Chapter 43: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (6)

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Ming Shu planned to take a shower and then go to bed. The clothes she was wearing were loose and light, and the tie at the neckline was torn loose during the movement just now.

The sea snake with thick arms was like a piece of ice, slowly sliding in along the wide cuffs.

Mingshu panicked, the strange touch and the chill against his skin frightened him, his breath trembled and he dared not move.

He is afraid of snakes... On the day he first joined the Sea Serpent Clan, he also saw sea snakes that had changed back to their original form on the street. Although he didn't react so strongly that he would take a detour, he was indeed afraid of such creatures.

Not to mention that there is a snake climbing up his body now.

Mingshu's mind was blank and he could hardly think.

The clothes slowly undulated, and the slightly rough scales of the sea snake slid across the white and delicate skin in front of her eyes, as if gently stroking in another way.

Not long after, it poked its head out from the neckline, and a pair of vertical pupils stared at Mingshu.

The sea snake approached, licking his cheek, licking his cheek.

This is a very suggestive move. If Mingshu is willing, he should also change back to the original shape of the sea snake now.

But Ming Shu didn't make any response, he was afraid, his expression was very panic, and resistance was written all over his body.

The sea snake calmed down, its eyes were slightly cold, and it slowly slid down to the pillow.

Mingshu noticed it leaving, immediately got up and retreated to the other side, curled up in a corner of the bed.

When he looked at the opposite side, Xiuju had already turned back into human form, and the tall figure sat with his legs bent, putting on the mask in his hand again.

He changed his form twice, but Mingshu didn't have time to see his face clearly.

Ming Shu fastened his collar with trembling hands, then pulled the quilt around himself, buried half of his face in it, and finally felt a sense of security.

He seemed to still have the cold touch of the snake's body sliding past him. Not only was he afraid of the snake, but he was also afraid of what Xiuwen would do to him.

However, the next moment, Xiuju grabbed his ankle and pulled him over.

Ming Shu struggled desperately: "Let go of me..."

He couldn't break free at all, he was easily suppressed by the clamped hands, and Xiuwen's eyes were full of anger: "What are you hiding?"

Ming Shu is the beauty in his side hall, He can be pampered at any time, even if he is not, in the territory of the Sea Snake Clan, no one dares to disobey the leader's order unless he takes the initiative to seek death.

Yesterday Ming Shu excused himself by being unwell, and Xiu Qi lost interest and left, but he didn't expect him to be like this again tonight.

Hearing a voice that was somewhat similar to Yuan Chen's, Ming Shu felt aggrieved: "I... I'm afraid."

He pushed the person in front of him hard, Xiu Qi remained motionless, pinching both sides of Ming Shu's cheek with one hand , let him look up at himself: "Afraid?"

Tears welled up in Ming Shu's eyes, his lips were pale, and he looked pitiful.

He is beautiful and delicate, with a slender wrist that can be easily held with one hand, timid and delicate, and looks younger than his actual age.

Xiu Kun loosened his strength, and stroked the skin on the side of his face: "How old is it?"

Ming Shu's eyelashes trembled: "Ten...seventeen."

He remembered that in the last dungeon, he barely escaped with this method that time. After a catastrophe, Xiuwen took the initiative to ask him, maybe... who knows that Xiuwen's eyes turned cold, and he said:

"They won't send in underage sea snakes."

There are still a few days until adulthood..."

Xiu Qi didn't know whether to believe it or not, the face hidden behind the mask was expressionless, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

He asked again: "How many days?"

"..." Ming Shumo remained silent, and after a while he mustered up his courage and said, " can go elsewhere."

He was not the only beauty who paid tribute, and Xiuju wanted to solve his physical problems , there are many choices.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a crisp "bang", and a porcelain cup on the low cabinet beside the bed suddenly burst.

The sudden sound disturbed the algae lamp, and the room was as bright as day for a moment, Xiuqi suppressed his anger: "What are you talking about?


looking at him.

If it was another sea snake, no matter what status it was, if it dared to speak to Xiu Qi like this, it would have to shed its skin even if it didn't die.

But seeing the fearful and wronged expression on Mingshu's face, the anger in Xiuwen's eyes gradually faded a lot.

