Chapter 113: Halloween (17)

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The night is extremely unsafe, and for players, the difficulty of the mission has escalated.

What's more, from the time they entered the dungeon until now, there are still many players who have only seen ghosts who came to snatch supplies. They tried their best to protect the Halloween supplies, and now they are required to deal with the ghosts.

Not only do they not understand ghosts and monsters, but they are also prone to life-threatening danger.

As for covering up inhuman characteristics, it corresponds to the recent changes in players. I wonder if these changes are also within the system's settings.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: What should I do? I'm so scared, I'm afraid of death

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: This familiar feeling is here again... This is not a mission, this is a death order

[Private chat] Mingshu: Say goodbye first Xia Zhu was anxious

and didn't know that Sang Yin could control the bodies of wizards and demons at night. Mingshu thought to himself, if Sang Yin could help, wouldn't the task be easy?

However, this is equivalent to using a bug to cheat, and you cannot let others know about it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

The mission has a total time limit of three days, and in five days, it will be Halloween.

There were no tasks released in the past two days. Most people stayed safely in their houses. Xia Zhu's ability was limited and he could not inquire about everyone's situation, but everyone must be worried about the tasks.

What should players who cannot rely on outside help do? Join forces to deal with the blood monster, find another ghost, and find a way to have a good relationship with the other party?

The missing players have not been found yet. Mingshu and Xia Zhu discussed and decided to inform others of some useful information, such as the appearance of blood monsters. According to the number of people outside every night, there is another unknown creature at night, which will " "Eat" the townspeople after the mutation.

There may be some people who doubt the authenticity of the information, but they just release the information and believe it or not, it's up to them.

The town is unsafe everywhere, and the number of players cannot be reduced any longer. Shan Qi also said before that there should be tasks that require a team to complete in the future.

After all, they are in the same camp, and other creatures cannot be trusted easily.

Xia Zhu knew many people, so he spread the information.

After a while, Xia Zhu's private message came again.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: These people are so cruel, they even asked me if blood monsters also hunt down townspeople

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I want to use townspeople as bait.

Ming Shu remained silent. When encountering this kind of thing in the dungeon, For tasks with too high uncertainty, no one will care about the life or death of the NPC, as long as they can successfully pass the level.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Ignore them, the way for us to complete the task ourselves

is naturally to ask Sang Yin.

He hung up the towel and walked out of the bathroom, took the clay pumpkin he bought in advance last night, put on his coat and hood to cover the horns growing on his head, and went out to change out the half-eaten pumpkin that was eaten by the little black cat.

For two nights in a row, the little black cat didn't finish the pumpkin. Mingshu felt a little distressed for one pumpkin on this day, but he couldn't leave half of the pumpkin outside.

This time he did not throw away half of the pumpkin, but put it back into the house, thinking that if the little black cat was really cooing, he would let it eat the rest of the pumpkin in the future without wasting the points.

Putting down the brand new pumpkin, the leader passed by the door.

He stopped, looked at the pumpkin in front of Mingshu's door and said with a smile: "Isn't it very festive? Later in the afternoon, someone will come to mow the lawn for everyone and put up some decorations."

Everyone here Each house is like a single-story villa, with a small lawn in front of the door. Mingshu has never taken care of it, but the grass blades on it never grow. It looks like there is a fake layer, and there is nothing to trim.

Facing the guide, Mingshu's vigilance was at its highest and he said politely: "Thank you."

After saying that, he turned around and entered the house, closing the door tightly.

At this time, a lot of new Halloween decorations happened to be refreshed in the mall, including not only ornaments, but also dolls hanging on trees, jack-o'-lanterns, crosses standing in the grass, etc.

There is no time limit for purchasing items, and they should be available all the time once updated. Mingshu planned to wait until the afternoon. If townspeople really came to decorate his door, then he would also change all the decorations to those from the mall.

He paid attention to the movements outside the street, and after noon, he saw many townspeople pushing carts filled with various Halloween things.

Mingshu looked through the window and saw no guide. These were just ordinary townspeople.

They started with the residents opposite, helping to decorate one by one, and slowly walked around to where Mingshu was. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Mingshu quietly hid in the house and saw the townspeople placing two pumpkin lanterns in his yard.

