Chapter 15: The Wolf-Eared Boy (15)

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The two of them overlapped each other intimately, and the quilt slid down to their waists.

I don't know if it's because the room is too quiet, Yuan Chen's breath is a little heavy, his eyes are as black as ink.

After a while, he retreated sideways and sat silently aside.

Ming Shu felt uneasy, he thought carefully about every mission before, and the relationship with Yuan Chen, there should be nothing exposed in front of him.

Even if he behaved a little strangely tonight, you shouldn't doubt him, right?

And he was only halfway there, and he hadn't had time to rummage over the wooden frame.

At present, Yuan Chen has the highest degree of favorability, and he should be the one he likes the most, but Ming Shu sometimes feels that everything he shows is not as obvious as Jing Chu.

Jing Chu's favorability score is 75, which is 5 points lower than Yuan Chen's. He pays close attention to Ming Shu, brings him food, conceals the fact that the trap may be destroyed by Ming Shu, and tells Ming Shu bluntly that he wants to kiss him.

Each npc has a different personality, but the value of favorability is a unified standard.

Ming Shu still decided to trust his own judgment, so he also stood up and sat up, hesitating and saying: "Well, actually... Actually, I'm not having a nightmare."

He slowly approached Yuan Chen, and burrowed into his arms again, While kissing his cheek flatteringly: "I just want to come to you and sleep with you."

Ming Shu's voice became smaller and smaller, Yuan Chen hesitated for a moment, still hugged him, and reached out to touch his hot chest. Cheek, and asked: "Want to sleep with me?"

[The npc favorability has been updated, please go to the list to check]

Ming Shu clicked on Yuan Chen's character details, and the favorability was updated to 85.

He still had a cold and questioning tone, as if he didn't believe his words, but he hugged Mingshu tightly in his arms, and his favorability increased by 5 points.

Seeing that this method really worked, Ming Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

The apprehension and tension in his heart dissipated, but his face was still red.

Whether it's inside or outside the dungeon, active or passive, it's the first time Mingshu has "fallen in love" and is so intimate with another man.

Perhaps because he knew that what he was seeing was an npc generated by the system, a bunch of data that could speak and think independently, Ming Shu didn't think too much about it, the most important thing was to save the last life point and pass the level successfully.

Besides, most of the characters in this dungeon have good looks, so Ming Shu won't be able to resist.

As a virtual love copy, it seems to be fine.

He tilted his head slightly, and rubbed his cheeks against Yuan Chen's palm: "Yeah."

Ming Shu lied, but his intimacy and shyness could not be faked, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Yuan Chen, showing off in the dim light. It's a little confusing.

When he kissed him just now, it was like a soft kitten's paw stepped on Yuan Chen's body lightly and quickly, making people itchy.

Yuan Chen's arms tightened, and he couldn't help kissing Ming Shu's small and red nose.

He was still very restrained, and the palm placed behind Mingshu slowly stroked his back.

"Ming Shu," Yuan Chen uttered again, and his hot breath was next to his ear, "I haven't asked, how old are you this year?" Ming Shu replied hesitantly, "I'm an adult." According to


truth Age, he seems to be one year older than Yuan Chen in the dungeon, he didn't know what Yuan Chen meant when he asked this suddenly, he said it ambiguously.

Yuan Chen was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice as if talking to himself: "So I'm an adult..."

Ming Shu's facial features are exquisite and delicate, she is more beautiful than many girls, and her body is also much slender, making her look younger than her actual age .

Ming Shu was about to ask what's the matter, Yuan Chen suddenly pinched his chin to force him to raise his face, then pressed down and kissed his lips.

He seemed to have no scruples, and his movements were urgent and heavy. Ming Shu was not prepared at all, and in a moment of panic, he pushed Yuan Chen away forcefully.

Suddenly his arms were empty, Ming Shu's resistance made Yuan Chen calm down quickly.

