Chapter 143: Angel in Disguise (20)

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In an instant, the envoy also figured out some subtle abnormalities in Zhiyuan recently.

For example, he suddenly left Ming Shu by his side to serve him, and found the robe that was stained with the devil's scent, but did not deal with it.

I haven't been able to find him occasionally lately, and today I specifically hinted not to disturb him in the inner hall.

The "thing" he mentioned was actually sunbathing here with Mingshu!

And it's no wonder that they have been unable to find any trace of the devil. Mingshu did disguise himself very well, and almost no one had ever doubted him before.

On the other hand, he was protected by Zhiyuan.

When did it start? In other words, when did Zhiyuan discover it.

The temple had just been built less than three months ago. If you calculate carefully, Mingshu didn't stay with Zhiyuan for long.

In such a short time, coupled with the prophecy of the golden bird, Zhiyuan still fell into it.

I really don't know whether I should say it's because Mingshu is clever, or because Zhiyuan is mentally unstable.

When Shijiao came to his senses, he felt cold all over.

Ever since the golden bird first appeared, he had been worried and anxious, thinking about everything for the sake of the temple and Zhiyuan, but he did not expect that the contents of the prophecy would come true.

At this time, the sound of flapping wings sounded from behind the envoy. He subconsciously turned around and saw the golden bird flying forward and landing on a bush not far away.

The golden bird, like the envoy, looked quietly in the direction of Zhiyuan. The two creatures of different species seemed to feel sympathy for each other at this moment.

In the small garden, Mingshu nervously avoided Zhiyuan's kiss again, and said anxiously: "Is it too empty here..."

Mingshu originally planned to disguise himself as an envoy again and buy props from the store. , but Zhiyuan just brought him here, and he was even wearing ill-fitting clothes.

Forget it if they go to a hidden place. The garden is not small and is surrounded by open-air corridors. Anyone who comes close can see them at a glance.

"The sun is the best here," Zhiyuan took Mingshu's hand and held it gently, reassuringly saying, "Don't worry."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and his eyebrows became cold unnoticeably.

However, the next moment, another little black furry ball jumped out from the corner, shouting "meow".

Zhiyuan frowned. With the appearance of this creature, it shouldn't appear in the temple.

Mingshu was also attracted by the movement. He turned around and looked slightly stunned: "... Guji?"

Zhiyuan didn't understand: "What?"

Mingshu struggled to get up from his arms and met the little black cat running towards him. , hugged it.

The little black cat was extremely excited. It kept rubbing Mingshu's hand and spinning in his arms, making a slightly aggrieved sound: "Meow..."

Mingshu couldn't believe his eyes. He looked at the little black cat carefully. , said in surprise: "It's really you!"

The little black cat looked about three or four months old, with jet-black hair and a pair of dazzling golden eyes. It was exactly the form of the coo in the previous copy.

Mingshu used the body of the previous copy to teleport here directly. It seems that the little black cat is the same, but it can appear during the day.

Suddenly, the little black cat seemed to be caught by an invisible hand, pinched the back of the neck and lifted it up in the air, and was forced to leave Mingshu's arms.

Mingshu quickly turned around, and Zhiyuan was standing behind him, looking coldly at the little black cat in the air, with his slightly raised right hand gathering strength, and a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"No!" Mingshu protected the little black cat again and explained: " is my pet, named Guji."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "Pet?"

Mingshu nodded: "I don't know about it either. Why are you here? It's very obedient and will never hurt anyone..."

The little black cat he said was "very obedient" was baring its fangs and looking at Zhiyuan fiercely. It would have been unable to move if it hadn't been caught. , I'm afraid it will pounce on him immediately and bite him.

But it seemed to be just an ordinary little black cat, with no energy fluctuations on its body and no strange aura on it.

How did a weak cat come to the temple? Judging from Ming Shu's reaction, he probably didn't know either.

Zhiyuan and the little black cat looked at each other, and Mingshu looked at him with pleading eyes, and quickly coaxed the little black cat in a low voice, telling it to be good and not to act randomly.

The little black cat was very smart. He understood Mingshu's words, silently put away his fangs, licked his wet nose, and his cry became much weaker: "Meow..."

Zhiyuan then said: "I want to keep it. ?"

Mingshu asked cautiously, "Is it okay?"

"Yes," Zhiyuan replied, "For the time being."

He didn't say how long he could stay, probably because of his performance, and the force holding the little black cat loosened. Falling into Mingshu's arms.

Mingshu was overjoyed and sat on the grass holding the little black cat, stroking the soft fur on its head and talking to it in a low voice.

"Have you just arrived here? I have been here for many days," he said, "But how did you find me?"

Zhiyuan mentioned yesterday that the temple has been sealed and no living thing can enter.

And the whole temple is so big, he is still in the center.

Hearing this, the little black cat raised its head proudly, rubbed Mingshu's palm, and licked his white fingertips.

Halfway through licking it, its body suddenly rose again and left Mingshu's arms, being thrown into the soft grass aside.

The little black cat turned over and gave a dissatisfied "meow" at Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan had no expression on his face. He bent down to help Mingshu up and straightened his sleeves. He obviously didn't like the little black cat very much and didn't want to see it getting close to Mingshu.