He opened the mall and bought two jack-o'-lanterns.

This time the pumpkin lantern is made of wood, with a painted surface and a small red ball embedded in it, which will automatically glow in dimly lit areas.

Mingshu held up the pumpkin lanterns and compared them with those outside. He found that the pumpkin lanterns sold in the mall were exactly the same as the two that the townspeople put at his door.

Is it a coincidence? After Mingshu waited for the townspeople to leave and no one was around, he quietly opened the door and went out, replaced the two lamps outside, and threw the original ones into the trash can.

The tin trash can was empty, and when the pumpkin lantern was thrown in, it made a "pop" sound. Mingshu suddenly smelled an unpleasant smell of blood.

He frowned and backed away, not staying any longer.

Returning to the opposite side of the street, Mingshu took out his key and was about to open the door and enter the house. He saw a town citizen coming to his yard at some point and frowning as he stared at the pumpkin lantern inside.

It seemed like it was going to rain tonight, and the sky got darker earlier than usual. The jack-o'-lantern was shining with a faint red light in the yard. If Mingshu hadn't known that it was bought from the mall, it would have looked a little creepy.

The townspeople turned their heads when they heard the movement behind them, looking suspicious, and pointed to Mingshu's house: "Is this where you live?"

He looked strange. Mingshu walked into the yard and closed the fence quietly: " Yes, what's wrong?"

The townspeople's eyes fell on the pumpkin lantern again, and they frowned: "There seems to be something wrong with this lantern."

Ming Shu's heart tightened, did he recognize it? I just saw him replace the lamp.

"What's wrong?" Mingshu said nonchalantly: "Isn't it the same as everyone else's?"

He felt uneasy. The little pumpkin that was replaced at the door two days ago was not noticed by anyone, not even the guide. Mingshu was indeed bold because of this. Some.

If there were no jack-o'-lanterns of the same style in the mall, he would probably throw away the original one and replace it with one bought in the mall.

After listening to Mingshu's words, the townspeople looked hesitant and uncertain on their faces. They bent down and touched the lamp with their hands.

When his fingers touched the surface of the lamp, he suddenly retracted his hand as if he had been burned. He glanced at Mingshu in horror, turned around and fled in a hurry.

This situation made Mingshu even more uneasy. He hurried back to the house and observed at the window for a long time. He didn't see the townspeople from before turning back again, and no one else paid attention to his jack-o'-lantern, so he relaxed a little.

The townspeople seemed to be afraid of pumpkins, whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Mingshu opened the system panel and told Xia Zhu about it.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Why? I also had a few people come here to put up lamps, and I also changed them.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: By the way, there is one more thing. I told you yesterday that the player who was almost broken into the house by a ghost listened to my words and bought a pumpkin from the mall and placed it in front of the door. Although it was small, The black cat didn't eat, but the ghost didn't appear again. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence. I asked him to pay attention again tonight.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Okay, you should be careful.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: But the townspeople actually do it. Afraid of the pumpkin lanterns in the mall? Are you afraid of clay pumpkins?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Try it some other time. If you are afraid, the little black cat likes pumpkins and the townspeople are afraid of pumpkins, which is equivalent to the townspeople being afraid of the little black cats! The little black cat looks small and cute, but Xia Zhu never regards it as a weak little animal. He firmly believes that there must be some powerful creature hidden under the appearance of the little black cat.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Not necessarily afraid, but maybe not in the same camp.

Mingshu inexplicably remembered the shadow he saw that night. It had no entity or appearance, like a mass of ghosts floating silently. Will the night in the small town still exist? How many types of unknown creatures are there?

He returned to the sofa and sat down, holding a small pumpkin made of cotton in his hand, and waited absentmindedly.

As night gradually fell, Sang Yin came over to look for Mingshu as usual. As soon as the wizard's figure appeared, Mingshu immediately threw away the little pumpkin in his hand and stood up to meet him.

He reached out and hugged Sang Yin and said in a low voice: "You came five minutes later than last night."

The leader had appeared during the day, new tasks were released, Halloween was approaching, and Mingshu's dependence had increased in recent days, Sang Yin was late After a little while, he began to worry that he might be trapped again.

