no figure of Xi Yu, Ming Shu turned to the path and swam towards the direction of his new residence.

Xi Yu dodged the rock that was thrown at him. He watched Ming Shu flee in a hurry, and the gloom in his eyes became heavier.

Sure enough, Ming Shu climbed up to the leader of the sea snake, and he didn't worry about not completing the task at all.

But why did he come to find himself again today...

Xi Yu calmed down, feeling a little remorseful.

He shouldn't be like this, Mingshu was scared away by him.

Even knowing that he may be faking it, including all the grievances and fears, maybe he is a fake black tail who has tried his best to get the position of patriarch and is full of lies.

The reef thrown by Ming Shu lay quietly on the ground, Xi Yu bent over to pick it up and held it in his hand.

He looked down for a while, then turned and walked away.

Not long after, the little black fish, driven by Xi Yu, found Xia Zhu who hadn't returned yet.

Xia Zhu was chatting with a mermaid npc, inquiring about the recent trends in the clan and the tasks they were about to face. What a ferocious creature the giant toothed white shark is.

After he got the answer he wanted, he said goodbye to the mermaid npc and prepared to go back.

Turning her head, Xia Zhu saw Xiyu standing in a corner not far away, looking over with a pair of slightly cold eyes, as if she was waiting for him.

Xia Zhu's heart skipped a beat for no reason, feeling that the visitor was not kind.

He pretended not to see the other party, and looked away as if nothing had happened.

However, Xi Yu accurately called out his name: "Xia Zhu?"

Xia Zhu had no choice but to swim over: "It's me, do you have anything to do with me?"

Xi Yu glanced over him, Including Xia Zhu's not-so-strong figure and fish tail.

If he guessed correctly, Xia Zhu's black tail should also be fake.

But Xiyu didn't come to Xia Zhu to confirm his conjecture.

"Tiaotiaoyu, who did you sell it to?" His tone was cold.

A simple sentence chilled Xia Zhu's tail fin. If he was in human form now, he would probably be so frightened that his legs would go limp.

"No, no sale," Xia Zhu stammered and explained, "We didn't find a suitable seller, so we let the fish go..."

He definitely can't tell Pearl's name, and Xiyu will come to him, probably because he hasn't asked Mingshu, or doesn't want to ask him.

let go? Xi Yu frowned, he thought that Ming Shu had the help of the leader of the sea snake, and he came to ask himself again because he was greedy and wanted to sell all the mission items he sent, but he heard Xia Zhu say that they released the fish.

Xia Zhu carefully looked at Xi Yu's expression, and then explained: "We didn't expect that there were three small ones in the belly of the fish...Young fish can also be scored, thanks to you last time..."

Xi Yu was silent for a moment: " Young fish?"

So he really misunderstood? What Ming Shu wants to sell is the extra fish, not the one he gave him.

"Yes, yes." Xia Zhu couldn't figure out Xi Yu's intentions, so he shut up and stopped talking.

Xi Yu looked up and glanced at Xia Zhu, seeing how nervous and reserved he was in front of her.

He then asked, "When will you go out to find the giant white shark?"


At noon, Xia Zhu returned to his residence and told Mingshu a news.

Ming Shu was so shocked that she almost thought she heard it wrong: "Is he going with us?"

"Hmm..." Xia Zhu struggled and said, "He asked us when we were going to go out, so I just said it casually."

Xi Yu Didn't explicitly say you want to be with them, but that means... presumably.

Mingshu didn't tell what happened when he was with Xiyu in the morning, and pulled a water plant in his hand: "I don't want to be with him." Xia Zhu sensed

that there was something unusual between them, and said with a sad face: "But I don't want to be with him." Don't dare to refuse, he looks so scary like that..."

It seemed that if he said a wrong word, Xi Yu would kill him immediately.

Xia Zhu now admires those people who asked Xiyu to give water and plants two days ago, and they probably don't know how they died in the future.

"And he really wants to follow," Xia Zhu sighed, "We can't stop him."

This is also true, and there is a high probability that the follow-up tasks will be related to Xi Yu, and it is impossible for Ming Shu to really avoid him.

"Then when shall we go?" Ming Shu asked.

"Tomorrow morning, right?" Xia Zhu thought for a while, "Many mermaids start tomorrow, so we can't delay this mission for too long, we have to go out as soon as possible." At that time, all the mermaids participating in the election will go out to the same sea

area Look for the megalodon.

The time limit of the mission is seven days, which is longer than the previous two missions, and they can even spend the night outside.

Ming Shu nodded in response: "Okay."

After thinking about it, he still briefly told Xia Zhu about the day's events, of course he didn't say more details, only saying that he might not be able to rely on Xiyu to complete the task in the future.

Xia Zhu didn't ask too much, and comforted: "It's okay, just take a step and watch, don't worry too much."

In fact, they can also be villains like other players, anyway, there are ways.

Especially this mission needs to go out. There will definitely be some players who will follow some npcs and grab them after they get the mission props.

The competition in dungeons is always cruel, and they have to be prepared at all times. When it comes to the inevitable step, there must be no hesitation in what to do.

