Chapter 44: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (7)

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Mingshu left in a hurry, Xiuju glanced at the red coral ornaments on the table, and followed her.

Hearing the voice behind, Ming Shu quickened his pace, ran into the room as if fleeing, and quickly closed the door.

Xiu Qi was caught off guard and locked outside, he stretched out his hand to push the door, and the door was locked from the inside with a lock.

A simple door lock would definitely not be able to stop him, Ming Shu took a few steps back: "Don't come in... I'll change my clothes."

Xiu Wei stood outside the door, with a gloomy look in his dark eyes.

He thought that Mingshu gave him something to please him. Although the coral ornament was not a rare item, it was not important.

In the end, Mingshu was still like this, it seemed that he was just there to give something away.

Even if he's underage, he shouldn't even be allowed to touch him.

With Ming Shu's identity, Xiu Hu had already indulged him very much.

He was about to lose patience, and said in a cold tone, "Open the door."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were footsteps in the room, and then the door opened from the inside.

Ming Shu held some clean clothes in his hands, and took the initiative to rush forward into Xiu Qi's arms.

This sudden throwing into his arms made the low pressure around Xiuqi's body suddenly dissipate, he fell silent, and stretched out his arms to hug Mingshu.

Ming Shu raised his face, and looked at Xiu Qi with amber pupils: "Boss, I'm going to take a bath."

Xiu Qi took a breath, and stroked Ming Shu's waist with his palm through the clothes.

"So I can't accompany the leader anymore," Ming Shu said again, and said cautiously, "Wait until tomorrow..."

Didn't you mean to be with him? Xiu's eyes immediately sank, showing displeasure visibly with the naked eye.

Ming Shu was prepared for this, and leaned closer to kiss him on the side of the cheek.

He backed away quickly, looked at Xiu Qi anxiously and nervously, and the roots of his ears gradually turned red.

After going through all kinds of dungeons in the last dungeon, Ming Shu has some experience...

Since they are all fairy tale dungeon series, the rules are slightly different, and the characteristics of npcs are always similar.

According to the current situation, Xiu Qi liked him and wanted to have more intimate contact with him. If he refused, he had to use something else to appease him.

Especially when he was facing Xiu Qi, the only leader of the entire Sea Snake Clan, Ming Shu was also afraid that he would accidentally offend him, and he would not be able to complete future tasks.

This is also what Xia Zhu said during the day, his friend was kicked out of the central city and could never get in again, and he had no chance with the high-quality sea snake venom.

And he got close to Xiuju by mistake, the reward is very generous, once he fails, the consequences will be even more serious.

The soft touch didn't stay for long, Xiuwei tightened his arms, lowered his head and couldn't help but want to kiss Mingshu too.

Ming Shu turned her head away, and a cool kiss landed on his lips.

Xiuju was not satisfied with this, and pinched Mingshu's chin to make him turn his face away.

Ming Shu felt a little regretful at this time, but he had no chance to escape again. His eyes were timid, and his cheeks began to flush.

He looked timid and shy, Xiuju stopped, didn't continue to kiss him, but gently touched his side face: "I'll stay overnight." Ming Shu froze, and heard Xiuju say:

" I won't touch you."

He pinched Mingshu's cheek gently, and said meaningfully: "When you become an adult."

Xiu Qi didn't stop Mingshu anymore, and let him take a bath.

On the way to the bathroom, Ming Shu was in a daze, holding the clothes in his arms absently.

What does staying overnight but not touching him mean? Simply sleeping in the same bed with him?

Ming Shu was a little scared, what if he couldn't hold back after finishing the practice.

I should have known that he would not have taken the initiative just now... Anyway, he is dead, get out of here earlier and start again.

But every time Mingshu thinks like this in his heart, when the time comes, he will always give up.

He closed the stone door of the bathroom, took off his clothes and soaked in the water, sighing silently.

He hadn't eaten dinner yet, Ming Shu didn't want to go out so soon, and was very hungry, so he finally got out of the algae tank.

Xiu Qi was still in the courtyard. To be on the safe side, Ming Shu didn't change back to the mermaid form. She always felt uncomfortable when soaking in the water.

After getting dressed, Ming Shu walked towards the front hall.

The sea water in the territory was separated from the air, and the water stains on his body also dried quickly. When he slowly came to the front hall, his wet hair was already dry.

Several sea snake attendants came to the hall, and they were putting various dishes on the table one after another.

Sitting in front, Xiu Qi saw Ming Shu walk into the hall, and stretched out his hand to signal him to come to his side.