"I'm sorry," Sang Yin admitted his mistake in a good-natured manner. ""

He hugged Mingshu around his waist, sat down on the sofa with him, and touched the corner of his head: "Does it still hurt?"

The corner seemed to be able to feel the touch. Touching it, cold fingers covered it, making Mingshu feel very comfortable. He shook his head: "It doesn't hurt... I have grown so much overnight that I have to cover it with a hat when I go out to throw out garbage during the day." "

It's okay if you don't cover it." Sang Yin massaged his forehead, "Halloween is coming soon."

Mingshu struggled: "But a new mission has been released..."

He told Sang Yin the content of the new plot and mission. His horns only grew so much today. Gotta find a way to cover it up.

"It's hard for others to get a 50 favorability rating," Mingshu tried to ask, "Can you help Xia Zhu?"

He didn't even think about himself, thinking that with Sang Yin here, 50 Favorability is very simple and not difficult at all.

Sang Yin responded: "Try tomorrow night."

He was willing to help Xia Zhu. Mingshu felt relieved and kissed Sang Yin's side face: "And me."

He took out the prepared cotton pumpkin and handed it to Sang Yin: "This is for you."

Sang Yin reached out and took it. Mingshu waited with bated breath, but did not hear the hint of increasing favorability.

This was somewhat beyond Mingshu's expectations. In previous dungeons, the act of giving things should enhance the relationship with the NPC.

Sang Yin took the cotton pumpkin and sat on the sofa waiting quietly.

Mingshu thought for a while, then bought a brand new clay pumpkin from the mall and gave it to Sang Yin again, but it still didn't work.

Sending things is not possible, but... what about some intimate contact?

Mingshu tried to kiss and hug Sang Yin, and they continued to kiss until they reached the bed, but there was still no movement in their favorability.

Mingshu was confused and puzzled, and pushed Sang Yin away: "Why doesn't the favorability level increase? Can't we be friends?"

That's what the mission description says. Is there any hidden condition that hasn't been triggered?

Sang Yin smiled and touched Mingshu's waist ambiguously: "Friends?"

They were not friends. If it had been a few days earlier, they might have been able to pretend.

Mingshu didn't stop him, his cheeks were slightly red, and he tried to say seriously: "Is it because we are too close?" He

had done everything, and of course it couldn't be a "friend" relationship.

Sang Yin whispered: "It's possible."

He stepped away, hugged Mingshu and tidied up his clothes: "Try changing to a demon tomorrow." If

this body doesn't work, then use another one.

After finishing his clothes, Sang Yin looked up and saw Mingshu's face was still red and her eyelashes were trembling as she looked at him.

Mingshu took the initiative to come closer and sat on Sang Yin's lap, with a soft and coquettish voice: "Touch the tail..."

Sang Yin had no expression on his face and looked a little cold: "Just touch the tail, and then sleep obediently."

Mingshu was obedient. Nodding, it stuck to Sang Yin like a beautiful human-shaped pendant.

After touching his tail, Mingshu was indeed not honest and kissed Sang Yin's lips to kiss him.

Facing him, Sang Yin was not a very determined person, and his patience gradually reached its limit.

Mingshu still thought he was too cold tonight, so he said aggrievedly: "Don't you like me?"

Sang Yin looked down at him for a moment, the temperature of his breath increased, and he touched the top of his tail: "Do it once?"

Mingshu Unsatisfied, he opened his amber eyes and said, "Isn't it three times the day before yesterday?"

Sang Yin still pinched his tail, unable to control himself, and sighed: "Is this all you remember?"

He followed Mingshu said that he should be patient and not be too indulgent or indulgent. As a result, every time like this, he completely forgot about it.

Mingshu shyly looked away, unbuttoned Sang Yin's collar, and rubbed his hot cheek against it.

Outside the house, the little black cat ate half of a pumpkin. It was almost full, and came to the window to look in.

The lights in the living room were still on, but there was no movement inside. It seemed that no one was home.

The little black cat tried its best to look through the gap in the curtain: "Meow?"

The familiar figure did not appear. The little black cat's tail slowly swung, and there was a look of disappointment in its golden eyes.

It turned to leave, looked back for one last time, jumped off the window sill and disappeared into the night.

Crossing a street, a wandering blood monster discovered the little black cat and came up to it on all fours.