At night, Ming Shu went to find Xiu Qi as usual.

He swam slowly, looking around from time to time to see if anyone was following him.

In a corner that Ming Shu couldn't see, two small black fish with the thickness of fingers followed him, and it was extremely difficult to find under the cover of night and reefs.

Until Mingshu entered the water wall, the little fish stayed nearby, waiting quietly.

Being carried into the bedroom by Xiu Qi, Ming Shu buried her face in his neck, sniffing the familiar scent on him.

"What are you going to do with the mission?" Xiu Qi asked him, "Do you need me to help you?"

He only needs to give an order, and he can find more than a dozen tail fins of giant white sharks for Mingshu tonight.

Mingshu shook his head: "I can't..."

If the mission props that Xiuyun gave could be used, why would he bother so much, and asking Xiuyun to help would risk being discovered by the mermaids, Mingshu didn't want the plot to get out of control .

Seeing his sullenness, Xiuwen touched the side of his face and asked, "Are you worried?"

Ming Shu tilted his head and rubbed against his palm, and said "Mmm".

The mission was fine, what he was really worried about was Xiyu.

He provoked two people at the same time, but he couldn't handle both of them properly. Once he was discovered, he didn't know what to do.

Xi Yu still planned to go out with them... Ming Shu felt embarrassed when he thought of what he had said during the day.

Xiuju picked up Mingshu from the water tank: "I'll go with you."

Mingshu was caught off guard: "What, what?"

"I'll be with you," Xiuju repeated patiently, and hugged Mingshu back When the bed collapsed, "I don't trust you."

Mingshu wanted to leave the mermaid territory, the sea outside would be dangerous at any time, and Pearl was a playful person.

"But..." Mingshu tried to dispel the idea of ​​Xiuju, "What if the elders find out?" Mermaids

came to greet Xiuju every day, asking him if he had any new needs, and reporting the election situation of the previous day.

This is indeed troublesome, but it is not impossible to get rid of.

"I just said... there is something important in the family, so I have to go back," Xiuwen said, "Even if they suspect it, they dare not say anything without evidence." In short, no matter what

Ming Shu said, Xiuwen had made up his mind. , to go out with Mingshu.

Ming Shu was still struggling: "Then, then you can't stay in the water for that long, without air..." What

he was worried about was not a problem at all, without stone pillars, Xiu Qi could still create a temporary air wall in the water.

Xiuwen looked at Mingshu: "You don't want me to go?"

Mingshu felt a sting in his throat and lowered his head: "I'm afraid of being discovered..."

afraid that other mermaids would find him with the leader of the sea snake, afraid that Xiuwen See Xi Yu's face.

Even if he and Xia Zhu don't go with Xi Yu, they are in the same sea area, and there is a risk of encountering each other. Will he think too much when he sees Xi Yu's face?

As for Xi Yu's side, what Ming Shu was afraid of was that he would reveal how he completed his first two missions.

In short, the meeting between Xiuqi and Xiyu is a more serious bad thing than mission failure.

Xiuqi remained silent, still unwilling to compromise: "I'm not at ease."

He suddenly reached out and touched the side of Ming Shu's neck lightly: "Why is there a mark here?"

A small red mark, It's kind of like being pressed hard by your hand, or sucked.

Ming Shu didn't know anything about it, raised his hand to touch it, and asked blankly: "Is there... Did you do it?"

His expression didn't seem to be fake, Xiu Yun said softly: "Is it?"

He didn't have the impression , Maybe it was really accidentally made by myself.

Xiuju leaned closer and sniffed, his cold lips covered the red mark.

It's not good to be immersed in seawater all day long, the breath that Mingshu had left on his body would become very weak, and it would all be scattered in the water.

Ming Shu's body trembled slightly, uneasy: "What's the matter?"

Xiu Qi didn't answer, took off Ming Shu's clothes, and inspected this beautiful body with his eyes.

"Tomorrow I'm leaving the territory." Xiuwen squeezed Mingshu's waist, "you can leave some marks."

He followed Mingshu's everything before, but in fact, even if someone saw the traces on Mingshu's body, he would not be the first time Think of the leader of the sea snake.

Ming Shu resisted to no avail, and was bitten hard above the collarbone.

He felt aggrieved and wanted to cry: "Then you have left a mark, so don't go with me..." "

No," Xiu Qi

said ruthlessly , "What are you afraid of?" Pulled by the ankle.

He is like a fish on the chopping board, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape.

Mingshu began to cry: "You still said you're all following me...the results are all false."

Reasoning is not enough, he can only try to soften Xiuqi's heart.

Xiuwen really stopped, hugged Mingshu and coaxed, "I'm worried about you."

"There's a pearl here, what are you worried about?" Mingshu muffled, "It's very good... you go with me, If you are discovered, what should you do, if you are not in the courtyard, the elders will definitely suspect..."

He was almost incoherent, all he said was that he was afraid that his relationship with Xiu Qi would be discovered.

Xiuju had no choice but to say, "Okay, but you have to promise me that you must come back at night."

Mingshu nodded quickly and assured him: "Pearl is so powerful, I will definitely be able to catch the white shark in one day."

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