Mingshu approached slowly, and took the initiative to hold Xiuju's hand: "...Leader, I'm hungry."

Xiuju wanted to hug him at first, but when he heard the words, he held back: "Okay."

A few attendants came to serve the leader Well, when Xiuwen dined at Mingshu's place tonight, the food delivered was also different from before. Not only were the portions larger, but they were also more refined, and the taste was also better.

The sea snake attendant took the dishes for the two of them, put them on a small plate next to the bowl, and carefully removed all kinds of fish bones, shrimp shells and other sundries with thin gloves.

It was the first time for Mingshu to enjoy this kind of treatment. He was embarrassed not to eat the food served by the waiter, and the plate was always clean.

After dinner, the attendants collected the tableware and left, only Ming Shu and Xiu Qi remained in the hall.

Ming Shu hesitated and wanted to say that he wasn't sleepy yet, but Xiu Ke got up first.

"I'll come back later," Xiuwen walked to Mingshu's side, stroking his silver hair with his fingertips, "wait for me."

He left without telling Mingshu where he was going.

Ming Shu breathed a sigh of relief, it's better to come back later than to stay here all the time.

He went back to the bedroom alone and opened the system panel.

The faction value of the Sea Snake Clan has increased to 30, and the reading has been updated.

[Sea Snake]: 30 (Barely counted as the same family)

During the day, Mingshu and Xia Zhu became friends. He wanted to tell Xia Zhu that he had succeeded, and Xiu Qi accepted the items he sent.

Looking at the friend list, Ming Shu hesitated.

He and Xia Zhu met each other on the first day, and they were not familiar with each other. Although he had a good impression of Xia Zhu, he also had a good impression of Yi Qing when he first entered the dungeon, but he almost killed him in the end.

In the private chat record, there are still several lines Xia Zhu sent to clear the mission, Xia Zhu said that after completing these, at least ten points can be added.

Ming Shu originally wanted to take Xia Zhu to see Pearl, but Xiu Qi, as the leader of the sea snake, faced great risks with him.

The two high-risk tasks that can add 30 points together are still a bit of a loss for Xia Zhu's low-reward tasks with high safety.

Ming Shu thought for a while, found out the shells that Xia Zhu gave him during the day, and planned to find the sea snake soldier he mentioned tomorrow.

If something is wrong, with his current camp value, it doesn't matter how many points are deducted, if it is right, then he is willing to share the strategy of Xiuju with Xia Zhu.

Xia Zhu was able to rely on himself to enter the central city, and became a sea snake soldier. He must not be weak. If something happens in the future, he may still need his help. Being able to make friends will definitely be beneficial and harmless.

Ming Shu put the shells away, sat by the bed and waited for a long time, but Xiu hadn't arrived yet.

Did he forget? Ming Shu was so sleepy that he lay down on the bed and fell asleep first.

The room became quiet, and the algae lamp gradually dimmed, emitting a faint warm light.

After an unknown amount of time, the door was gently pushed open.

The disturbed algae lamp was turned on again, and Xiu Qi walked in, carrying the cold wind after nightfall all over his body.

Ming Shu fell into a drowsy sleep, and a burst of freezing temperature suddenly squeezed into her side.

He smelled a familiar breath, like a mass of cold and hard sea water, wrapping his whole body tightly.

Different from the fear and resistance of last night, Ming Shu is a mermaid, and he likes the cold sea water.

He was still asleep, subconsciously approaching the direction of the breath.

Xiu Kun embraced Ming Shu, bowed his head and kissed his nose and lips.

Ming Shu didn't wake up, and seemed to be sleeping more deeply, holding a piece of clothes in front of Xiu's body in his hand.


Ming Shu woke up the next day, Xiu Qi had already left.

There were obvious traces of another person sleeping on the bed, Ming Shu stared at it for a long time, but couldn't remember when Xiu Qi came over.

But since he didn't wake up, it also proves that Xiu Qi really didn't do anything to him... right?

Taking advantage of the time between changing clothes, Ming Shu checked his body, and found that there were no traces.

He relieved himself, changed his clothes and went to wash up.

Xia Zhu didn't know where to patrol. In the morning, Mingshu went to find Pearl as usual, fed her fish to play with her, and asked about a sea snake named Heihu by the way.

"Heihu is from the main hall, and he is in charge of standing guard at the gate," a sea snake attendant replied, "Do you need him? I'll go and call him over." Ming Shu hurriedly stopped him: "No, I'm just asking

. "

He is going to give something to the other party, so there is no way to call someone over to receive the gift. The npc in the dungeon is highly simulated, so it is better to be sincere.