When the little black cat was feeling depressed, he impatiently gave the blood monster a paw.

The blood monster retreated in fear, lying on the spot and not daring to move, silently watching the little black cat walk away.

Coming to a certain street corner, the little black cat stood in the dark shadow, almost blending in with it, only revealing a pair of golden vertical pupils.

After a moment, the pair of vertical pupils also disappeared, and a small group of shadows moved quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


next day, Mingshu wanted to take a look at the pumpkin lantern placed in the yard yesterday. When he opened the door, he found that the clay pumpkin in front of the door was half eaten.

He was slightly stunned, remembering that he had forgotten the little black cat last night.

For three consecutive days, it still didn't pull down, and there was another pumpkin with only half of it left.

It was still early and there were only a few people on the street. Mingshu replaced half of the pumpkin and came to the yard.

It rained last night, and some rainwater collected inside the pumpkin lantern. Mingshu poured it out, but the glowing red glass ball inside was still intact.

Mingshu checked it over and found nothing unusual, so he turned back to the house.

He sent a message to Xia Zhu and agreed to meet in the evening, plus Sang Yin, who was going to use the devil's body, to do the task together.

Xia Zhu was very excited and sent several messages in succession.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Hold your thighs tight!

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! Otherwise, I might really have to leave this dungeon early

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Just ask me if you need me! It's okay if I come to help you get information, just use me as a tool

[Private chat] Mingshu: But he will only help you, we can't control the others

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Let them do it themselves, it will always work After thinking of a way,

a small group of people went out last night to confirm Xia Zhu's words and also tried to complete the task.

Unfortunately, they were not fully prepared. The blood monster was seen, but no monsters were seen, so the mission naturally failed.

After deciding to act alone and not with other players, Mingshu and Xia Zhu stayed in the house during the day. When five o'clock arrived in the afternoon, Mingshu put on his outer robe and went out.

He put on his hood and completely covered the devil's horns growing out of his head, leaving only half of his face exposed.

It was getting late, but there were still many people lingering in the street, and you could tell they were players at a glance.

Most of them, five or six people, gathered together. When they saw Mingshu passing by, their eyes stayed on him, and then turned to the townspeople on the road.

These people seemed to be planning something. Mingshu thought of what Xia Zhu had mentioned to him and quickened his pace.

Arriving near Xia Zhu's residence and walking around the corner, Xia Zhu was already waiting in front and waved to Mingshu.

Mingshu hurriedly approached and saw the obvious black and blue under Xia Zhu's eyes, and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

The two hadn't seen each other for a few days. Xia Zhu always said that he was getting better, but now it seems that he is better than before. The condition is getting worse.

Xia Zhu waved his hand: "It's okay. You didn't see me a few days ago. It was scary. I almost didn't recognize myself... I've been eating in the past two days and I'm feeling a lot better." He spoke in

a serious tone . She is quite energetic, except for the bruises under her eyes, and her cheeks seem to be a little thinner than before, but everything else is normal.

"That's good," Mingshu paused, "I'm also affected... I can't seem to bear it at all."

"You have to endure it if you can't bear it. I can't really drink blood," Xia Zhu sighed. , and asked: "By the way, what kind of impact did you have? It seems I haven't heard you say it yet."

Ming Shu blushed, but fortunately the sky turned dark and he was wearing a hood, so Xia Zhu didn't see his Strange.

"I... am also similar to you," Mingshu said vaguely. "My hair has also changed, and I have grown a pair of horns." "


The clock rang, and Xia Zhu made a "shhh" sound. action.

The townspeople began to rush to their respective residences, everyone was in a hurry.

There were many players squatting on both sides of the street. A wave of people found the right opportunity and blocked the way of three or four townspeople.

From a distance, Mingshu didn't know what the players said. He only saw the townspeople almost fighting with them and then being easily subdued.

Someone took out several bundles of hemp rope and tied the townspeople's hands behind their backs.

Xia Zhu whispered: "I know them. They live in the next street. They seem to be preparing to give the townspeople to monsters that appear at night... They are so courageous." The "

monster" may be a blood monster, or it may devour the townspeople. The group of shadows, in short, they should all belong to ghost NPCs. These players used the captured townspeople as "gifts" to see if they could increase the favorability of the monsters.