He got up and sat up, hugged Ming Shu into his arms with a slightly rough and clumsy movement, and choked out two words: "Don't be afraid." [

Ding Dong--trigger a random task]

[Among the following items, which one is yours? The npc in front of me likes it (you can get 10 favorability points if the gift is successful)]

[a. Red coral ornament] [b. Fishbone fan] [c. Blue water plant]

Ming Shu is very well-behaved and peaceful Leaning on the side of Xiuqi's neck.

At first he couldn't figure out the leader of the sea snake... He was really frightened just now, and almost thought that Xiu Qi would kill him.

But in a blink of an eye, Xiu Qi seemed to be calm again, and even triggered the strategy mission.

There are indications that he should like himself.

Without the details of the character, there is no exact data. According to the numerical calculation method of the last dungeon, Ming Shu estimated that Xiu Qi's favorability for him should be at least... 70, right?

Mingshu felt that all this went too smoothly, but in the last dungeon, he didn't seem to have encountered any difficulties in gaining favorability.

Therefore, his face may have brought him some advantages.

Ming Shu was in a complicated mood, he raised his head, and said in a low voice, "Boss, I'm sleepy."

If he really had 70 favorability points, Xiu Qi wouldn't let him sleep.

Sure enough, although Xiu Qi still had a cold look, he let go of Ming Shu.

He stared at Mingshu for a while, then got up and left the room without saying a word.

Ming Shu quietly came to the window, the light outside the courtyard was dim, he saw Xiuyun walking out of the courtyard alone, his figure disappeared from sight.

He literally left... broke two glasses in the room and ended up doing nothing.

Ming Shu heaved a sigh of relief, sat by the bed and opened the task panel.

His lie about his age was exposed by Xiu Qi, and he finally managed to get it back.

Xiu Yun is actually the same as Yuan Chen, and he doesn't want to touch him when he was a minor.

Is this also the behavioral rule set by the system for all npcs...but he doesn't have much time left.

After "a few days", if Xiuwen comes again...

Mingshu is very panicked and can't let go of the task.

He looked at the system panel and decided to give it a try tomorrow, and make plans after completing the first main line.

As expected, the reward for Xiuju's strategy mission was very high, but it was not 30 as Yi Qing mentioned, but 20.

Ming Shu hesitated among the three options, and finally settled on the "Red Coral Ornament".

He remembered the first time he saw Xiu Qi, the yard was full of corals of various colors, some were living, some were decorations.

But besides the red coral, Mingshu also planned to prepare the other two items.

Early the next morning, Ming Shu found an attendant outside the courtyard and explained his request.

"Red coral ornaments, fishbone fans, and blue aquatic plants?" The attendant quickly responded, "Okay, I'll go and find it for you." What Mingshu asked for

were all ordinary objects, and the attendant didn't even ask him. What to use it for.

Before noon, a sea serpent soldier with an unfamiliar face came.

He knocked on the door and entered the room, and put the things Ming Shu needed on the table one by one.

Ming Shu thanked the sea snake soldier, but the sea snake soldier didn't leave after delivering the things, but looked around vigilantly.

Then the Sea Snake soldier lowered his voice, and tentatively asked: "Dungeon?"

Ming Shu was surprised: "You too?"

The word "Dungeon" can only be understood by players, and the Sea Snake soldier quickly turned around and closed the door.

There were only Mingshu and the sea snake soldier left in the hall, and he was very excited: "It's really a player! I heard that someone asked for three unrelated things at once, so I wanted to come and have a look." The

two Just like a fellow villager who met in a strange place, after a short conversation, Mingshu learned that his name was Xia Zhu, and he had successfully sneaked into the central city long ago, and worked hard to gain the favorability of several NPCs. soldiers.

Xia Zhu is also very young, only two years older than Ming Shu, with a delicate baby face, in order to make herself look more stable, she even put a beard on her face.