A few pink-blue shells were lying in Mingshu's pocket, and after feeding the pearls, he went to look for Heihu.

On the other side, a sea snake hurried to the front of the main hall, begging to see the leader.

He is a steward of Central City, he is older and more stable, and he is often by Xiu Qi's side.

Not long after, the door of the palace opened, and the sea snake walked in.

Seeing Xiuji, the steward of Sea Snake bowed to him, bowing his head deeply: "Boss, yesterday I asked several adults in Beicheng district, and they said..." Xiuji didn't lift his head: "What's the matter?


The steward of the sea snake said tremblingly: "They said that among the beauties they sent, there was no one named Ming Shu."

Ming Shu deceived the leader, and his identity was doubtful. The steward of the sea snake could have killed him first, and then reported the repair, but he didn't dare.

In the past few days, Xiuju's attitude towards Mingshu was obvious to all, and this was the first one that attracted the leader's interest. Even if Mingshu was an infiltrated spy of the mermaid clan, Xiuju had to deal with it himself.

Xiu Qi remained silent, as if he didn't hear what the sea snake steward said.

The manager of the sea snake wiped the sweat from his forehead, and it took a long time before he heard Xiu Qi's cold voice: "Keep an eye on him." In the afternoon

, Ming Shu went out alone, towards the direction of the main hall.

He asked as he walked, and finally, with the help of several sea snake soldiers, he found Heihu who was guarding the outer gate of the main hall.

Heihu looked to be in his twenties, with regular features and dark skin, standing upright on his post.

Mingshu came to him and handed him some shells in his hand: "I picked these up over there, is it yours?"

Heihu took a look, then shook his head hesitantly: "I also have this kind of shells, But these are not mine."

"These don't seem to be valuable, but they are pretty." Ming Shu smiled at him, "Why don't I give it to you." Heihu was flattered, and quickly stretched

out his hands to catch the shells : "Thank you."

Mingshu's clothes and appearance showed that his status was not low, but his words were gentle and friendly, and Heihu immediately liked him.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully sending the [pink and blue shell], the npc favorability increased by 2 points]

[The faction value has been updated, please go to the background to check for yourself]

It worked!

Mingshu smiled again: "You're welcome."

He turned and left while opening the friend list.

[Private chat] Ming Shu: The answer to the strategy of the leader of the sea snake is the red coral ornament

[Private chat] Xia Zhu:? ? ?

Xia Zhu's reply came very quickly, and she sent several messages in succession.

[Private Chat] Xia Zhu: Have you tried it?

[Private Chat] Xia Zhu: Did you succeed?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Oh my god! You are so brave!

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: That leader didn't make things difficult for you, did he?

[Private Chat] Ming Shu: No, I'm fine

[Private Chat] Ming Shu: I can add 20 points, you can try

it if you have the chance.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Haha, I dare not go

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Let's talk about it after the mission of the Sea Snake Clan is almost over

. You can sell dangerous missions to others, it's better not to try it yourself

[Private chat] Mingshu: Good

Xiazhu probably already has enough faction points, and I don't want to take any more risks.

In the private chat, he didn't express his intention to give Xiuqi a red coral ornament, and he didn't ask about Pearl, so Mingshu didn't take the initiative to bring it up.

After turning off the system, Ming Shu walked back slowly.

It was the first time he came here, and the corridors outside were all the same. Mingshu almost went in the wrong direction, so he asked the sea snake soldiers along the way in time, so he didn't spend more time.

About half an hour later, Mingshu returned to the side hall, and saw several sea snake soldiers standing outside the courtyard where he lived.

This battle, Xiu Qi is here again?

Ming Shu approached slowly, and just arrived at the gate of the courtyard, a private chat reminder sounded.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I just heard that Heihu was taken away, and that one who likes pink and blue shells

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Something feels wrong, have you gone to him today?

Through the translucent system panel, Ming Shu saw two rows of Sea Serpent soldiers standing in the courtyard, holding heavy iron weapons in their hands.

Standing in front of the corridor, Xiu Qi raised his eyes to look at Ming Shu, his eyes were piercingly cold.

Ming Shu's heart tightened, he gave Heihu something, did Xiu Qi know about it?

Or is it a coincidence that Heihu was taken away because his identity was exposed.

Surrounded by sea snake soldiers, Ming Shu couldn't escape, so he had to calm down and walk into the yard.

He approached Xiuju cautiously, and said anxiously: "Boss?"

Xiuju looked down at Mingshu, his clenched right hand was released, and some pink-blue powder fell from between his fingers to the ground.

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