"What should I do if I encounter a blood monster?" Ming Shu couldn't understand, "They will also be in danger."

He originally thought that they would use the townspeople to delay time, kill the nearby blood monsters, and then look for the ghost NPC to do the task. If we use blood monsters as the target of the mission... would it be possible?

"So I said they are cowardly," Xia Zhu shook his head, "I don't dare to go there anyway. Let's wait for him to come later, and let's find a safer place." Mingshu agreed, still hiding on the

street corner and observing the distance. The movements of several people.

The few tied up townspeople were trembling and begging for mercy from the players. One of them seemed to be moved by compassion and helped them up and said something, but was slapped on the head by the leader.

No one dared to question it now, and the townspeople huddled against the wall. Even if these players' plans didn't succeed, they would definitely die.

The leaves behind him moved without any wind, and another tall figure emerged from the ground, and the surrounding air seemed to be heating up.

Mingshu turned around and saw Sang Yin wearing a devil's shell.

Xia Zhu was extremely excited and stood upright with his back straight: "You are here!"

The devil glanced at him and stretched out his hand towards Mingshu.

Mingshu felt herself in his arms, her eyes shining: "You're here."

The two people said the same thing, but the attitudes they received were completely different. Sang Yin lowered his head and kissed Mingshu as if no one else was around: "Yes."

Xia Zhu's mind was filled with the task and the joy of being held in his lap, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all. He even scratched his neck and laughed twice.

He was still thinking that there were other players in the distance, so he suggested: "How about we change places?"

"Try the mission first," Sang Yin said, "It will waste time on the way."

Xia Zhu responded repeatedly and took out his clothes. Serve the prepared clay pumpkin to Sang Yin.

The pumpkin is given to Sang Yin, and Sang Yin can be given to Mingshu again to feed the little black cat, saving him some points.

Sang Yin accepted the pumpkin, and Xia Zhu immediately received a system prompt.

[The [Favorability] of the npc [monster] increased by 10 points, please keep up the good work]

Xia Zhu exclaimed excitedly: "Success!"

Upon seeing this, Ming Shu quickly gave away the pumpkin in his hand.

Sang Yin took it as usual, and Mingshu waited for a moment. The system was quiet without any prompts.

He frowned and asked blankly, "Why?"

Why didn't it work even if he changed to a demon?

And Xia Zhu is okay, but the problem still lies with him.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mingshu heard the sound of fighting in the distance.

He hid his figure and quietly looked in the direction of the previous players.

Several other strange townspeople appear, including the guide, who confront the player and want to rescue the tied up townspeople.

However, the townspeople were obviously outmatched, and the leader was furious. His arm was injured and he kept retreating.

When the bell rang for the second time, it was getting dark, and the leader was still unwilling to leave. Except for him, the other townspeople reacted with fear, trembling, and difficulty moving.

Then, they took the initiative to hit the knife in the player's hand, grabbing the player's clothes with their blood-stained hands, leaving as much blood stains on it as possible.

Xia Zhu was also watching, and said in shock: "Would you rather die than save people? to save people if they are dead?"

The players in the distance were also shocked by this move. They were obviously hesitant, and the few townspeople They escaped under the leadership of the leader, and the townspeople who could not be rescued were left behind.

Time passed by, and three blood monsters appeared together at the end of the street.

At the same time, Sang Yin looked in the other direction, his eyes cold.

There were two huge bats over there, hanging upside down on the branches, and there was a dark figure behind the trunk.

The tied townspeople began to undergo strange changes, and the blood monster smelled the smell and rushed here excitedly.

Several players saw the appearance of the blood monster for the first time. They pretended to be calm and stayed not far away, trying to communicate with the blood monster.

However, the blood monster ignored them at all, and did not launch an attack. Instead, it tightly surrounded the townspeople who were undergoing the mutation, as if they were protecting them, but also watching the prey to prevent them from escaping, and not allowing the players to get close.

The players didn't understand what was going on, but the blood monster didn't attack them, so they felt there was a glimmer of hope to complete the mission, so they stayed.

After a while, the three blood monsters suddenly crawled down, their abdomens pressed against the concrete floor, their heads hung low, their postures were respectful and fearful.

It seemed like something was coming again, and the players looked around blankly.

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