He rolled his Adam's apple up and down, adjusting his breathing.

Ming Shu realized that his reaction seemed to be a little too extreme, he said cautiously: " hurt me."

He pushed Yuan Chen away just now, because he was really defenseless against this, not because he resisted kissing Yuan Chen, Could it be... Yuan Chen used to think that he was underage, so he kept restraining himself?

"Let me see." Yuan Chen stretched out his hand, hugged Ming Shu again, and touched his lips very gently, "I'm sorry."

Even if Ming Shu took the initiative to come to him tonight, it was Ming Shu who took the initiative to kiss him, But Yuan Chen still didn't want to scare the other party.

They haven't been together long enough to take their time.

He returned to his previous appearance, and he no longer asked why Mingshu got up in the middle of the night.

It was already late at night, and Mingshu's plan to steal the toxins failed halfway, so he had to give up.

He became more and more sleepy, and leaned against Yuan Chen and yawned, tears welling from the corners of his eyes.

Yuan Chen held Ming Shu's hand, put it on his lips and kissed it: "Go to sleep."

Ming Shu himself said that he wanted to sleep with him, so it was impossible for him to let Ming Shu go back, and finally the two of them lay on the bed together .

Covered with a warm quilt, with another person's body temperature beside him, Ming Shu curled up in Yuan Chen's arms, and soon fell into a deep sleep.


When Ming Shu woke up the next day, Yuan Chen was nowhere to be seen, and he woke up earlier than herself.

Ming Shu touched the cold sheet beside him, and when he looked up, he saw that the brown coat from yesterday was still hanging on the wooden rack.

Ming Shu immediately lifted the quilt to get up and walked over slowly.

He confirmed that Yuan Chen was not outside the house, and opened his coat to look into the inner pocket.

There was nothing there, Yuan Chen took the poisonous bacteria away.

Ming Shu was a little disappointed, turned around and went back to the bed, changed her clothes and took a shower.

Not long after, Yuan Chen came back from the outside with Jing Shuang by his side.

Seeing Jing Shuang, Ming Shu immediately became vigilant.

Jing Shuang came to deliver breakfast. He was talking to Yuan Chen on the way, with a bright smile on his face, and Yuan Chen occasionally responded briefly.

Walking into the room, Jing Shuang looked at Mingshu, and shouted naturally: "Brother Mingshu, morning." Mingshu also smiled

at him: "Morning."

It seems to be harmonious, but actually they have different ideas.

Jing Shuang put down the two dinner plates in his hands, and said to himself: "I've been too free recently, and my father won't let me follow, why don't I come and play with Brother Mingshu later."

Yuan Chen is going to see Uncle Jing today , Ming Shu intends to continue to follow him.

He was thinking about how to refuse, when he raised his head and met Shang Jingshuang's gaze.

From an angle that Yuan Chen could not see, Jing Shuang was expressionless, his eyes were dark and threatening.

It seemed that as long as Mingshu refused, he would do something unpredictable.

Ming Shu deliberately revealed his identity to Yuan Chen, and he couldn't make mistakes at a critical moment. He bowed his head and agreed: "... yes."

Jing Shuang immediately smiled and sat down at the table: "Then I won't go back , so as not to make an extra trip."

Yuan Chen did not comment on this, Ming Shu felt distressed, and sat slowly opposite Jing Shuang.

Jing Shuang said that he had had breakfast before he came, and the food on the plate hadn't moved at all.

Yuan Chen had something to do in the morning, so he left first, leaving only Jing Shuang and Ming Shu in the room.

Ming Shu put down the bowl and asked, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Yuan Chen was not there, Jing Shuang stopped pretending, and stared at Ming Shu's face: "I found that you seem to like following Yuan Chen very much."

Yesterday Ming Shu also went out with Yuan Chen, and didn't come back until almost noon.

Ming Shu calmly said: "He took me back to the village, so..."