"Among the players I've seen, you are the closest to the leader of the sea snake." He looked at Mingshu with some envy in his eyes, " did you do it?" Mingshu said vaguely, "It's a bit of a coincidence."


said Not wanting to say more, Xia Zhu stopped asking, and changed the subject very naturally: "You also received the second plot reminder, right? Do you know how to get that venom?" Ming Shu shook his head: "I'm

progressing It's very slow, I haven't passed the first main mission yet."

Xia Zhu said in surprise: "What? I thought your faction value was at least 40..."

Which player who can enter the central city doesn't have two brushes? At first Shu said that it was a coincidence that he came here, but Xia Zhu didn't believe it at all.

Mingshu smiled awkwardly: "I didn't lie to you, and it's the first time I enter this kind of dungeon, and I'm not familiar with many places."

With Yi Qing as a lesson from the past, Ming Shu and Xia Zhu's conversations were always cautious, for fear that he would be another person who stepped on others to gain convenience for himself.

Xia Zhu rubbed his chin: "Well, then whose strategy mission are you doing? If I have heard of it, I can help you."

He was still very envious of Mingshu's luck, he hadn't passed a main mission yet. As a suspected newcomer, it is very good to have the current identity disguise, but here, one cannot survive by luck alone.

Ming Shu hesitated for a moment: "The leader of the sea snake."

Xia Zhu's face changed: "Don't do it! This can't be done!"

Ming Shu said blankly: "Why?"

He thought Xia Zhu would persuade him to share the same with Yi Qing Task, two people do it together.

"I'm not lying to you!" Xia Zhu took out a few small pink-blue shells from his body, "Give this to a sea snake named Heihu in the west hall, and it will increase your favorability by two points. The task of the leader of the sea snake, Don't have any thoughts."

Seeing that Mingshu still looked confused and puzzled, Xia Zhu sighed and explained: "I am one of the first batch of players to come in, and I have a very good friend. Entered the Central City."

The player Xia Zhu mentioned was very powerful, his force value was very high, and he was quickly recruited by the Sea Snake Patrol.

He worked very hard and was smart enough to approach the leader of the sea snake step by step. In an unexpected incident, he successfully repelled two sea snakes that were intending to attack the leader, and cleared the leader's strategy mission.

"I remember that his mission options are different from yours." Xia Zhu picked up the red coral ornaments on the table and looked at them, and continued, "He managed to get something and was going to send it to the leader." Xia Zhu was not there at that

time Here, no other player can help share an option, he can only try one by one by himself.

The leader of the sea snake didn't even look at the item sent out for the first time, and his favorability and alignment value dropped by two points.

The second time, the leader of the sea snake didn't accept him either, and directly asked someone to expel Xia Zhu's friends, and his favorability and camp value dropped by 5 points.

Later, Xia Zhu persuaded him in private chat, don't give it away at all, they are mermaids who smuggled in, and their behavior is too weird, maybe it will be exposed.

But he was not reconciled, there was only one last option left, and it stands to reason that this time it will definitely work.

However, the third item sent out, the sea snake leader didn't like it either.

The leader's patience has reached its limit, his position is erased, and his favorability and alignment are reduced to 0.

"Once back to before liberation..." Xia Zhu said with gnashed teeth, "My friend was kicked out of the central city, and he still can't get in now." It is impossible for the patrol team to accept

him again. It is also very difficult to get in with other methods. You can only barely get the favorability of some low-level npcs outside, and there is no way to get high-quality venom.

Xia Zhu regretted it very much: "At first I planned to let him take me to lie down... I didn't expect that I would take him. When I find a way to obtain the venom, I have to get a copy for him." After listening to what he said

, Ming Shu opened his mouth: "Then I..."

He only has 10 points of faction value, and if it is deducted like this, it may become a negative number.

Xia Zhu sighed again: "The more rewarding the task, the more dangerous it is. I understand it now. It's good to increase the favorability by one or two points every time. At least it's safe and secure." And some low-level npc's strategy tasks

, The correct option is very obvious. As long as you have a basic understanding of the npc's personality and preferences, you can make a good guess. Even if you are wrong, you will not deduct too many points.

In order to completely dispel Ming Shu's thoughts, Xia Zhu and Ming Shu added friends and sent him six or seven items that NPCs liked.