Mingshu was not surprised by his behavior at all, and hugged him stickyly: "Don't be upset, Guji has been with me for a long time, and... he shouldn't be considered a cat from hell."

Zhiyuan didn't feel too bad. Concerned about where the little black cat came from, he responded lightly, lowered his head and kissed Mingshu's lips.

The little black cat watched this scene and was quiet for a moment, then suddenly rushed up and bit Zhiyuan's leg, then turned around and ran away, wandering to other parts of the garden.

Its bite has no lethality at all, Zhiyuan doesn't care about a kitten.

He took Mingshu back to the original position, held him and sat down to bask in the sun, looking calmly into the distance until the breath there left.

Mingshu didn't notice and told the little black cat not to run around and just play in the garden.


the sun set, Mingshu took the little black cat back to the bedroom.

Although Zhiyuan didn't say anything, Mingshu could feel that he was still not very happy and unwilling to let the little black cat into the room.

But Mingshu couldn't let the little black cat stay outside alone. He took back the cushion from the garden chair and placed it in the bedroom to serve as the little black cat's nest. He told it to sleep well and not run around.

The little black cat looked at Zhiyuan behind Mingshu, then lay down obediently and curled up into a ball.

Mingshu settled the little black cat and continued to comfort Zhiyuan.

He sank into the soft bed, his tail behind him was pinched tightly, and he couldn't breathe smoothly: "But... can it be soundproofed? It will be heard..."

Being heard by a cat would also make Mingshu feel ashamed, not to mention that the person outside was Guchi, not an ordinary cat.

Zhiyuan turned a deaf ear and kissed Mingshu's collarbone.

Mingshu lay on a pile of clothes, nervous and embarrassed, unable to let go more than usual.

But Zhiyuan still wanted to tease him, holding his chin to prevent him from biting his lip, while making merciless slaps.

It wasn't until Mingshu was about to cry that he whispered: "I can't hear you."

He had already divided the bedroom into two parts, blocking all movement. The little black cat could not get close, and no sound could be heard.

Mingshu relaxed slightly, put his arms around Zhiyuan's neck, and was hugged by him.

Zhiyuan reached out to wipe away the tears on his face, and kissed him lovingly: "It's so easy to be shy..."

A simple and shy succubus, except for the demonic characteristics on his body, Mingshu is not much different from the angels in the temple.

Mingshu almost lost his mind and breathed in small breaths against the side of Zhiyuan's neck.


the next morning, the envoy arrived at the front hall of the inner hall on time.

Zhiyuan did not show up as he did the previous two days, so he was not in a hurry and waited quietly where he was.

Yesterday, he saw that ridiculous scene with his own eyes, but he still held back and did not break into the garden to question Zhiyuan on the spot. Instead, he turned around and left silently.

He didn't tell the other envoys either, so he digested the news alone and didn't sleep a wink all night.

He thought for a long time and couldn't figure out why Zhiyuan still couldn't resist the temptation even though Jinniao had already warned him.

Mingshu was very beautiful, and his beauty was unmatched by any angel in the temple, but it was just a skin. He didn't believe that the archangel didn't even have the ability to make this judgment.

If Zhiyuan can be stopped in time and get back on track, it seems that it is not too late... According to Jinniao's prophecy, Zhiyuan will fall, but now he only keeps Mingshu by his side secretly, and has not yet reached the point of no return. that step.

So the envoy came early in the morning, ready to think of ways to persuade Zhiyuan, even if he knew what he was thinking.

The best case scenario is that he was bewitched by Mingshu using special methods, such as potion spells and the like. Just untie things like this...

When the teacher was distracted, the seraph slowly landed on the ground and collected it. He spread his wings and sat on the stone chair above.

Zhiyuan said coldly: "What's the matter?"

The envoy quickly knelt down and saluted, thinking carefully about his words: "My lord, yesterday I found a black cat that broke into the inner hall. This cat is not like an animal in the heaven. I wanted to Catch it..."

Later, he saw the little black cat running away in the direction of Zhiyuan and Mingshu, and Mingshu's reaction was that he knew the cat. With his plea, Zhiyuan did not treat the cat. There is no disposal.

The envoy wanted to mention the cat first and then take the opportunity to test it to see how Zhiyuan would answer.

"Have you seen it all?"

The sudden words made the envoy feel a lump in his throat and his thoughts were confused.

He didn't expect Zhiyuan to be so direct... with no intention of covering up at all.

Cold sweat broke out from behind the emissary, and when he saw this, he stopped talking in circles and said bluntly: "My lord, you must not leave that succubus behind. Have you forgotten the prophecy of the golden bird..."

Zhiyuan's expression did not change, his dark eyes Banchan: "I remember."

His response gave the envoy the illusion that there was still room for redemption, and he said in a deep voice: "The demon clan is full of tricks. First they tried their best to sneak into the temple, and now they are trying to seduce you. You must not Indulge yourself in it!"

The implication is that if Zhiyuan really likes Mingshu, he can just stay for a while. The world of heaven is indeed boring... but Mingshu cannot survive and must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"Addicted?" Zhiyuan said casually. He was distracted for a moment and whispered: "So what."

The envoy raised his head in shock, with an unbelievable look on his face.

Zhiyuan's tone turned cold: "What qualifications do you have to make a request to me?"

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