Yuan Chen was the one he was most familiar with, and he lived with him again, so it was normal for him to spend a long time together.

Jing Shuang snorted coldly, got up and walked to Ming Shu's side.

He leaned over to Mingshu, and twitched the tip of his nose lightly: "You still smell like him."

He seemed very dissatisfied with this, and there was a trace of hostility in his eyes: "Do you like him?"

Mingshu couldn't tell What Jing Shuang meant, quietly click on his character details.

[Name]: Jing Shuang

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 24

[Identity]: Werewolf

[Favourability]: 70 (full value: 100)

[Like]: Sweet blood

[Hate]: To be explored

[Features]: Actually It's very smooth, I need to find

the favorability of the method 70... What stage should it represent? Ming Shu recalled that when he met Jing Chu, the other party's favorability was also 70.

[Features] The description in that column is very vague, and Ming Shu has to guess by himself.

He tried to answer: "Of course not...he is human, and I am..."

Mingshu looked up at Jing Shuang, and what he looked like in werewolf form appeared in his mind, and continued: "It's a wolf."

Because He is a wolf, so he won't like Yuan Chen. To Jing Shuang, this sentence sounds like saying that he only likes the same kind.

Jing Shuang was quite satisfied with Mingshu's answer, straightened up, and gently stroked his side face with his fingers: "If you are my little wolf, I will naturally protect you."

Let Mingshu be his little wolf. He said it once before. Mingshu guessed that the meaning of "little wolf" was equivalent to the wolves driven by Jing Shuang.

He didn't make a sound, and lowered his eyes, which seemed to be a gesture of weakness and obedience.

The two got close, and Jing Shuang's eyes fell on the side of Ming Shu's neck, ready to move: "Give me a little more of your blood." Strange to say, the

first time he saw Ming Shu, Jing Shuang smelled him. werewolf breath.

But some of Mingshu's features and performances are different from ordinary werewolves.

Jing Shuang couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it. He didn't change into a werewolf today, but took out a knife from his body.

The night of the full moon is approaching, and he must replenish a little more energy.

He stared at his neck, Mingshu was frightened by his eyes and the knife, and tried to discuss with him: "I...I'm afraid of pain."

Escaping should be impossible, Mingshu took the initiative to roll up his sleeves, and asked timidly "Is the wrist okay?" Jing Shuang squinted, looked at his fair and delicate skin, and pressed the tip of his tongue

against the back molars: "Yes."

Shu's wrist slowly licked the blood.

Last time it was the right hand, this time it was the left hand, Ming Shu could only silently pray that Yuan Chen would not discover the wound, otherwise he would have to find a way to explain it.

Jing Shuang didn't need much blood, so he quickly let go of Mingshu, with a look of unsatisfactory expression.

He put away the knife and sat down at the table again: "Did Yuan Chen bring some poisonous mushrooms back?"

Ming Shu was carefully rolling up his cuffs to prevent his clothes from getting stained with blood from the wound, and his heart sank when he heard this.

Jing Shuang actually already knew...

Before he could answer, Jing Shuang said again: "I have other uses for stealing the things."

Ming Shu hesitated for a moment, then asked: "What is the use for?"

Jing Shuang raised the corners of his mouth: "You will know when the time comes."

He refused to say, and Ming Shu didn't dare to ask more.

Jing Shuang's request didn't trigger the task, so he didn't have to do it either.

Although Mingshu only needs to complete his own mission, he doesn't have to steal all the toadstools.

But now, he still has to deal with Jing Shuang... If he doesn't do it, Jing Shuang will definitely be angry.

Or...he made Yuan Chen think that Jing Shuang stole the toadstool.

Ming Shu's heart beat faster, he felt that this was feasible, but he had to think carefully about every step of the plan.

Otherwise, if he fails, he may expose his identity and offend Jing Shuang.

The author has something to say:

Shu Shu: Run away after finishing this ticket

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