"These are all sea snakes in the patrol team," he coughed, "I have a good relationship with them, so it went smoothly. Some of the ones I have sent before, if you send them again, the favorability may increase less, but it is also better than others." No good."

Mingshu looked at the series of private chat messages he sent, and hurriedly said: "I have one here too. When I made it, I added 10 points at a time."

Xia Zhu was surprised and delighted: "10 points?!"

Afterwards, he Seeing the message from Mingshu, the corners of his eyes twitched: "...pearls?"

Xia Zhu's expression was indescribable, and

he shook his head again and again: "No, I won't do this. " He was slapped to death by Pearl's tentacle.

Seeing Xia Zhu's refusal, Ming Shu was rather embarrassed: "But I succeeded last time, and the pearl is very about I take you to try it next time?" Ming Shu said "

cute" The words on Xia Zhu's face wrinkled: "But I can't walk around at will. Today is my rotation, so I have time to come here."

Ming Shu's place is very quiet, and no strange people come to disturb, Xia Zhu Started to envy him again.

Mentioning his status in the patrol team, Xia Zhu wiped his face: "I didn't expect that I would have to work part-time after entering the dungeon..."

He would get up at five o'clock every morning and only go back after dark. Had to do the night shift.

After working so hard, his current camp value is only 30.

The more Xia Zhu spoke, the more sad he felt, and Ming Shu didn't know how to comfort him: "You... come to me next time when you have time, and I will take you to see Pearl." He was very

persistent, as if he was sure that Pearl would not do anything to them, This finally moved Xia Zhu a little: "Okay then..."

Before leaving, Xia Zhu patted Ming Shu's shoulder heavily: "You will be my friend from now on, we will help each other, and we will surely get through this escape from the dungeon!"

Not long after Xia Zhu left, the attendant brought Mingshu lunch.

In the afternoon he went to visit Pearl as usual and feed the fish to it.

While feeding the fish, Ming Shu whispered, "I have a new friend who likes you very much and wants to meet you."

Pearl didn't know if she understood, she tilted her body and floated in the water, swallowing a small fish in one gulp.


it got dark, Ming Shu returned to the courtyard, and saw from a distance that the door of the front hall was open, and a familiar figure was sitting inside.

Ming Shu paused and walked in slowly.

Xiuju was sitting on the chair at the front, holding a red coral ornament in his hand. When he saw Mingshu coming back, he raised his eyes and asked, "Where did you get it from?"

Mingshu hesitated: "I..."

In the morning Xia Bamboo told him not to do the clearing mission that had been completed, so he put away everything except this coral ornament on the low table.

This ornament is very beautiful. The red coral looks like it is carved from jade. The base is made of black sandstone, which makes the coral more colorful.

Xiuju held the coral ornament in his hand, and seemed to like it very much, stroking the delicate carvings on the base.

Ming Shu looked at his expression carefully, and boldly said: "This is...I want to give it to you."

Xiu Qi paused, then raised his head to look at Ming Shu again.

He put down the coral ornament, got up and approached: "Give it to me?"

Ming Shu felt uneasy, but at this moment, he could only bite the bullet and admit: " you like it?

" Looking forward to it, trying to see if it will work.

Besides, Xiuju seems to be in a good mood now, if he fails, he shouldn't deduct too many points.

Xiuwan looked at Mingshu with downcast eyes, and responded lightly: "Yeah."

[Congratulations to the player for successfully sending the [Red Coral Ornament], the npc favorability increased by 20 points]

[The faction value has been updated, please go to the background to check for yourself]

[ Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the main mission 1! Please keep up the good work! 】

Ming Shu was overjoyed, and her face unconsciously showed happiness.

He immediately wanted to turn on the system and tell Xia Zhu the good news in a private chat, but suddenly Xiu Qi grabbed his wrist.

Xiu Qi pulled Ming Shu into his arms, hugged him with one hand, stroked the skin on his wrist with his rough fingertips, and said in a low voice: "Are you good?

" As cold as scales, Ming Shu subconsciously withdrew his hand suddenly, and took a step back: "I... I just came back from outside, and my body is covered in dust." Before Xiu could finish

speaking, Ming Shu lowered his head and walked quickly to the bedroom. direction to go.

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